Abstract. This articleis devoted to the investigation of business names formation
processes on the territory of Ukraine. The work shows deep influences of such extralingual
factors as economic, ideological and social on name formations. The attention is also paid
to the description of main ergonymic functions. Lexical units, belonging to the common
vocabulary of the Ukranian and Russian languages, are mainly used for naming of
ergonymic objects. Among borrowings a great number of English words dominate, which
can be explained by the leading role of the English language in the world.
Key words: ergonym, ergonimiya, nomination, names formation, extra lingual
factors, motivation, main functions, borrowings.
Хабаршы №3-2015ж.
Naming became a certain part of our social life. Names reflect the condition
of society, showing its common and specific features. It’s possible to investigate
them on the examples of antroponyms, toponyms and especially on the examples
of ergonyms (proper names of different objects of human's activity) [1:166] and
pragmatonyms (trade marks) as quickly changing classes of onyms. The
description can be done by comparison of certain classes of onyms in different
historic periods, or in different parts of the country or even in different countries.
Location on different territories, agricultural or industrial surrounding produces a
strong influence on names formation. Historical peculiarities of different
settlements of the regions which are investigated are very important in the
processof producing names of different onymic groups. Such extralingual factors
as economic, ideological and cultural also should be taken into consideration.
Names always contain imprints of society’s culture and ideology. As onyms are
words and a part of linguistics their lexical, semantic and structural features should
also be analyzed.
Name is a very important component part of corporate identity of any
enterprise. Being officially recorded, ergonym begins to function in speech and
cannot be assigned to another object. The use of any names, including advertising,
may be carried out only with the permission of the copyright holder.
This investigation is devoted to naming processes in Ukranianergonymiya,
which isdifferent and polylingual. Ergonyms began to form in a language system at
the turn of the XIX-XX centuries[2, р. 56]. Historical features of settling in certain
territories originally contributed to names formation. Thus, the settlers from the
Crimea brought Urumand Rumeyan names intotoponymiya in southern areas,
which later began to be used in ergonymiya. Later in the nineteenth century,
merchants and craftsmen, who migrated to the Azov seashore from Italy, also had
an impact on the formation of naming system, trying to reflect in the names the
characteristics of their national culture and way oflife. The development of coal
mines on the south-eastern territory and the inflow of British capital caused the
emersion of English names for service facilities and entertainment places in a
residence of foreigners who came to work. In the past, companies usually got the
names of their owners[3, р. 38].
A lot of events happened on the territory of Ukraine during the XX-thcentury
which were reflected in names formation too. In 20s sudden changes in the society
caused the first wave of renaming. It was necessary to delete tsar’s symbols,
memorialize new soviet leaders, and provide certain promotional, advertising
After the revolution, in 20-30s and till the early 90s of the previous century
the names of ideological plan came into use and some of them have not lost their
ideological and political significance to the present day: shop «Прогресс»
(Progress), mines «Коммунист» (Communist), «Пионер» (Pioner), firm
«Патриот» (Patriot), machine building works «Победатруда» (Victory of
Labour), cinemas «Родина» (Motherland), «Победа» (Victory).
Some stores began to receive individual namesin the postwar years. So, a
shop «Фантазия» (Fantasy),a sport goods store «Олимпия» (Olympia), a jewelry
store «Жемчуг»(Pearls)appeared.
Хабаршы №3-2015ж.
