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ezhelgi duir debietinin antologiiasy tom 1

literature, the m ost specific for their type o f culture, for the tim e and people w ho 
created them - w ithout any restrictions in type or genre. H ere are m onum ents- sources, 
reliable evidences o f social history and cultural history; m onum ents creating an 
artistic, sym bolic im age o f the tim e; giving a critical analysis o f tim e or draw ing the 
contours o f other, m ore advanced form s o f social life.
In accordance w ith the rules o f the anthology, the texts in it are published in full
w ithout exceptions and shortages, in the form in w hich they have reached us in the 
sources - m anuscripts, prim ary publications. The principle o f «authenticity» o f the 
text in the publications o f T urkic-language w orks is im plem ented in the scientific 
type o f translation, w hich assum es an adequate transfer o f the content and, if possible, 
stylistic features o f the m onum ent using the K azakh language, w ithout m odernization 
o f the text.
All volum es in the series w ill be published in chronological order. The first volum e 
consists o f selected w orks o f literary m onum ents o f ancient literature o f the pre-Islam ic 
period. Each volum e begins w ith an introductory article o f the m ain editorial board, at 
the end o f all volum es there will be scientific annexes, w hich include: inform ation on 
published texts, a b rie f historical and literary and textological analysis o f texts, a list 
o f used literature, and a sum m ary in R ussian and English.
The first volum e o f the «A debi zhadigelerler» series consists o f the patterns o f 
literature o f the P rototurkic period, literary m onum ents o f the Turkic K aganate, and 
literary w orks o f the IX -X th centuries.
The volum e begins w ith the excerpts from the collection o f «A vesta», the m ain 
holy book o f the Z oroastrians, the spiritual foundation o f Persian and Turkic culture, 
the pearl o f the ancient religious thought and the literary and artistic w ork o f the East. 
For the first tim e in this K azakh anthology, excerpts from the «A vesta» are published 
in the translation o f the C andidate o f philological sciences Torali Kydyr.
The B uddhist doctrine w ork «A ltun Yaruk», w ritten in a T urkic-Sogdian letter, 
contains the w ise w ords o f the Buddha, urging the m ankind for good. The m anuscript 
o f this w ork represented interest as a m onum ent to the pre-Islam ic B uddhist culture o f
the Turks. The m onum ent o f the C hristian doctrine content «A doration o f the M agi», 
in the Turkic language o f the pre-M ongol period, is given in the book by S.E. M alov 
«M onum ents o f the A ncient Turkic W riting». The texts o f these m onum ents w ere first 
translated into the K azakh by the C andidate o f philological sciences T. Kydyr, w hich 
are presented in this volum e o f the anthology.
The ancient Turkic w ritten m onum ent «M aitri Sim it N om B itig» is also considered 
one o f the m onum ents o f Turkic-Sogdian w riting. This m edieval m onum ent is 
w ritten in the style o f «A ltun Yaruk». This w ork w as prepared for publication by the 
Turkologist Y erkinzhan Sylam khan.
T he w ritten m on u m en ts « K u l-teg in (« L arge in scrip tio n » ), « B ilg e-k ag an »
(«S m all in scrip tio n » ) and «T onyuku k» are the o u tstan d in g creatio n s o f the era o f

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