Lesson Study: теория и практика применения Пит Дадли

10. Using LS coaches to support and develop the professional learning

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10. Using LS coaches to support and develop the professional learning 
from Lesson Study and using the lesson study model as a platform for 
cross departmental or school to school coaching
What works
Leading teachers or consultants can support the lesson 
study process if they:
• Demonstrate a technique in the school immediately to 
other teachers prior to alesson study cycle beginning.
• Join a lesson study group as they plan a research lesson 
and contribute ideas andsuggestions.
• Sit with a lesson study group and discuss theresearch 
lesson they have prepared – contributing to suggestions 
about how thepedagogic technique could be developed
• Join a research lesson as an observer (with equal status) 
and participate in the post lesson pupil interview and 
Subject leaders can play a similar role – especially if they 
have participated in a lesson study cycle themselves and 
become a champion in school.
Additional interest and value can be created around 
lesson study if it is used by teachers to develop a portfolio 
to evidence particular teaching standards, or to contribute 
towards professional or academic qualification or recognition.
When your teachers have developed some practice which 
has had a clear impact on learning and progress of pupils 
and which you think others would be interested in – log the 
practice as a caseled study at
www. lessonstudy. co. uk
This is a website designed to help practitioners
search for and share practice in classrooms and
school improvement which have worked in one
place and could work elsewhere.

Department for Children, Schools and Families. (2008). Improving practice and
progression throughlesson study: a handbook for headteachers, leading teachers and 
subject leaders. London: DCSF.
Dudley, P. (2008). Lesson study in England: from school networks to national policy. 
Presented at theWorld Association of Lesson Studies Annual Conference, Hong 
Kong Institute of Education.
Dudley, P. (2011). How Lesson Study orchestrates key features of teacher knowledge and 
teacherlearning to create profound changes in professional practice. Presented at the 
World Associationof Lesson Studies Annual Conference, Tokyo.
Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study. (1999). TIMSS 1999 assessment 
results. Retrieved June 4, 2010, from http://nces.ed.gov/timss/
Takahashi, A. (2005). An essential component of lesson study: post-lesson discussion. 
Presented at the The Northwest Regional Educational Laboratory’s Lesson Study 
Symposium, Olympia, Washington: DePaul University, Chicago.
Wragg, E.C., Wikely, F., Wragg, E., & Haynes, G. (1996). Teacher appraisal observed. 
London: Routledge.

Lesson Study: теориясы мен қолдану тәсілдері
Lesson Study: теория и практика применения 
Lesson Study: a handbook 
Подписано в печать 5 ноября 2013 года.
Гарнитура «Times New Roman» Усл. п.л. 4
Бумага 120 гр.
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