The names were not very diverse in the 60-70s of the twentieth century:
«Продукты» (Foodstuffs),«Промтовары» (Manufactured goods),
«Хозяйственный» (Household), «Хлеб» (Bread), «Молоко» (Milk); service
objects «Парикмахерская» (Barber), «Прачечная» (Laundry), «Столовая»
(Dining Room). The positive side of such names was that they oriented customers
well: if the sign above the shop was Foodstuffs, nobody was going to buy furniture
or groom dogs there. Restaurants and cafés werethe only exceptions, but there
wasnot much diversity in their titles.The cafés «Мороженое» (Ice-cream),
Cafe)weremostly in every city. Names served as a "business card" of the city:
restaurants «Строитель» (Builder), «Металлург» (Metallurgist), «Приморский»
(Maritime). The second wave of renaming had similar goals as the first: the old
names were returned or appeared new ones in an old-style: shops «ЛавкаВласова»
(Vlasov’s Shop), «Купеческийамбар»(Merchant’s barn), «Московскийпривоз»
(Moscow supply), «Оконныйдвор»(Window yard), «Оконныйряд» (Window row),
cafe «Трактиръ» (Tavern), enterprises «Кузнечныйдвор» (Blacksmith yard),
«Кузнечнаялавка» (Blacksmith shop), «Кузнечнаямануфактура» (Forging
manufactory), confectionary «КондитерскийцехБуше» (Boucher's Confectionery
Shop); some schools got the old names too: gymnasium, lyceum.
Faceless numerals of the first half of the previous century did not say
anything about the specifics and functions of the objects. So private schools
already have names instead of numbers: «Лингва» (Lingua), «Малыш» (The
A great increase in the number of enterprises and the increase of the number
of ergonyms were observed in the 90-ies of the twentieth century under the
influence of political and economic reforms in the country.
A.V.Superanskaya, the famous linguist,pointed out that a proper name has
the following basic features: 1) it is given to an individual object and not to a class
of objects that have features characteristic of all individuals within the class; 2) a
named object is always well defined and distinguishable, outlined; 3) the name is
not directly related to the concept and has no clear and unambiguous connotations
on a language-level [4, р. 324].
Requirements for ergonyms coincide with the requirements of J. Verkman to
trademarks[5:15]: «... they should be clear and not cause great difficulties from the
side of perception, be logical, produce the same experience regardless of the
conditions in which they are perceived, have the property of being easily
misinterpreted anywhere; avoid ambiguity».
The naming processes are usually determined by specific geographical and
industrial motivation. The motivation of naming in the south-eastern part of
Ukraine can be divided into three types:
Location of the region on the coast of the Azov Sea, and there are a lot of
marine names in the nomination: cafe «Акватория» (Aquatoriya), shops «Волна»
(Wave), «Прибой» (Surf),«Альбатрос» (Albatross), «Дельфин» (Dolphin),
«Курортный» (Resort), «Белыйпарус» (White sail); rest house «Голубаяволна»
(Blue wave), hotel and café «Чайка» (Sea-gull), cafés «Отдых» (Relaxation),
«Парус» (Sail), «Фрегат» (Frigate), names of hotels «Моряк» (Seaman),
«Морская» (Maritime), «Якорь» (Anchor), mini-market «Пристань» (Pier).
Хабаршы №3-2015ж.
Development of the metallurgical branch of industry in this region,
which is also reflected in ergonymiya: firms «Азовметаллургстрой»
(Azovmetallbuild), «Металл» (Metall), «Металлопрокат» (Metall rolling),
«Метснабресурс» (Metsupplyresource), «Металл» (Metall), «Металл-ресурс»
(Metallform), «Метинвестхолдинг» (Metinvestholding), «Укрстальсервис»
Availability of coal mining industry is also recflected in the nomination:
a supermarket «Шахтер» (Miner), rest camps «Шахтерскиезори» (Miner’s
dawns), «Шахтостроитель» (Minebuilder), «Уголек» (A small piece of coal),
sanatorium «Шахтер» (Miner), cafe «Уголек» (A small piece of coal), cinemas
«Шахтер» (Miner), «Горняк» (Miner), hairdresser «Горнячка» (Minress/ a
female miner).
Landmarks south and east are used much more often in naming, than words
north and westbecause they have been fixed in the south-eastern part of Ukraine.
Our research shows that the names of objects are usually motivated.
Originally a nominator gives certain functions to a name. Almost all considered
ergonyms carry a positive emotive charge (positive connotation).
When a name is given to any urban object its semantic direction changes.
