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11. Емтихан тапсырмаларынын жинагы. 9-сынып. 1- том


Ағылшын тілі 
9-сынып емтихан тапсырмалары 
Инновациялық мектептерге. ІІ нұсқа 
Read the text.
Consider yourself lucky whenever you pour yourself a glass of water. Today, on every 
continent in the world, there are people who, because of water scarcity, spend their entire day 
looking for clean water. While the majority of people on earth have access to water, there are 
still millions of people who do not. According to reports the United Nations created, one in ten 
people do not have access to (0)clean water. Worldwide, that is roughly 783 million people. 
There are two kinds of water scarcity. The first is physical water scarcity, which occurs in areas 
without natural water (1)resources, such as deserts like the Sahara. The second is economic 
water scarcity, which occurs in areas where there are enough water resources for people to use, 
but they are (2)poorly managed and allowed to be contaminated. 
Physical water (3)scarcity is often caused by drought. A drought occurs when it rains far 
less in a given area than it usually does. Droughts can be declared after as little as 15 days 
without rainfall and can continue indefinitely. The longest drought in recorded history lasted for 
400 years in the Atacama Desert in Chile. California experienced severe drought between 2012 
to 2017, while Florida experienced severe drought between 2006-2007. Droughts are considered
(4)severe when water scarcity become common and extreme when major crop loss occurs.
The effects of prolonged drought often depend on both severity and how people react to 
them. Sometimes, like in California, drought can simply lead to a change of what is easily 
available for purchase in grocery stores. Others, like the 1900 drought in India, which had a 
death toll between 250,000 and 3.25 million, can lead to mass migration, (5)famine, and 
humanitarian crisis. Climate scientists are predicting that human activities will trigger more 
droughts and the droughts triggered will be less natural and therefore even more unpredictable. 
Water is life. It’s more important for survival than food, and global access to water is a 
fundamental human issue. Without water, life slowly starts to shut down. 

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