Материалы и методы.
В исследовании принимало участие 40 пациентов мужского
сопутствующей артериальной гипертонией и хронической
сердечной недостаточностью. Возраст пациентов составил
от 45 до 60 лет. Основные жалобы пациентов включали
следующие симптомы: головные боли, головокружение, шум
в голове, шаткость и неуверенность походки, снижение
памяти, снижение работоспособности, эмоциональную
лабильность, утомляемость, расстройства сна, одышку,
сердцебиение, отеки стоп.
Предварительный отбор пациентов осуществляли по
соответствующие жалобы. В дальнейшем проводились
клинический осмотр и окончательная постановка диагноза с
использованием методов ЭЭГ, ЭКГ, суточного мониторинга
исследования, теста шестиминутной ходьбы. В контрольной
группе было 20 пациентов, сопоставимых по возрасту и
Цитофлавин вводился утром 1 раз в сутки внутривенно
капельно (медленно) по 10,0 мл на 200 мл 0,9¿ раствора
натрия хлорида в течение 10 дней на фоне базисной
терапии. Длительность инфузии в среднем составляла 40-60
Результаты и обсуждение. По субъективной оценке
выраженности и частоты головных болей, ощущений
тяжести в голове, заложенности в ушах, головокружений,
шума в голове, утомляемости и общей слабости.
проявляться на 4-5 день инфузий и стабилизировался к 10
дню. Отмечалось достоверное снижение АД (р<0,01) на
16,2¿ у пациентов первой группы, во второй группе
значимой динамики не наблюдалось (разница 3,8¿). При
проведении СМАД суточное колебание АД у больных первой
группы при поступлении составляла 18,6Ã5,2 мм.рт.ст., во
второй группе 16,4Ã4,3. В динамике после лечения
наблюдалось достоверное снижение суточного колебания
АД у больных в опытной группе: АД до 14,6Ã1,9 (р<0,05).
Максимальный подъем АД в течение суток отражает
объемную нагрузку на сердечно–сосудистую систему и
имеет прогностическое значение в оценке тяжести течения
гипертонии и угрозы неврологических осложнений. На фоне
применения Цитофлавина колебания максимальных цифр
АД были клинически незначимыми, и в целом гипертония
принимала мягкое течение. У 10 пациентов с хронической
толерантности к физической нагрузке, выявленное по тесту
шестиминутной ходьбы, на основании этого уменьшение
функционального класса сердечной недостаточности.
Выводы: Таким образом, Цитофлавин положительно влиял
подтверждает высокую эффективность препарата в лечении
пациентов с цереброваскулярной болезнью на фоне
Цитофлавина на основные показатели, что минимизирует
риск развития осложнений у пациентов с хронической
ишемией головного мозга. Препарат отличается хорошей
переносимостью: побочные эффекты и аллергические
реакции отсутствовали, что доказывает безопасность
препарата [4,5].
Гусев В.И., Скворцова В.И. Ишемия головного мозга. - М.: Медицина, 2001. – 328 с.
Верещагин Н.В., Пирадов М.А., Суслина З.А. Инсульт. Принципы диагностики, лечения и профилактики. - М.: Интермедика, 2002.
– 208 с.
Кадыков А.С., Черникова Л.А., Калашникова Л.А., Шахпаронова Н.В. Ранняя реабилитация больных с нарушениями мозгового
кровообращения // Неврологический журнал. - 1997. - №1. - С. 24–27.
Скоромец А.А., Никитина В.В., Быковицкий Д.М. и др. Эффективность цитофлавина при спондилогенных радикулоишемиях //
Журнал неврологии и психиатрии им С.С. Корсакова. - 2004. - №5. - С.24-27.
Скоромец А.А., Никитина В.В., Голиков К.В. и др. Эффективность цитофлавина в постинсультном периоде ишемического
нарушения мозгового кровообращения // Медицинский академический журнал. - 2003. - №2.-С.90-97.
Түйін: Қазіргі таңда мүгедектіктің негізгі себебі церебральды инсульт және мидың үдемелі созылмалы ишемиясы болып
табылады. Әлемдегі цереброваскулярлы патология бойынша эпидемиологиялық және демографиялық жағдайын бұл
патологияның кең таралуымен, халықтың «қартаюымен» және цереброваскулярлы аурулардың үдемелі көбеюімен, олардың
«жасаруымен» қауіпті факторлардың өсуі және әсер етуіне байланысты. Цитофлавиннің цефалгиялық синдром, бас айналу, есте
сақтаудың бұзылысына қатысты емдік әсері айтарлықтай байқалады. Артериалды гипертония, жүрек жеткіліксіздігі, жүрек
ырғағының бұзылысы инсульттің және басқа да цереброваскулярлы бұзылыстардың дамуын 3-4 есе арттыратын, маңызды
модифицирлеуші қауіп факторы болып табылады. Сонымен қатар, бұл жағдай ми қанайналымы ауторегуляциясы жүйесінің
бұзылысымен көрінетін функционалды бұзылыстар кешенін шақырады.
