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Амангелді Ж.- студентка группы ИНк 19-2

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Түйін. Бұл мақалада оқу процесіндегі ағылшын тілін үйретудің басты жолдары мен оқыту арасындағы негізгі құралдар қарастырылған.

Резюме. В данной статье рассматриваются естественные методы преподавания и изучения английского языка в образовательном процессе как основного средства коммуникации

To solve issues related to pronunciation training, a comparative analysis of the phonological base of the studied and native languages is of great importance. On the basis of comparative analysis, the difficulties encountered by students in studying phonetic phenomena are revealed, which, in turn, determines the nature of the work, since “the pronunciation difficulties of any foreign language cannot be thought abstractly and absolutely, they are always differential - comparative and relate to the ratio of specific languages” [1]. In accordance with this, the work on pronouncing minimums should be different for students of different nationalities. The variety of difficulties encountered in the formation of auditory skills forced methodologists to look for ways to classify them. There are four main groups of pronouncing difficulties: articular, and positional, acoustic. Group I includes difficulties that arise when playing a certain sound: to II – difficulties “that are observed in the reproduction of one sound and a combination of sounds in different phonetic conditions”: to III – difficulties in pronouncing the opposition of sounds, distinguishing their qualities by contrast: to IV – difficulties associated with the differentiation of sounds, sound combinations, etc. [2]. Thus, the work on the formation of auditory skills should be based on the peculiarities of the native language and the nature of difficulties.

Determining the relationship between the phonological base of the native and the studied languages is very important to take into account when deciding on the place of imitation and explanations in the work on the sound composition of the studied language. The question of the role of imitation and explanations (meaning the explanation of the rules of articulation) in the work on pronunciation is part of the general problem of conscious or imitative learning of foreign languages. Currently, it is not customary to contrast imitation with explanations, since even those methodists who deny the expediency of using rules in the process of mastering grammar, speak out for stingy, practically directed explanations when setting pronunciation. When teaching pronunciation, the main task is to develop students' speech hearing, which is a prerequisite for the development of auditory skills. This problem can be solved only with a rational combination of imitation with explanations. The imitation process is divided into two stages: listening to the sample (in the teacher's speech or in a tape recording) and its reproduction. In the process of reproduction, students tend to liken their pronunciation to a sample. At first they make mistakes, because “of course, we hear correctly only those sounds that we know how to pronounce” [3]. However, as a result of repeated repetition, which causes a constant feedback between the stages of imitation (sample - sample), students are freed from mistakes, it is possible to speed up this process, reduce the number of erroneous samples in school conditions only with the help of a purposeful explanation of the methods of articulation and analysis of the acoustic impression.
The fact that imitation and explanation complement each other in the process of learning pronunciation does not mean that both components should participate in the work on each sound, phonetic phenomenon and intonation structure. Soviet methodists believe that an explanation should be given only in relation to sounds whose articulation differs significantly from the native language. As a result of conducting special experiments to verify the feasibility of using analytical – when teaching pronunciation, a rank order of sounds was established according to the difficulty of assimilation and description of articulation methods: the imitative method is more effective only when introducing sounds that are acoustically or articulatively similar to sounds that are acoustically or articulatively similar to the sounds of the native language, as well as for those sounds whose articulation cannot be controlled and arbitrarily controlled by a muscular sense, touch, vibrational sense and vision: sounds different from the sounds of the native language or approximately similar to them, the subjects perceive and reproduce better with the analytical – imitative method of their management [4]. The unity of imitation and explanation of the method of articulation does not exclude the fact that at different stages of language learning the relationship between them changes. So, when teaching a foreign language to children of primary school age, all methodologists recommend using imitation. This is determined by the psychophysical characteristics of childhood. The articulation of sounds in children has not yet lost flexibility, so they easily imitate the pronunciation of the teacher [5]. At the middle stage of training, imitation should be combined with an explanation of the ways of articulation.
The rules communicated to students will greatly facilitate imitation, will contribute to conscious “repulsion” from the native language, since at this stage students have already developed strong articulatory habits of their native language, which pose a serious obstacle to mastering foreign pronunciation [6]. The rules, therefore, contribute to self-control and self-correction in the process of imitation, they should be concise, practically directed, and have the character of easily doable instructions. The analytical method associated with the description of the rules of articulation corresponds more to work on an isolated sound: imitation is more suitable for undifferentiated work on sound in a phrase. These two approaches should not be contrasted. Currently, all work on pronunciation is subordinated to the development of speech activity and is carried out on units larger than the word: word combinations and standard phrases.
When working on pronunciation within the framework of standard phrases, two ways are possible. If the sample contains a difficult sound, then it is highlighted after the phrase is pronounced by the teacher and comprehended by the student. This sound is intensively worked out on the basis of analysis, rules of articulation and imitation, combined with other sounds. Its further development takes place in the phrase. At the same time, the gravity is transferred to intonation, in particular, to the development of phrasal stress, melody pauses. If the new sound does not belong to the difficult ones, it does not stand out from the typical phrase: students learn it imitatively in the process of working on the phrase. Naturally, this approach cannot be applied to all phonetic phenomena. There are phonetic phenomena in the language that are positionally conditioned, which can be assimilated only in a word or phrase, for example, the absence of assimilation to ringing in German or the absence of stun consonants at the end of a word in English. Mastering pronunciation within a typical phrase is the most effective. The practice of teaching and special research has proved the need for two groups of exercises for teaching auditory skills: exercises that form skills, and exercises aimed at maintaining and improving auditory skills. The last group of exercises should be used throughout the entire language learning process at school.


1. Реформатский А.А."Обучение произношению и фонология." Научные доклады высшей школы.; Фонологические науки. М., 1959. №2.
2. Джалалов Д.Д."Постановка английского произношения в узбекской школе." Канд. дис. - М., 1972.
3. Бернштейн Н.А."Очерки по физиологии движении и физиологии активности."- М., 1966
4. Аренберг М.А."Сравнение аналитического и имитативного способов введения звуков немецкого языка." - Учение записи МГПИИА,Т, IV.М., 1963. 5. Рахманов И. В. "Очерк истории преподавания новых иностранных звуков." Докт. дис.- М., 1948.
6. Сатинова В.Д. "Проблемы обучения аудированию монологической речина творческом этапе." Канд. дис. - Минск, 1971.

УДК 81-139

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