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11. Емтихан тапсырмаларынын жинагы. 9-сынып. 1- том

Task C Answer the questions 
16.When did the first American president die?
17.‘‘Life is like a rose garden, full of flowers and thorns’’. Liken this to George
Washington’s life? 
18.War is generally believed to yield only evil. Can you contradict this popular belief 
using George Washington’s life?

Ағылшын тілі 
9-сынып емтихан тапсырмалары 
Жалпы білім беретін мектептерге. ІІІ нұсқа 
Read the text.
The tradition of Christmas cards 
Christmas cards are a big tradition in the English-speaking world. In 2017, people in 
Britain sent and received about 900 million cards. That is an (0) average of about twelve cards 
for every person, from tiny babies to the oldest grandparents. 
The number of cards that are sent around Britain causes an annual (1) headache for the 
postal service. Each year, the postal service has to (2) take on seasonal staff to help with the 
extra mail, and postal sorting offices are stretched to their maximum capacity and sometimes 
In 1994, the service handled about 1.6 billion cards – about 25 cards per person in Great 
Britain, including children. In spite of advertisements telling people to "Post Early for 
Christmas", few people get round to sending off their cards before December 10 and from that 
point on, and the postal service slows down. 
Until the age of faxes, emails and social media, the pre-Christmas period often caused a 
lot of problems for firms and industry, as "(3)urgent" letters and documents took several days to 
reach their destination by post, slowed down by the mass of Christmas mail. 
During the month of December in Britain, a house with no Christmas cards is like a pub 
with no beer; it just does not exist except possibly at the home of a few radical non-Christians. 
For the most part, however, people of all (4) faiths and of no faith join in the tradition of 
celebrating Christmas as a festival, whether they do so for religious reasons or not. Christmas 
cards are an important part of the celebrations, and virtually any British home one goes into 
around Christmas time is merrily decorated not just with holly and (5)mistletoe and paper 
decorations, but also with a display of Christmas cards, received from friends, family, neighbors, 
employers and a variety of other people. 

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