Түйінді сөздер: цереброваскулярлы ауру, цитофлавин, нейропротекция, цефалгиялық синдром
Resume: Sharp violation of cerebral circulation of blood and making progress chronic ischemia of brain, otherwise speaking,
cerebrovascular diseases, are presently leading reasons of invalidization now [1,2]. In addition, frequent and general prevalence of
cerebrovascular pathology in connection with lengthening of life-span and frequen and general prevalence of cerebrovascular met of this
pathology at more young contingent it is related to the height of extreme factors and influences, that farther more influences on a
demographic situation in the world, causes the further height of these diseases. It is impossible to forget and about that, arterial high blood
pressure, heart failure, violations of rhythm of heart are the most meaningful modified risk of development of sharp violation of cerebral
circulation of blood and other cerebrovascular disorders factors, promoting probability of their development in 3-4 times. The most
noticeable medical effect of Citoflavin was observed concerning a cefalgia syndrome, dizzinesses, memory violation. The arterial
hypertension, heart failure, violations of a rhythm of heart are the most considerable modified risk factors of development of a stroke and
others the cerebrovaskular of frustration, increasing probability of their development by 3–4 times. Besides, these states cause a complex of
the functional frustration which are shown violation of system of an autoregulyation of a brain blood-groove.
Keywords: cerebrovaskular illness, citoflavini, neuroprotection, cerebral circulation of blood.
UDK 616.89-008.444.9
S.D. Asfendiyarov Kazakh National Medical University
¹ - department of psychiatry, psychotherapy and narcology,
² - department of internship and residency in psychiatry and narcology
The paper presents problems of the theory, definition and classification of aggression. It describes pathopsychological aspects of formation and
implementation of criminal aggressive behavior, as well as the impact of social and subjective factors.
Keywords: aggression, aggressive criminal behavior, pathopsychological aspects.
The increase in acts of violence and aggression in different parts
of the globe, a series of brutal, monstrous terrorist acts that
occurred in France in November 2015 are evidence of escalated
aggression in many different ways.
The problem of aggressive behavior of people attracted attention
of scientists all over the world.
Today´s world has become dangerous in many respects.
Technology development of civilization has led to revision of
human values and ideals, which used to serve limiting devise for
aggressive excesses and promoting regulation of human
relations. Now the restricting limits of ethics and spirituality
have lost their former meaning. Only law- enforcement agencies
hold in check their destructive impulses, though which is not
always effectual.
Aggressive manifestations bringing to publicly dangerous acts
committed by individuals with mental disorders are most
important problems of general and forensic psychiatry, first of all
concerning preventive measures of similar actions. It is
necessary to analyze psychopathological, motivational aspects of
individual´s behavior in order to justify measures to prevent
aggression. It is essential to evaluate the role of macro and micro
social factors, influencing the individual´s publicly dangerous
Taking into account a rapid upward tendency in grave crimes
against personality’s life and health, studying the problem seems
particularly topical.
Aggressiveness has been at all times an important social element
of human existence, in fact, it has often been a serious problem
for a person. Most human misfortunes are sufferings of the
victims of aggression. People got inherited a penchant for
aggressive, predatory behavior from the ancestors. Distant
ancestors had been engaged in conquering new territories,
getting free access to richer sources, controlling the greatest
number of community members and disposing of food and drink.
All this was more or less successfully carried out. People vary
greatly in the degree of propensity to aggression. The strength,
direction and duration of aggressive manifestations depend on a
whole range of psychological, physiological and situational
factors. But at the heart of any aggression there is conflict,
conscious or unconscious, fleeting or protracted. Essentially, any
aggression is nothing but a manifestation of active, energetic
dissatisfaction of man with the conditions of life, with the
relatives or man himself.
Aggression is not always to be understood as something purely
negative, destructive and opposing harmony of life. Aggression,
along with the damaging phenomenon, has a positive
constructive and creative aspect. Constructive aggression is
characterized by active movement of psychobiological energy
aimed at a particular type of activity. A person burdened with a
definite charge of aggressive activity, invariably suffers from it
himself, and to a large extent. Especially dangerous in today's
world is the fact that aggressive behavior is often connected with
the so-called deficit motivation, determined by the lack or
absence of any desirable objects and states. Most often
aggression comes to light when a person being unable to
intellectually solve his problem, in fury seeks to destroy the
obstacle instead of working around or any way overcoming the
difficulty on his path.
