Evolution of Language.
Every language changes through time. The history of the English language has been reconstructed on the basis of written records of different periods. The earliest extant written texts in English are dated in the 7th century; the earliest records in other Germanic languages go back to the 3rd or the 4th century A.D. the development of English however began a long time before it was first recorded.
The evolution or historical development of language is made up of diverse facts and processes. Firstly it includes the internal or structural development of the language system. The description of internal linguistic history is usually presented in accordance with the division of language into linguistic levels. The main levels are: the phonetic and phonological levels; the morphological level, the syntactic level, and the lexical level. So the History of the language can be subdivided into
historical phonetics,
historical morphology,
historical syntax
and historical lexicology.
The evolution of language includes also many facts which pertain to the functioning of language in the speech community and these functional aspects constitute the “external” history of the language and embrace a large number of diverse matters: the spread of the language in geographical and social space; the differentiation of language into functional varieties (geographical variants, dialects, standard and sub-standards); contacts with other languages ( language space).
Linguistic situation embraces the functional differentiation of language and the relationships between the functional varieties. Most of these features are connected with the history of the speech community e.g. with the structure of society, the migration of tribes, economic and political events; the growth of culture and literature.
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