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Абдурасилова А.. –магистрантка группы МШТ 21-1

Научный руководитель: к.п.н., доцент Гурбанова А.А.

Түйін. Бұл мақалада бүгінгі таңда ерекше өзекті болып отырған мектепте шет тілін оқыту мәселесі қарастырылады, өйткені білім берудегі өзгерістер оның тұлғаның еркін дамуына, шығармашылық бастамасына, оқушының дербестігіне, болашақ мамандардың бәсекеге қабілеттілігі мен ұтқырлығына бағытталған. Педагогикалық және әдістемелік әдебиеттерді талдау арқылы "коммуникативтілік", "коммуникативтік тәсіл" ұғымдары айқындалды, құрамдас құрамы мен қалыптастыру әдістемесі ұсынылды, сөйлеу қарым-қатынасының әртүрлі аспектілерінің коммуникативтік тәсілді дамытуға әсері анықталды.

Резюме. В данной статье рассматривается проблема обучения иностранному языку в школе, которая особенно актуальна сегодня, так как изменения в образовании ориентируют на его свободное развитие человека, творческую инициативу, самостоятельность учащихся, конкурентоспособность и мобильность будущих специалистов. Путем анализа педагогической и методической литературы определены понятия «коммуникативность», «коммуникативный подход», представлены компонентный состав и методика формирования, выявлено влияние различных аспектов речевого общения на развитие коммуникативного подхода.