Essential to understanding the problem of aggressive behavior is
definition of the concepts. Aggressiveness should be singled out
as a trait of character attributed to a personality, a feature of
individual´s disposition conditioned by biological constitutional
particularities. It has important evolutionary significance for the
survival of the species. Aggressiveness is under control of
consciousness and moral and ethical norms. In addition,
aggressiveness is also a personality trait that is manifesting itself
in the readiness to aggressive perception and corresponding
interpretation of other individual’s behavior, concerning only
human relations.
On the other hand, there is aggression based on aggressiveness
aimed at causing physical, moral or other damage to people or
other objects of the surrounding world. This type of aggression is
defined differently, but in general the definitions correspond to
the above mentioned definition. It is referred to as motivated
destructive behavior which contradicts the norms and rules of
human existence in society, and which does harm to the objects
of attack. This definition stresses the negative and often illegal
side of aggression.
A broader definition of aggression was given by J. Shwab et al.[1].
The authors define aggression as specifically oriented behavior
aimed at eliminating or overcoming all that threatens the
physical and (or) mental integrity of the organism. It is obvious
that this definition covers not only human behavior, but all living
beings in general.
E. Fromm distinguished between "benign aggression” i.e.
determined by self-defense, a response to the threat and
"malignant aggression", destructive, up to necrophilia, aimed at
domination over other living beings and destruction [2].
Constructive, destructive and deficitary forms of aggression have
been described by G. Ammon [3]. Under constructive aggression
he understood social acceptability of aggression, the individual's
ability to resist harmful influences.
Destructive aggression is a violation of moral and ethical
standards, fracture and deformation of relationships with others.
Deficitary aggression is characterized by actions with flawed
development of behavioral skills, which contribute to easy
implementation of aggressive intentions.
Y.M.Antonian and W. W. Gulden (1992) think that aggression as a
psychological phenomenon is neutral; it can take a socially
acceptable form, such as in sports; and a form which is socially
disapproved of, including criminal, depending on the situation
and public forms [4].
However, many problems of the theory of aggression have not
been solved yet, diagnostic aspects of aggressiveness have not
been sufficiently worked out. B. V. Zeigarnik (1980, 1982) has
repeatedly emphasized that the study of disrupted mental
processes allows one to discover things usually hidden in the
norm from researchers [5, 6]. Thus, research work in the field of
psychopathology can provide an insight into the mechanisms
controlling the psyche, human behavior and in particular into the
phenomena of his aggressiveness. From the perspective of
psychopathology aggressive behavior is regarded as:
1) targeted, though there are also many problems, such as
aggressive acts can only be of a symbolic nature;
2) contrary to the norms and rules of human coexistence in
3) prejudicial to the objects of the attack. It is obvious that harm
is an ethic category, consequently it is necessary to involve
joint team approach of various disciplines;
4) causing physical damage to people and causing them
psychological discomfort.
Aggressive actions serve as: a) means of achieving significant
goals (instrumental aggression); b) method of mental discharge,
replacement of the blocked meet requirements and switching the
activity; c) a way to meet the need in self-realization and self-
affirmation [7].
Using various classifications, some authors identify the following
types of aggression: intentional and unintentional. A. Feshbach,
H. Heckhausen divided intentional aggression into expressive,
hostile and instrumental [8, 9]. Expressive aggression is an
involuntary burst of rage and anger, focused and fast ending. The
source of frustration is not necessarily being attacked. Hostile
aggression is aimed at doing harm. Instrumental aggression is
aimed at achieving neutral goal, while aggression is used as a
A. Buss singles out direct aggression, always aimed directly
against the person, and indirectly, causing harm by destroying
the object of aggression related items or through other persons
[10]. A. Buss suggests distinguishing between aggression and
hostility. The latter is understood as a verbal reaction developing
negative feelings and evaluation of people and events. Verbal
aggressive reactions are divided into 3 following types: 1)
2) hostile comments ("I hate you"), 3) criticism that can be
directed not just against individuals, but against the objects
belonging to the individual, against the work carried out by the
K. Izard (1980) defines hostility as a complex form of affective
cognitive orientation, consisting of a set of emotions, instincts,
cognitive structures [11]. Hostility, in his opinion, does not
include verbal or physical activity. Aggression is a hostile action
or behavior, i.e., a physical act. Therefore, animosity is a
motivational state, while aggression is behavior proceeding from
We believe that an undisputed manifestation of aggression,
based on the above mentioned definition, is murder, an
intentional killing of another person. Premeditated murder
among the crimes against the person makes up 12-13%. The rate
of growth of such crimes in the world in recent years has reached
17%, their character and structure have also changed. More
murders (every 10th) were committed by women or with their
participation. There increased the number of murders by "the
order", for the purpose of taking possession of money and
property, in clashes between criminal gangs and ethnic conflicts.
