Issn 2073-333x международный научный журнал

Summary. This article discusses how motivation affects the worldview of students both internal and external. Key words

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Наука и жизнь Казахстана №3 2020 РСИУ (1)

Summary. This article discusses how motivation affects the worldview of students both internal and external.
Key words: motivational speech, motivational messages, inspiration encouragement
“Dream is not what you see in your sleep; rather it is something for which you cannot sleep until you get 
it. So always choose doing over dreaming that bring success in the future.”
Effective teachers do not only transfer knowledge to students, but are reflective and eager to understand 
their students so as to establish a culture in the classroom that supports student achievement. We all 
need sample motivational speech at some point or other in our lives. Motivation is the driving force in our 
lives, and people generally require motivation to do any job. For the same reason, it is important to keep 
motivating students, employees, teachers, etc. so they remain motivated and take on new challenges in life.
Writing a good motivating speech is art and cannot be written haphazardly. It should follow a proper 
format with an introduction, middle, and end. So if you want to give a motivational speech and are looking for 
motivational speech templates, then you have come to the right place. Here you will find motivational speech 
templates in Word and PDF format.
Who doesn't love a little pick me up? This is the reason why TED talks are so popular. We love learning 
through other people's experiences. When we're down in the dumps, a small bout of motivational medicine can 
be enough to lift someone up and out of their slump.
Motivational Messages for Students 
Students have lots of courage and power, but it needs to channelize in a right way to give them a 
beautiful life in the future. Motivational words teach them to stay positive in any situation and it leads them to 
the bright future. Motivational message for the student is full of inspiration and encouragement.
Essays have been around for who knows how long, expressing ideas and opinions of different people 
from all over the world. We have been asked to write an essay for as long as we can remember, and we have 
already developed our skills in essay writing.

Қазақстанның ғылымы мен өмірі. №3 2020 
By now, we may have familiarized the three basic parts of an essay: the introduction, the body, and the 
conclusion. Basically, essays are supposed to have these three parts. Writing an essay may be simple to some 
who may have gotten used to the process, but for beginners, essay writing can be a bit challenging.
Descriptive Essays A descriptive essay is an essay that describes someone or something in colorful, vivid 
detail. The intent is to create a visual picture with words for the reader. When writing the essay, it is important to 
observe and record specific details that appeal to the reader’s senses (sight, hearing, touch, smell and taste). Take 
a look at these sentences and observe the differences in terms of their potential interest to the reader. Example: “In 
the window there was a fan.” (No appeal to the senses) Example: “The dusty window fan creaked as its rusty blades 
circulated the humid, musty air from outside into the apartment.” (In this sentence, there is an appeal to the senses. 
Which senses are triggered?) Please choose a topic below and write a descriptive essay rich in sensory details. .
– First, brainstorm a list of as many details that support the topic. Use as many senses to describe a 
scene, a person, or an event. . 
– Then, organize your details (physical order, size, or another appropriate order to the topic). . 
– Begin to write the essay and include a strong topic sentence that speaks to the topic of the essay. 
– Develop an introductory paragraph, body paragraph(s), and a concluding paragraph. . 
– Reread and revise your essay. 
– Proofread and evaluate your essay using the self-evaluation checklist. 
Topic choices: People and events shape our lives. A certain person or a particular experience might 
have influenced us positively or negatively. Write about a person or experience which has shaped your life in 
positive or negative way. You have just attended a concert, sports event, or a family gathering that you found to 
be very enjoyable. Write about the event and use vivid detail to help the reader feel as if they were at the event. 
Tell the reader why the event was so meaningful to you. Describe from memory a place that you visited as a 
child. Write about the place and give the reader enough details so that the importance of the place is revealed.
If you've been tasked with this wonderful opportunity, we hope these five steps to writing a motivational 
speech will help you draw massive crowds and start changing countless lives, one truth at a time.
1. Be Clear About Your Message
Have you ever listened to someone deliver a speech and, although they were quite affable, wondered, 
"What in the world are they even talking about?" It might've felt disjointed or like they were moving all over 
the map. The problem there is that they probably weren't super clear themselves about the message they 
wanted to deliver. So, the first step for writing a motivational speech is to have a clear and concise message.
You might compare it to the thesis statement of an essay. It's one sentence that defines the entirety of 
everything else that's to come. If you can focus on that one, central focus, then you can direct every ensuing 
point back to that main motivational idea.
If you consider some of the most famous motivational speakers in the world, you'll note that every one 
of their speeches has one central theme. They don't speak on multiple topics within singular speeches; they 
focus on one powerfully potent thought. Tony Robbins has been transforming lives for years. 
2. Start With a Bang
Of all the components of a speech, your opening lines are the most important. A good hook is absolutely 
crucial to your success. You may be likable; you may have great energy; but if you don't say something to perk 
up the ears in the crowd, you'll have lost them even before you've begun.
3. Share Narratives
There are a few ways to really connect with your audience. The first is eye contact. As you move around 
the room, it's so important to continually scan the crowd and make the audience feel as though you're speaking 
to them directly.
As you scan the crowd, share a personal narrative or two. Think of it like a conversation between 
friends. We're all interrelational on one level or another. Sharing a personal narrative will help you forge that 
connection in a way that straightforward facts and figures cannot.
Consider these Narrative Essay Examples. Although they're intended for the written word, you can see 
how one moving snippet is enough to move an entire audience.
4. Keep the Audience in Mind
If you consider the word "motivate," it implies action of some sort. This means your motivational speech 
can't be self-focused. Rather, you have to be the driving force that motivates the audience to some sort of 
action. Consider your speech as a two-way street. Ask rhetorical questions when possible.

Наука и жизнь Казахстана. №3 2020
Simply put, you never want to focus on yourself, your testimony, or your narratives. Rather, you want 
to keep the audience as your primary focus. Will they understand what you're saying? Can they relate to your 
narratives? Are you providing them with enough examples to encourage them to go out and make a change? 
As an added bonus, keeping the focus on them (and not on you) will help keep your nervousness at bay.
5. Conclude With a Compelling Thought
Like the hook, the manner in which you close is also important. We humans are so fickle and distracted, 
it's very possible your audience will walk out of the room and forget everything you just said.
But, you can stay with them if you can close in a manner that lingers in their mind. Ask them to take 
some sort of action. Ask them to step outside their busy lives and do something peculiar to them. Or, you 
can simply ask a rhetorical question that they can answer within their own minds. A motivational speech is a 
persuasive speech. You want to foster some type of positive change. 
Many struggling readers and writers have decided that improving their reading and writing skills is 
not worth the effort. Teachers may not know what to do when confronted with students who do not or will 
not read or write. When school leaders are aware of the connection between student motivation, engagement, 
and achievement, and know the strategies and practices that have been effective in breaking through students' 
resistance, they can support necessary changes in classroom environments, instructional practices, and school 
culture. Principals can support teachers' professional development, sponsor discussions among teachers about 
what they can do to infuse their content-area teaching with the effective practices mentioned in this chapter, 
and ensure that classroom environments and instruction include a strong focus on student motivation and 
engagement. Caring teachers, along with instructional and environmental supports, can go a long way to 
turning around a history of failure for many adolescent readers and writers.

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