6-27. Structure of the loose irregular fibrous connective tissue that is designated with the letter A: a. mast cell
b. macrophage+++
c. fibroblast
d. collagen fibre
e. ground substance
6-28. Structure of the loose irregular fibrous connective tissue that is designated with the letter Б: a. mast cell
b. adipocyte+++
c. fibroblast
d. collagen fibre
e. ground substance
6-29. Structure of the loose irregular fibrous connective tissue that is designated with the letter B: a. mast cell
b. adipocyte
c. fibroblast
d. collagen fibre+++
e. ground substance
6-30. Structure of the loose irregular connective tissue that is designated with the letter Г: a. mast cell
b. adipocyte
c. fibroblast+++
d. collagen fibre
e. ground substance
Сурет 7.1 Сұрақтары 7-1-ден 7-5-ке дейін 7.1 Суретте 7-1-ден 7-5-ке дейінгі сұрақтар бас әріптермен белгіленген.
Рис. 7.1 Вопросы с 7-1 по 7-5 Вопросы с 7-1 по 7-5 обозначены прописными буквами на Рис. 7.1