57. Mediastinum (Средостение): The region in the middle of the chest that contains the heart, great vessels, and other structures. 58. Pleura (Плевра): The membrane surrounding the lungs and lining the chest cavity, which allows smooth lung movement during breathing. 59. Capacity (Вместимость):The maximum amount or volume that something can hold or contain. 60. Infant (Младенец): A very young child or baby. 61. Pharynx (Глотка): The part of the throat that connects the mouth and nasal passages to the esophagus and larynx. 62. Esophagus (Пищевод): A muscular tube connecting the throat to the stomach, allowing food and liquids to pass from the mouth to the stomach. 63. Pancreas (Поджелудочная железа):An organ that produces digestive enzymes and regulates blood sugar levels. 64. Gland (Железа): An organ or group of cells that produces and secretes substances for various bodily functions. 65. Duodenum (Двенадцатиперстная кишка): The first section of the small intestine where most of the digestion and nutrient absorption occur. 66. Jejunum (тощая кишка): The middle section of the small intestine responsible for further nutrient absorption. 67. Ileum (Повздошная кишка): The final section of the small intestine that connects to the large intestine and absorbs remaining nutrients and vitamins. 68. Caecum (Слепая кишка):A pouch-like structure at the beginning of the large intestine, involved in fermentation and absorption of certain substances. 69. Colon (Толстая кишка): The main part of the large intestine responsible for water and electrolyte absorption.