The problem of teaching a foreign language at school is especially relevant today, as changes in education focus on its free human development, creative initiative, student independence, competitiveness and mobility of future professionals.
Teaching foreign languages is directly related to the increasing importance of its communicative orientation, which is caused by the social order of society, which has a need for people who are able to use the means of the studied language in accordance with the purposes and conditions of communication.
The research conducted over these years is a rich source for scientific conclusions and generalizations, which contributed to the problem of their systematization.
At the same time, when considering any questions within the framework of the communicative orientation of teaching, methodologists proceeded from different positions regarding the understanding of its essence. These differences are based on the orientation to different areas of communicative linguistics, which is due to a different understanding of the essence of the category "communication".
In this regard, when setting a goal, selecting and organizing material, determining the nature of methods and techniques, it is suggested to proceed accordingly from communicative intentions, social belonging, cultural specificity, etc. There was a reduction of communication to the orientation of goals, content and methods of training on one or another side of communication without taking into account the entire volume of its components in their relationship and interdependence.
The understanding of communication in the methodology is directly related to the level of development of linguistics, psycholinguistics, sociolinguistics, and sociopsycholinguistics. Thus, the linguistics of the last twenty years has been characterized by a shift in emphasis on the use of language in speech in accordance with the social conditions and the purpose of the speaker, an appeal to higher - level units-texts and dialogues, and an increase in interest in oral speech, especially in dialogical form. New directions in linguistics have emerged, such as the theory of speech acts, functional and communicative description of language, analysis of spoken dialogic speech, and text linguistics [1].
In this regard, it is necessary to determine the nature of the relationship between linguistic and psycholinguistic research with a communication-oriented methodology.
The communicative approach to teaching of foreign languages is ultimately a focus on communication, which is a multi-structural, multi-aspect education.
Communication is considered as one of the types of human activity, as an expression of personal relationships, as a system of interpersonal interaction, group and collective communication, a communication of schoolchildren with teachers, etc. [2]
Only recently the problem of studying this category in the relationship and interdependence of its various sides has been raised, but there is no comprehensive description of this concept yet. This did not affect the methodologists' understanding of the communicative nature of teaching. Thus, there is a need to clarify the concept of "communication" and its relationship with the concept of "speech".
The communicative orientation of foreign language teaching is studied within the framework of the communicative approach. To properly understand its essence, it is necessary to trace its development from the moment of the problem, analyzing various points of view on the solution of this issue.
Currently, there are no studies that consider the communicative approach in the historical aspect. In the existing historical research the problem of communication was not specifically considered. At the same time, the study of the process of the communicative approach development, of conclusions and generalizations accumulated by the methodology over the past decades, allows us to deepen the understanding and assessment of the past path, determines the current state of the problem, and outline development prospects.
Usually, motives are associated with the cognitive interest of students, the need to acquire new knowledge, skills and abilities. But the first and natural need for foreign language learners is communication. It is necessary to choose such forms of lessons that stimulate students' activities in order to create a favorable climate, orienting students to communication.
Non-traditional forms of lessons are aimed at increasing the effectiveness of students’ activities. The experience of school teachers and research by innovative teachers have shown that non-traditional forms of teaching support students' interest in the subject and increase their learning motivation.
The main advantage of non-traditional forms of education is the development and improvement of socio-cultural competence of students, whose language expands in comparison with the level of knowledge about the cultural heritage of the countries the language of which is being studied.
The main idea of my pedagogical experience is the communication process, which is so necessary at the present stage students’ learning of a foreign language. In the last two decades, the development of this process has become not only more intensive, but also significantly more successful. One of them is the trend to strengthen the communicative orientation of the educational process. This trend is not appearing today or yesterday: attempts have been made to bring the learning process closer to the communication process for a long time. But as the scientific research of methodologists and the practical search for teachers continued, it became clear that we were dealing not just with a steady trend, but with a teaching method.
In my opinion, the importance of justifying the communicative method is beyond doubt.
First of all, the communicativeness presupposes the direction of the educational process, which is not in the practical purpose of speech, but in the practical use of language itself. Regular practical use of language helps to eliminate most of the dislike of linguistic manipulation of students, makes reading more attractive, as it meets the ultimate goal and thus provides the mastery of speech as a means of communication.
Secondly, communicativeness includes the isolation of speech, which is understood as taking into account all the qualities of the student as an individual: his abilities, the ability to perform speech and reading activities, and mainly his personal qualities. This approach guarantees real motivation, as well as real, inner activity of the student.
The relevance of the theme of our research work is due to the stable interest of modern linguistics and pedagogy in the processes occurring in the language and the creation of new, more advanced methods of teaching students the English language in a secondary school.
The purpose of the research is to identify factors affecting the development of a communicative approach to teaching foreign languages, to identify trends and predict the prospects for the development of a communicative approach, as well as to consider the features of a communicative teaching approach.
Analysis of the development of the communicative approach in the historical aspect requires clarification of the concept of "communication", which is interpreted ambiguously in the methodology. This made it necessary to define the criteria of communication based on the content of the concept of "communication" and "speech" in their relationship.
The study of individual elements of the communicative orientation of methodological categories can be found throughout the history of the development of Soviet and foreign methods. The beginning of a conscious, purposeful research in this area is associated with the promotion of the principle of speech orientation and refers to the early 60s. The period of formation of the communicative approach was characterized by the formulation of a number of problems related to the speech orientation of goals, content, methods and learning process.
Communicativeness is beginning to be understood in a broad sense as a focus on communication, the main characteristics of which are reflected in speech. Along with further study of the communicative orientation of certain categories of the methodological system, the problem of determining the status of communicativeness is posed.
As an integral communicative unit of communication, we can only consider a relatively complete act of exchanging opinions in the endless process of human cognitive activity. The product of a communication act is a speech unit that has the specified properties of communication, in other words, a text in the structure of which the two-way orientation of the speech act and semantic completeness are realized within a certain segment of speech communication. The act of communication occurs against the background and under the influence of a set of circumstances affecting a person.
The linguistic and semantic characteristics of a speech act are determined by conditions of both an intralinguistic and extralinguistic nature, which are present at a certain moment in the speech act. This can be circumstances both external and internal, significant for the person at the moment: a phone call or a desire to receive an item that is beyond the reach of an easily attainable one, hunger or dissatisfaction with a person, a thought, desire, invitation expressed by someone, etc. [3].
Based on this, the communicative situation, which is one of the circumstances for the occurrence or successful implementation of a speech act, is considered as the minimum communication cell of the molecule of oral language communication. A communicative act is defined as the sum of the statements of all communicants of one communicative situation.
Scientific and technical style is an information space for the functioning of scientific and technical texts; it is a global information and functional field in which numerous scientific and technical speech genres operate [4].
First is the vocabulary. In scientific and technical texts, special terms are used, which are selected in accordance with the area of knowledge to which a particular text belongs for the exact transmission of thought.
As for grammar, scientific and technical texts are replete with the use of passive, impersonal and indefinitely personal structures. Most of the sentences are complex and complex.
Consequently, in the language of scientific and technical style, unions, compound prepositions and various turns are widely used. In addition, it is worth noting that the author of the text, trying to convey information and explain certain facts, discoveries, processes, avoids personal forms of the verb, replacing them with a passive voice. In this regard, it becomes obvious that all processes and phenomena in the text act as subjects, overshadowing the author of the text.
Scientific and technical style refers to the book type of language, which draws up both written (mostly) and oral speech. The basis of the linguistic design of scientific and technical texts is standardized, i.e. the choice of the cliché language variant prescribed for the given communication conditions.
The syntactic features of the design should include the syntactic completeness of the statement design, the presence of analytical constructions, the frequent use of cliché structures, the predominantly nominal nature of the morphological components of the sentence, the unfolded system of connecting elements (unions, allied words), etc.
Scientific and technical style is used in the field of research, theories and evidence, explanations of scientific facts, hypotheses and has its own distinctive stylistic features, while the technical style is intended for applied texts necessary for those who will use technical solutions embodied in instruments, machines, mechanisms, devices in the course of their installation, operation or maintenance.
Communication as a direction originated a very long time ago and continued to develop in the depths of other educational systems, and its birth was caused by nothing more than an objective necessity. This need lies primarily in the fact that after development the ability to communicate in a foreign language as a learning goal, over time, the mismatch between traditionally used teaching methods and a new purpose began to be felt more and more clearly.
E.I.Passov believed that communication should be organized in such a way that our training is similar to its main properties, features, and the process of communication [5].
Communicativeness serves to ensure that learning to communicate takes place in the context of communication, i.e. in adequate conditions.
Communication is a relationship between people, during which there is a psychological contact, manifested in the exchange of information, mutual influence, mutual empathy, mutual understanding.
Communication functions are allocated according to the content of communication.


  1. Колшанский Г.В, Лингвокоммуникативные аспекты речевогообщения // Иностранные языки в школе. 2015. - Л 1. - С. 10-14.

  2. Леонтьев A.A. Психология речевого общения: Автореф. дис. . д-ра психол. наук. М., 2015. - 40 с.

  3. Зимняя И.А. Психологические аспекты обучения говорению на иностранном языке. – М., 2010. – 222 с.

  4. Вайсбурд М.Л. Типология учебно-речевых ситуаций // Психолого-педагогические проблемы интенсивного обучения иностранным языкам / Под ред. А.Д.Климентенко, О.И.Москальской. М., 2011. - С. 81-91.

  5. Пассов Е.И. Основы коммуникативной методики обучения иноязычному общению. М.: Русский язык, 2013. - 276 с.

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