There increased the number of murders as a result of terrorist
acts. Many murders, including serial, were committed through
sexual offences, with a great number of victims. The last
circumstance is certain evidence that such dangerous crimes can
hardly be prevented and disclosed.
The search for causes of committing murders should focus
primarily on identifying factors of subjective nature, or the so-
called intrapersonal causes. Numerous studies of the personality,
behavior and life of killers showed that their distinctive feature is
constant, exhausting emotional tenseness, desperate anxiety
passing into fear of death.
Anxiety is a subjective feeling of self-deprivation, which
objectively cannot be. The alarm signal can come not only from
the external environment, but also from one's own body and self.
The signal warns of the danger and makes him search and
specify the danger, actively study reality, but also encouraging
him in order to detect the source of the threat. Anxiety is very
diffusive and indefinable, it paralyzes the mind and frustrates
The threat to biological and social existence makes anxious
individuals able to overcome any moral obstacles and fear of the
severest punishment. One can say that a person, who constantly
feels the need to defend himself, is ready for anything. Therefore,
aggression, often fatal, is protection of the individual
s status, and
sometimes life when he feels the threat. Hence anxious people
are vulnerable and sensitive, especially in the area of
interpersonal and intimate relationships. Their emotiveness is
connected with a tendency to frequent changes of mood. The
emotive component of murders is mostly caused by rigidity, lack
of agility, "stuck" emotions, affective experiences. Emotional
memory of the killers keeps the previously received impression
for a long period of time, although the actual events had
remained in the past. Therefore, emotional experiences begin to
paint some other events having nothing to do with the previous
event, as a result perception of reality is distorted, which is
ascribed to unusual features and trends.
This can explain murders by persons who experienced
psychological trauma in the distant past. Subjective meaning of
such actions is psychological compensation for once caused
personal damage in the achievement of self-awareness and self-
affirmation. An extreme version of such acts is violence against
children. Long-standing bitter resentment, a forgotten past for
many years seemingly pressed back to the sphere of the
unconsciousness, now become effective. Connection of
hypersensitivity with persistence and "stuck" emotions can serve
as the basis for assumption that before the current situation, a
serious threat had arisen to this person. A vague undefined and,
of course, entirely unconscious anxiety or fear about situations
with existence threatening character had already been formed by
that time. Situations of this nature and significance can cause a
destructive reaction. Rigid and affective painted experiences
connected with the past make it reasonable to believe that deep
anxiety appeared in the past. Such traits typical of killers as
aggressiveness have become understandable.
Suspiciousness of killers acts as a constant expectation of an
attack from outside and readiness to resist it, although fears have
no real ground for it. Suspiciousness occurs to these people on
the mechanism of projection, i.e. ascribing to the external
environment of the features inherent. Because heightened
anxiety of killers is largely a consequence of feelings of threat to
their existence, a real willingness occurs to defend it. Protective
aggressiveness can be interpreted as protection in content and
aggressiveness in form, importantly, it is in defense of
individual’s existence, protection against anything which casts
doubt on his existence, and threatens him.
This kind of diffuse anxiety, characteristic of killers is very much
typical of persons with mental disabilities, starting with mental
abnormalities and personality
phenomena, when the pressing thing is not a cause for alarm, but
fear for his life ("the pursued pursuers").
There is most likely murder if a subject constantly experiences
unsocialized fear of death, which should be considered as the
highest point of anxiety. On the whole, high level of anxiety is
observed among all violent offenders with mental abnormalities.
Among the motives of killings can be the following:
revenge, including those related to ensuring perceptions of
fairness or jealousy, and revenge as an attribute of culture;
establishment in the eyes of the immediate environment and
in their own eyes, self-assertion securing;
destruction of the source of severe psychotrauma, including
childhood and adolescent experiences, with the protection of
one’s own biological and social status;
dominating the environment, usually determined by the
need of reducing anxiety and removing fear of death;
necrophilous bent for death, murder for the sake of murder.
These are basic motives that can be found in various
combinations and separately. They can express themselves when
committing different types of crimes. For example, murder with
robbery and burglary can be determined by the same motives of
self-affirmation. Of course there are no specific criminal motives,
i.e. motives that lead only to murders and other crimes, and not
to any other forms of behavior.
Thus, aggressive behavior can occur in people both mentally
healthy and those detecting mental disorders. Significant
influence on the formation of aggressive behavior and
implementation of aggression can have subjective factors, as well
as mechanisms regulating psyche, human behavior, and in
particular, one
s aggressiveness.
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