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6 2 7

A ncient w ritten literary m onum ents represent a valuable asset o f our national 
history and culture. T he publication o f these historical values is the crucial national 
issue o f any civilized State.
T he first P resident o f the R epublic o f K azakhstan-E lbasy N .A . N azarb ay ev in his 
article «T he Seven Facets o f the G reat S teppe» noted: «T he G reat Steppe also gave 
rise to a galaxy o f prom inent figures. A m ong them are such large-scale figures as al- 
Farabi and Y assaui, K ul-T egin and B eibars, Tauke and A bylay, K enesary and A bay 
and m any others. T herefore, w e should ... it is necessary to system atize and enhance 
the activities aim ed to create and d issem inate the p op ular science series «O utstanding 
P ersonalities o f the G reat S teppe» - «U ly D ala tulgalary», covering a w ide historical 
horizon ».
In this regard, w ritten m onum ents o f ancient and m edieval Turkic literature, show ing 
the im portance o f K azakh literature and culture, have not yet been published in the 
form o f an anthology. A lthough prom in ent O riental scholars and Turkologists o f the 
S oviet era studied and published ancient Turkic literary m onum ents to a certain extent, 
the publication o f Turkic literary m onum ents o f religious co ntent w as prohibited and 
for the sam e reason, m any publications o f ancient literature w ere subject to censorship, 
as a result, m any texts w ere published w ith distortions. In order to com pensate this 
gap, the M .O. A uezov Institute o f L iterature and A rt has begun publishing the five- 
volum e «A nthology o f A ncient L iterature», «T reasures o f the G reat Steppe» series as 
part o f the State task «D evelopm ent and Study o f W ritten L iterary M onum ents o f the 
A ncient, M edieval Periods and P reparation» o f the M inistry o f E ducation and Science 
o f the R epublic o f K azakhstan.
The publication o f this anthology, w hich is carried out in our country for the first 
tim e system atically, contributes to the solution o f the tasks set in the article o f the 
President o f the R epublic o f K azakhstan N .A . N azarbayev «Seven Facets o f the Great 
Steppe», as w ell as a m ore com plete fam iliarization o f the people w ith the treasures 
o f spiritual culture, take care o f the aesthetic education o f the readers on the best 
exam ples o f national art culture.
In the course o f preparing the volum es o f this series, extensive search and textual 
studies w ork w as carried out to ensure reliable reading o f the sources. In the process 
o f preparing the volum es, such circum stances w ere taken into account w hich result 
the aim o f this series: 1) publish literary m onum ents published in separate books., 2) 
publish all texts stored in m anuscripts. 3) publish the texts o f literary m onum ents o f 
the M iddle A ges in the original form , in w hich they reached us.
The m ain feature o f the series «Treasures o f the G reat Steppe» is that m ost o f the 
literary m onum ents w ritten in the Turkic language w ill be first published in translation 
into the K azakh language. The anthology w ill include the selected w orks o f ancient

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