Cписок литературы 1 Кунанбаева С.С. Теория и практика современного иноязычного образования. -
Алматы, 2010. -344 с.
2 Кунанбаева С.С. Современное иноязычное образование: методология и
теории. - Алматы, 2010. - 262 с.
L.N. Tairbekova About learning art and art of learning Education - topic is quite broad. In any case, it has two essential aspects: the
trainees and trainers. Every time its demands. Intellectual potential of today's young
people with access to a computer, TV and video, much higher than previous
generations. ? Education - is also an art. To learn and teach. And at the heart of any
art is a creative process that I think has a number of specific definitions - love,
devotion sacrifice. All brilliant - easy.