Keywords: international students, contribution of international students to the economy,, intellectual contribution
of international students, contribution to the United States and Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus Economy, lan-
guage and culture, knowledge and wisdom.
ducation has always been a very important subject
throughout the history of every nation, especially to
those who were once a dominant power in the region or even
in the World.
They have always tried to offer quality education to its cit-
izens and all other people who were looking for it. This is be-
cause, being in a pick of knowledge and innovation and at-
tracting more people or students to your country will not only
promote your language, culture, knowledge, and wisdom but
it will keep your name in the history and will increase your in-
fluence in the world.
We have to notice that, all the huge empires like Persian,
Ottoman, Portuguese, Russian or British Empires; they all
were a hub of knowledge and innovation during its time. In
fact, every scholar or the student tried to migrate to these
places to extend their knowledge and experience, to con-
duct researches and finally yet importantly to have a better
future. In return, these students or scholars offered their loy-
alty, wisdom, knowledge, innovation to the country and con-
tributed to the development of the society.
When we talk about foreign students who are studying
in any other country than his own, mainly, we are talking
about brilliant minds, hardworking and stubborn students
who were different than most of their country mates in terms
of knowledge, self-discipline, organization and hardworking
qualities. It made them be able to enroll mostly in the Uni-
versities, which were highly ranked and technologically ad-
vanced, and usually in developed countries.
Let us have a closer look at the benefits of opening your
doors to the international students at the modern age, the
age of technology, innovation, and globalization.
First of all, International students contribute to the
economy of the country. Every student has to pay for his or
her tuitions, accommodation, food and all other living ex-
penses during his or her studies which are thousands of dol-
lars every year.
The United States of America, in 2013 hosted 19 % of the
world»s international students, which makes their numbers
as high as 4.1 million people. [1]
According to the research conducted by National Asso-
ciation for Foreign Students Advisors (NAFSA), Interna-
tional students contributed $39.4 billion dollars and created
or supported more than 450,000 thousand jobs to the United
States economy in 2016–2017 academic year [2].
Open Door 2017 reports that 67 percent of all interna-
tional students receive their fund from the source outside of
the United States including personal and family sources as
well as assistance from their home country governments or
universities. [3]
As we have mentioned above, the financial contribution by
International students to the United States economy in 2016,
is greater than Nominal Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of
more than 97 countries for the year of 2016.
For example, some of the countries would be like Jordan,
Turkmenistan, Azerbaijan, Paraguay, Bolivia, Bahrain,
Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia and Latvia.