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Refrences and notes: 
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[2] Putintsev S.V. Mekhanichesky poter v porshniyvikh 
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[3] Grebennikov, 
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[4] Ivanov, R.V. Diyagnosika i opravlyniya tekhnycheskikh 
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[7] Karelina, M.Yu. Isledovanya vliyanya nanostrytirovanya 
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A.V. Pydrin // Truck. – 2015. – №2. – С. 29-37. [In Russian] 

[8] Putintsev, S.V. Snishenya mekhanicheskykh poter v 
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[9] Gaidar, S.M.; Povishinya iznostoykosti uzlov trinya 
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[12] Vakhlamov V.K. Avtomobili: trplyatasioni svoistva 
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/ Vladimir Konstantinovich 
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с. [In Russian] 
[13] Litvinov A.S., Farobin Ya.E. Avtomobili: teoria 
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Properties]: Textbook for higher educational institutions in the 
specialty "Automobiles and Automotive Economy". – Moscow: 
Mechanical Engineering, 1989. – 240 с. [In Russian] 
© A.KH. Al-Jumaili, 2020 

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