Thus, the noun обжора (great eater, glutton), that denotes a fat person with
excessive appetite and often with a large body, after the opening of the supermarket
«Обжора», might produce associations with plenty of theirsold and purchased
The main functions of ergonyms are: nominative, informative and
advertising, but here should be mentioned the effect of a psychological function, as
the name impacts (sometimes through advertising) the subconscious of potential
recipients, provides confidence in high quality of goods or services. Security
function of ergonyms is in the owner’s exclusive right to use the name, which
guarantees him/her legislative protection from unfair competitiors.
The main role of the informative function is to inform recipients about
activities of institutions, businesses and other organisations. The information may
be rendered through the description of their activities or location of organisations.
The main task of the owner is through the title to report the information about the
organisation or company which is directly connected with its activities.
In the 90s due to a sharp increase of the number of ergonyms, weakening of
their informative function, but strengthening of the advertising function are
observed.One of the tasks of the advertising function is an impact on the
subconscious level of the human mind.
Names form an image representation about activities of the object, which
acts on the conscious and subconscious of a client. At a subconscious level, it
creates a certain social and psychological setting, which predicts choice. Affecting
feelings and emotions, the name of the object convinces in its significance and
indicates exclusivity. A successful name is able to excite imagination and cause
emotional reaction regarding this object. Bright and emotional name carries an
advertising function and it expands the range of clients. The name of a company
models its image to take advantage of its goods or services at the lowest cost.
To strengthen the advertising function ergonyms should be aesthetic, laconic,
Хабаршы №3-2015ж.
and be easily remembered and pronounced. All the diversity of ideas that arises in
the human mind can be expressed through verbalized elements. The name, created
by taking into account mentality, stereotypes, conscious and subconscious mind of
people, carries special social, psychological and cultural values that promote a
favorable emotional perception.
Today, names of objects perform the advertising function everywhere: on
television, commercial posters along city avenues, billboards, on promotional
leaflets in transport and in our postboxes.
High quality products, proper service and entertainment prolong the life of
ergonyms and promote the successful transformationof a name into a brand.
The role of certain functions cannot remain unchanged with time. They
develop, depending on economic, political and social conditions in society. Due to
competition some functions might become stronger and others might become
weaker. After some time, their positions may change.
Perception of created names depends on extra linguistic context in which
they operate. Thus, over the years of independence names transmitting national
character and national traditions of Ukraine and providing valuable information
about the history and culture of the region appeared. These names help to
understand the processes of formation of the people’s mentality, show the
relationship of onomastic units with the vocabulary of other languages, reasons and
processes of borrowing foreign vocabulary, its distribution and functioning in
While selecting an object the consumer orients not only to its name, but also
to other characteristics: location (geographic proximity), affordability, high level of
service, quality guarantee. Here are the roots of the importance of the economic
factor in nomination. In fact, the name itself reflects the fight for a client, for the
absorption of his attention among similar competitive companies. So, a
successfully created name and marketing knowledge allow the owner and his team
to take the winning solution using purposefully formed or already existing demand.
Earlier, because of domination of state ownership, in the absence of competition
and scarcity of the commodity market, concern about naming objects of human
activity was almost unnecessary. Economic and political transformation in the
country at late XX – early XXI centuries could not avoidthe impact of the
development of commercial activities. The number of industrial and trade
businesses in major industrial regions of Ukraine has significantly increased.
Dynamics of growth of enterprises is reflected in a variety of ways of ergonyms
formation, which are not always consistent, but often spontaneous.
Economic competitiveness of enterprises suggests that the title should
contain information, attracting potential clients to the services of this firm. This
pragmatism is in the impact on the recipient by the nominator.
The name is a guarantee of the quality of a company. The client, who has
received high quality services, desires to get them again. And on the contrary after
receiving a bad product or service of low quality, the customer will not only wish
to ask for that service again, but will create anti-advertising in his/her environment.
