Қызылорда облыстық ОҚу орталығЫ (Әдістемелік кабинет)

Task A Circle the word that can replace the underlined word without changing the meaning  Example

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11. Емтихан тапсырмаларынын жинагы. 9-сынып. 1- том

Task A Circle the word that can replace the underlined word without changing the meaning 
Example: (0) stern recapitulate look preserve 
1. Honor happiness sadness win
2. colorful thought-provoking nice curious
3. actually truly apparently essentially
4. turn to advantage turn to disadvantage misuse see
5. malnourished sleepy excited ravenous
Task B Complete the second sentence so that it has similar meaning to the first one. Do not 
change the word given.
Example 0.If you had to sum up George Washington's life in one word, that word would have to 
be unforgettable. 
Answer: In one word ,unforgettable could be used to sum up George Washington’s life....... 
6.At the end of his life, in 1799, George was an international hero. 
He became_________________________________________________________________ 
7.But, if you look back into George's early years, you will see that things were not 
always so rosy. 
In early years______________________________________________________________ 

Ағылшын тілі 
9-сынып емтихан тапсырмалары 
8.As for the Indians, they were generally friendly, and were good trading partners. 
The Indians_________________________________________________________________ 
9.All in all, George's young years were full of carefree wandering in a new, virgin land.
George' s young years _________________________________________________________ 
10.After all, in 1789, he was elected the first president of the United States, a country that was to 
become the most powerful in the world. 
The United States, ___________________________________________________________ 
11.The French and Indian War was a learning experience for George, one that he would later 
exploit in the War for American Independence. 
He made use ____________________________________________________________ 
12.In this war, it is said that George's fiery leadership inspired his American troops when they 
were starving and cold.
Soldiers were _______________________________________________________________ 
13.It gave him an opportunity to make a living, and at the same time see the country, which at 
the time was full of wild animals and Indians.
While in Army_______________________________________________________________ 
14.Indeed, twenty years later, George was dressed in an American uniform, and fighting not 
against the French, but against the British. 
By being vestured_____________________________________________________________ 
15.A lover of Nature, George became a surveyor with the Army, a job which led him further and 
further into the wild, unknown country. 
George's job _________________________________________________________________ 

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