Конкурсная работа (Английский язык) Откуда произошли английские слова?

References…………………………………………………………………………12 Supplеmentary

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where do english words derive from. research work. orlova tatyana


  • Supplеmentary…………………………………………………………………….13

    1. Introduction

    1. Actuality

    It is universally known English is widely spoken all over the world. This language is considered to be international. But when we pronounce a word, do we know its origin? Have we ever pondered how and why it was formed? I believe a person cannot claim he knows a language without knowing its history. Here I may quote Simeon Potter’s words, a well-known British linguist of XIX century:
    “We cannot know too much about the language we speak every day of our lives… knowledge is power. The power of rightly chosen word is very great, whether these words are intended to inform, to entertain or to move.”
    But he [Simeon Potter] was not the only person who was concerned about the subject. Here we can also mention F. Müller, D. Diringer, and some Russian linguists as V. Arakin, R. Reznik, M. Gukhman.
    However a lot of other people including English teachers and students take an interest in the topic. Therefore results of my research can be useful to them.
    As for me I enjoy studying all the aspects of the language but its derivation seems to be the most intriguing.

    1. Problem

    The problem has been on the agenda for quite a long time. Throughout all the history people have been concerned about their origin and the origin of their language in particular.

    Despite the fact that nowadays the realm is rather deep investigated, it is not widespread among all those connected with English.
    Moreover, even if a person is aware of the main features of the forming process, he might not know the causes.

    1. Elaboration of The Problem

    During my research I examined two areas basically. Those were the English history and the history of the language. While researching I also tried to find out the bound between them.
    In addition there were two main papers I relied on. They are ‘History of The English Language’ by V. Arakin and ‘A History of The English Language’ by R. Reznik.

    1. Hypothesis

    The language is a reflection of history that reproduces all stages of its development.

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