Thus, having existed for some period of time, ergonyms acquire the ability to cause
both positive and negative associations. For the success of an enterprise its name
should play a role not only of legal designations of the firm but also it should serve
Хабаршы №3-2015ж.
as an element of the company image. The name served to communicate
information about the object to a number of individuals, whom the object is
concerned to.
The entire vocabulary of names is responsive to political, social, cultural
changes in society. Ideological factors affect the state of ergonyms at all stages of
the history of the city or even a region. Signs on the institutions vary according to
governmental decisions. This relates primarily to administrative and state
enterprises, institutions and organisations. Changes in the social and political
situation affect ergonimiya of any city.
Thus, city ergonymiya as well as toponymiya are products of social and
political systems, which reflect everything that happens in society: cultural, social,
political and economic processes. Influenced by various political transformations in
society ergonyms can turn into ideologemes of the social consciousness of their
time. Despite of the large influx of romantic "fancy" names and names pointing on
the location of objects and the type of products or services provided, ergonymiya
remains one of the most ideologised areas of onymic space.
National and cultural identity of nominative units is reflected in wide use of
vocabulary that cannot be translated and can be understood only by native
speakers, for example, a travel agency «ГалопомпоЕвропам», (Crossing Europe
very fast) – phraseological unit; cafe «Гуси-лебеди» (Geese-swans) – under the
name of a folk tale; café «Кавказскаяпленница» (Kidnapped Caucasian female) –
by the name of a famous comedy film; café «ПапаКарло» (Daddy Carlo) – the
name of one of the characters in Tolstoy’s fairy tale «Золотойключик» (Golden
Key), cafe «Птичьемолоко» (Bird's milk) – its name indicates the abundance of
dishes of any kind, even it has “bird milk”; bookstore «Буквоед» (Verbalist, letters
eater) – for lovers of reading.
There are words that can be found in the names of shops, hotels and other
objects almost in every city of Ukraine: «Киев» (Kiev), «Украина» (Ukraine),
«Дружба» (Friendship), «Престиж» (Prestige).
As the basis of the nomination the following factors are marked: social,
economic, political, cultural and historical. Ergonymic system has a dual nature –
its formation is influenced by both natural and social factors.
Periodically objects change their names. At certain stages in history,
economic and political processes form new spiritual priorities that manipulate the
consciousness of the population and contribute to renaming, which does not always
have a positive effect on the development of the literary language.
In naming processes nominators worry about the impression of firms’ names
and use terminological lexicon. In contrast, in the category of objects of trade,
services and entertainment owners turn to general linguistic imagery for meaning,
which isemotionally attractive.
The fact of the interaction of the Ukrainian and Russian languages constantly
presents. The transition from the first state of bilingualism into polylingualism
begansince the mid-90s with the massive current of foreign words. Economic
situation of the post-Soviet period contributed to the appearance on the territory of
Ukraine a range of joint ventures and offices of foreign investors with foreign-
language titles. Most of these names are world-famous brands and designers’
names. Their meanings are clear and do not require a deep knowledge of the
Хабаршы №3-2015ж.
languages from which they were borrowed. English words and phrases play a
dominant role among other borrowings. French names are also present in names as
France for many years has had a positive reputation for elegance and luxury items.
In recent years, the same factors contribute to the spread of Italian names, as well
as through melody of Italian language. High quality of German products and
precision machinery led into use German names of famous car brands. Also joint
Ukrainian-German enterprises in their names contain the name of a German co-
owner or a place name, indicating the location of the head office.
In recent years a number of names borrowed from other languages appeared
and also some errors in lexical and spelling rules were noticed.
Peculiarities of the political situation in which the society is nowadays,
explain a large influx of foreign words which are used to name objects of private
business: shops, clubs, cafes and salons. English words predominate among
borrowings: airline Federal Express, pharmacy Welcome, the hotel Azania, cafe
Mc Pizza & Chicken, shops Cabani, Second Hand, etc.
