Журнал жылына 4 рет жарыққа шығады (наурыз, маусым, қыркүйек, желтоқсан) иб №15211

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Ключевые слова: 
интернационализация, исследовательская этика, образовательные 
исследования, высшее образование. 
A. Ibrasheva*, A. Rakisheva, E.D. Sharplin, M. Ramazanova
Graduate School of Education, Nazarbayev University, Kazakhstan, Nur-Sultan
*e-mail: alima.ibrasheva@nu.edu.kz 
Internationalization of Higher Education Research in Kazakhstan:
the case of the development of research ethics in the social sciences
The article is devoted to the formation of research ethics in Kazakhstan. Since gaining independence, 
Kazakhstan has made significant progress in reforming education and strives to become internationally 
competitive in the production of knowledge in the context of internationalization and globalization. 
Therefore, there is a need to adapt policies on research in education considering international experi-
ence, national and cultural context. This article outlines the directions of internationalization of research 
over the past 10 years. The complex analysis of numerous sources allowed us to identify the problems 
of the formation of research ethics in Kazakhstan, associated with the slow development of social sci-
ences and qualitative methods of educational research, as well as point out the options for promoting 
research ethics standards that have the potential to form the competitiveness of Kazakhstani research. To 
conclude, there is a need for a national discussion on research ethics, training for ethical review, and the 
creation of Research Ethics Committees. Moreover, it is important to finalize the strategy of the national 
research ethics code, taking into account the local context compatible with Western standards.
This study was financed by Nazarbayev University Collaborative Research Grant “No. 
021220CRP0922- Co-creating culturally relevant Social Science research ethics in Central Asia: Mediat-
ing local and global influences” for which the authors are grateful.
Key words: 
internationalization, research ethics, educational research, higher education.

А.Х. Ибрашева и др.
А.Қ. Ибрашева*, А.К. Ракишева, Э.Д. Шарплин, М.Ж. Рамазанова
Жоғары білім беру мектебі, Назарбаев Университеті, Қазақстан, Нұр-Сұлтан қ.
*e-mail: alima.ibrasheva@nu.edu.kz

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