Литературные теории в поэтическом мире джона китса


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Боташ Ж.Қ. – магистрантка группы МШТ(М)-21-1

Научный руководитель: к.п.н., доцент Назарова Г.Ж.
Резюме. В данной статье автор рассматривает психологические черты обучающихся среднего школьного возраста в процессе обучения иностранному языку. В процессе обучения мышление подростка очень сильно совершенствуется. Содержание и логика изучаемых в школе предметов, изменения в характере и формах учебной деятельности формируют и развивают в нем способность активно, самостоятельно мыслить, рассуждать, сравнивать, делать глубокие обобщения и выводы.

Түйін. Бұл мақалада автор шет тілін оқыту процесінде орта мектеп жасындағы оқушылардың психологиялық ерекшеліктерін қарастырады. Оқу процесінде жасөспірімнің ойлауы өте жақсарады. Мектепте оқытылатын пәндердің мазмұны мен логикасы, оқу іс-әрекетінің сипаты мен формаларындағы өзгерістер ондағы белсенді, өз бетінше ойлау, пайымдау, салыстыру, терең жалпылау мен қорытынды жасау қабілетін қалыптастырады және дамытады.

The changed nature and forms of educational activity, the increased inquisitiveness of the mind require a higher and more organized mental activity from a teenager. The teenager becomes capable of a more complex analytic - synthetic perception of objects and phenomena, the perception becomes planned, consistent and comprehensive.

In the process of learning, the thinking of a teenager is very much improved. The content and logic of the subjects studied in school, changes in the nature and forms of learning activities form and develop in him the ability to actively, independently think, reason, compare, make deep generalizations and conclusions. The teacher’s confidence in the adolescent’s mental abilities is the most appropriate for the age characteristics of the individual.
The main feature of the mental activity of a teenager is the increasing ability to think abstractly, the change in the ratio between concrete and abstract thinking in favor of the latter.
Concrete-shaped (visual) components of thinking do not disappear, but remain and develop, continuing to play a significant role in the overall structure of thinking (for example, the ability to concretize, illustrate, and uncover the content of a concept in specific images and ideas).
Therefore, when the visual experience is monotonous, one-sided or limited, the calculation of the abstract essential features of an object is inhibited.
The meaning of concrete - figurative components of thinking is also reflected in the fact that in some cases the influence of direct sensory impressions is stronger than the impact of words (textbook text, teacher's explanations).
As a result, there is an unlawful narrowing or expansion of a different concept when bright but nonessential features are introduced into its structure - illustrations that were accidentally recorded in a textbook, visual aid, frames of an educational movie.
Other cognitive processes, such as perception, memory, attention and imagination, play a fundamental role in the educational activities of adolescents besides thinking.
“Perception gives the initial information about the surrounding world: objects, phenomena, their qualities, creates their images.” [1, p. 162].
The perception of middle school students is purposeful, consistent, but somewhat disorganized: “In some cases, the perception is subtle and deep, and in others it is extremely superficial. The inability to connect the perception of the surrounding life with educational material is a characteristic feature of middle school age students, ”the researchers believe.
Characterizing the ontogeny of adolescence, physiologists associate it with puberty (pubertal jump) and as a result of this, hormonal alteration of the body, significant changes in growth and body proportions, new sensations. The imbalance of the psyche of a teenager affects cognitive processes.
In particular, there is a dependence of perception on the first impression: "... the strongest, sometimes the only and to the utmost categorical: yes or no, accepted or not accepted" [1, p.70].
“Memory captures, preserves, these images and gives the opportunity for further work on them. It (work) is accomplished with the help of thinking and imagination, which analyze what is received in perception and is preserved by memory, reveals the external qualities of their internal, hidden properties and relations, deduce laws defining different sides of reality.
And again the results of the work of thinking and imagination are taken to preserve memory, which allows them to be used for further knowledge.
A study of the memory of A.A.Smirnov revealed that “ the ability of students to logically process the material increases precisely during adolescence” [1, p.57].
In primary school, according to his data, students are prone to memorizing text, in grades 5-6 - only 17% of students have the ability to break down the text into paragraphs and its semantic grouping, but in the 7th grade the number of such students increases to 26% .
In the process of memorizing a large volume of text, adolescents “go” from the general to the more particular, concrete, especially the ability to memorize abstract words increases, thus, at this age, memorization becomes more conscious.
It is known that children use various methods of memorization depending on the goals and objectives that they face.
A significant role in adolescence plays semantic, logical memorization, but it is unstable.
If a teenager is interested in the subject matter, for example, an educational topic, he is attentive and “... willingly argues, he wants to explain the most difficult problems to himself.” [2].
All cognitive processes are interrelated and interdependent.
So, many features of memory processes are also suitable for describing the attention process. In particular, the presence or absence of interest in the subject being studied continues to play a major role: “A characteristic feature of a teenager’s attention is his specific selectivity.
An interesting thing fascinates him so that he is able to work for a long time without any tension.
At the same time, voluntary attention becomes long and effective in him, but many age factors (vigorous activity, impulsivity, etc.) lead to its instability ”[3].
However, other researchers believe that although attention is arbitrary, it “... can be fully organized and controlled by the student”, because “during this period, adolescents actively strive for everything new, and this creates a prerequisite for successfully going beyond traditional school curricula, for the formation of knowledge and skills in new subject areas.
In adolescents, new motives for learning are emerging, related to interests, orientation, the need to engage in independent creative activity ”[3, p.105].

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