Advertisement sand television program sarefull of foreign words. Foreign
investors also contribute to the names formation. Emerging join tv enturestend to
have unusual names. Goods produced by the secompaniesal sooften have foreign
names. Some of domestic enterprises for fashion are called in English too, as if
pointing with its same name to their European quality.
Primarily prestigious and international words are borrowed. Particularly
prevalent among English-speaking ergonymsare names of computer clubs:
Android, Hilton, Spider; internet cafés: Matrix, Neo; nightclub sand entertainment
facilities for young people: Chicago Bowling, Cyber Zone Club, Mooncity, Redline.
This tendency can be explained by the fact that Englis his widely use damong
computer users as well as other segments of the population.
As a result, new words, including trademarks (andergonyms), having
appeared in one country quickly become well known in many others. For example,
you can find McDonaldse very where.
However, the sound is the main party in perception, whereas the value of
foreign words is understandable only to those who mastered the language. In
addition, there is some vocabulary, which cannot be translated into another
language because of absence of similar concepts and facts. Words and phrases that
have specific meanings are clear to native speakers, but not always to a recipient.
So, transliteration of "a speaking name" leads to semantic losses. Translation
sometimes causes introduction of alien national colour.
The name of any property object is a proper name so it may not be always
translated into another language correctly, it must be recreated anew in the host
language. The translation of proper names is affected by their structural, semantic
and stylistic features. However, there are so-called word realities that may exist in
only one language and cannot be translated.
Foreign names appear as a result of different political, economic and cultural
changes in our life. The process of transformation of foreign words into the native
language receives much attention these days, but it has not been investigated
completely yet and requires further research.
The current process of ergonyms formation happens due to the formation of
new ergonymic units with the help of various ways and means. Ergonyms can also
Хабаршы №3-2015ж.
be presented as symbols, figures and other characters which may be the subject of
further research.
Подольская Н.В. Словарь русской ономастической терминологии. – М.:
Наука, 1988. – 170 с.
Суперанская А.В. Товарные знаки и знаки обслуживания // В
пространстве филологии: [Сб. ст.] / Отв. ред. В.М. Калинкин. – Донецк: Юго-
Восток, 2002. – 55 – 71 с.
Сидоренко Е.Н. Номинационные процессы в полилингвальной эргонимии
онетчины. / Дис. …канд.филол. н.: 10.02.15. – Донецк, 2013. – 210 с.
Суперанская А.В. Общая теория имени собственного. – М.: Наука, 1973. –
367 с.
Веркманк. Дж. Товарные знаки. – М.: Прогресс, 1986. – 520 с.
Сидоренко Е.Н.
Экстралингвалық факторлардың эргонимдердің қалыптасуына әсері
Мақалада Украинаның іскер объектілерінің номинациялықпроцестері
қарастырылады. Экономикалық, идеологиялық және әлеуметтік экстралингвалды
факторлардың қалыптасының әсері көрсетілген.
Кілт сөздер: эргоним, эргонимия, номинация, аттардың қалыптасуы,
экстралингвальды факторлар, мотивация, негізгі функциялар, қарыздар.
Сидоренко Е.Н.
Влияние экстралингвальных факторов на формирование эргонимов
В статье рассматриваются процессы номинации деловых объектов в
Украине. Показано влияние на образование названий таких экстралингвальных
факторов как экономический, идеологический и социальный. Описаны основные
функции эргонимов. Отмечено использование лексических единиц украинского и
русского языков как основных источников формирования названий. Среди
заимствований доминирующее положение занимают англицизмы, что объясняется
лидирующим положением английского языка в мире.
Ключевые слова: эргоним, эргонимия, номинация, образование имен,
экстралингвальные факторы, мотивация, основные функции, заимствования.
ӘОЖ: 82 (574)
Мүтиев З.Ж. – ф.ғ.к., М. Өтемісов атындағы БҚМУ
E-mail:mutiev_ziynolla @mail.ru
Сапарова Ж.К. – М. Өтемісов атындағы БҚМУ магистранты
E-mail: zhakalek-sk@mail.ru
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