Литературные теории в поэтическом мире джона китса


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Курвантаева Я.Э. –МШТ(М)-21-4

Научный руководитель: к.п.н., доцент Назарова Г.Ж.
Резюме. В данной статье автор рассматривает теоретические аспекты коммуникативной компетенции в процессе обучения иностранному языку. Также автор исследует что, одним из приоритетов общего образования является формирование коммуникативной компетенции иностранного языка в процессе обучения, общественно полезной, учебно-исследовательской, творческой и иной деятельности.
Түйін. Бұл мақалада автор шет тілін оқыту процесінде коммуникативті құзыреттіліктің теориялық аспектілерін қарастырады. Сондай-ақ, автор жалпы білім берудің басымдықтарының бірі оқыту процесінде шет тілінің коммуникативтік құзыреттілігін, қоғамдық пайдалы, оқу-зерттеу, шығармашылық және өзге де қызметті қалыптастыру болып табылатынын зерттейді.

Monitoring and assessing the level of foreign language proficiency a student has achieved during a particular academic year is an important part of the learning process. It is known that supervision informs the teacher about the results of the work of the whole group of students and each student, as well as the results of their own activities. Supervision is an important motivational tool for students, allowing the teacher to make the necessary adjustments to their work and curriculum.

For a long time, the main object of control was to have a language system, not students ’speech activity.
In other words, the education system was dominated by the “knowledge” or “KAS” paradigm (“knowledge”, “abilities”, and “skills”).
The main goal of foreign language teaching in school is to form the communicative competence of a foreign language in school students in accordance with the new standard of basic general education[1].
Encouraging communicative competence as a primary practical goal of foreign language teaching has led to speech skills becoming the primary object of final control, while acquisition of language material is mainly current and intermediate control. One of the priorities of general education is the formation of communicative competence of a foreign language in the process of learning, socially useful, educational and research, creative and other activities in communication with peers, children of all ages, as well as adults.[2].
In the state education standard of basic general education, as well as the formation of communicative competence of primary school students "provides social competence and takes into account the ability of other people, communication or activity partner, listening, ability to participate in discussions, join a peer group, and establish effective interactions with peers and adults ” [1].
As E.V. Bryzgalina points out that there are three main reasons for the transition to a competency-based approach in education:
1) Future orientation of educational outcomes (so-called advanced education);
2) Understanding education as a way to increase human capital;
3) Kazakhstan's accession to the Bologna Process, the aim of which is to create a common educational space among its member states [3].
The term competence has become widespread and is now actively used in foreign language teaching methodologies. The term was coined by N. Chomsky, an American linguist and professor of linguistics at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and has received extensive research on foreign language teaching as part of a Council of Europe study expressing the ability to perform a specific activity, skill and experience based on the knowledge and skills acquired in the learning process.[4]
The author emphasizes that community members conduct and evaluate the behavior of others according to a system of communication that includes a linguistic code but is not limited to them. The scientist identified four parameters of the set of rules and mechanisms underlying human communicative behavior and determined whether the statement was:
1) formally possible;
2) can be done in real life;
3) appropriate to the relevant context;
4) actually done.
According to A.V.Khutorskaya, three main components can be distinguished in the content of education: subject (specific to each specific subject), interdisciplinary (specific to some disciplines) and meta subject (specific to all disciplines) [5].
Based on this, three levels of competencies are distinguished: subject, general subject, and key.
Science competencies include individual competencies that are formed as a result of studying only one subject. Interdisciplinary competencies include those that are formed in the study of related disciplines. Key competencies include those that are developed throughout the science cycle.
Communicative Competence, A.A. Petrova and T.A.Shkerin has an extreme subjective nature and is one of the main competencies of students [6].
The concept of communicative competence of a foreign language is widespread in modern foreign and more recently in local methods of foreign language teaching. There are many definitions of communicative competence of a foreign language in local science. This shows the relevance of the problem under consideration and shows that there are inconsistencies in understanding the meaning of this term.
Baguzina E.I. in his work. This concept is defined as follows:
"The communicative competence of a foreign language is the readiness and ability of an individual to understand and create statements and information in a foreign language in accordance with a particular situation, clear purpose, communicative intent and professional tasks" [3].
The formation of communicative competence, according to many foreign methodologists, is the goal of teaching a foreign language. With the development of the concepts of intercultural education, many foreign authors began to distinguish between ‘intercultural communicative competence’ or ‘communicative competence in intercultural communication’, expanding the concepts of ‘communication’ and ‘situation’ to ‘intercultural communication’ and ‘situation’.[17]
In local science I.A.Zimnyaya believes that communicative competence is the goal of teaching, although it is very long and is not achieved during the training period. At the same time, he interprets communicative competence as both an outcome and a learning objective.[7]
In the history of the development of the concept of communicative competence of a foreign language, there have been many approaches to its structure.
It should also be noted that foreign and domestic researchers use different terms to refer to the components of a communicative competence of a foreign language:
"Components", "minor competencies" or simply "competencies".
Based on the analysis of different perspectives on the structural organization of the concept of "communicative competence of a foreign language", we can talk about two variants of its composition:
Europe and Kazakhstan. A comparison of the European and Kazakh versions shows that the components of communicative competence in a foreign language have many common features.
Russian version: language, speech, socio-cultural, compensatory, educational and cognitive competencies. Pan-European variant: linguistic, sociolinguistic, socio-cultural, discursive, strategic, social competence [21].
The formation and improvement of the communicative competence of a foreign language takes place in all its components. Let’s take a closer look at the components of communicative competence.
Linguistic competence is the ability to use grammatically correct forms and syntactic constructions and to understand semantic units in speech organized according to the existing norms of a foreign language.
Linguistic competence is a key component of communicative competence. Without knowing the rules of formation of words and grammatical forms, without composing meaningful phrases, it is impossible to carry out oral communication.
Socio-linguistic competence consists of the ability of the speaker to choose the right linguistic form, the method of expression, depending on the situation, communicative purpose and intention.
Discursive (speech) competence refers to the development of communicative skills in the four types of speaking activities (speaking, listening, reading and writing); their ability to plan verbal and nonverbal behaviors. Students learn to speak fluently, to speak fluently and dynamically, to understand audible speech. The main task of the teacher in the formation of speech competence is to provide a wide range of speech practice of communication.
Socio-cultural competence refers to a set of knowledge about the national and cultural characteristics of the country of the language being studied, the ability to distinguish between general and specific in the culture of the country of study and the country of the language studied.
Social competence is manifested in the willingness and willingness to communicate with other people, the ability to manage the situation. Strategic (compensatory) competence is a set of special skills that allows to compensate for the lack of knowledge of the language in the reception and transmission of information in a foreign language.
Education and cognitive competence is the sum of general and specific learning skills and cognitive activity skills. To acquaint students with the ways and means of independent study of languages and cultures, including the use of new information technologies [5].
Thus, the formation of foreign language competence, which includes the unity of components such as speech, language, socio-cultural, compensatory and educational-cognitive competence, is the main goal of the foreign language teaching process in the modern school.


1. Родова Л. Н. Об интерференции при изучении второго иностранного языка // Лингвистика и методика в высшей школе. – М., 2017. – Вып. 4. – с. 55 – 67.
2.Юхненко Л.В. Роль аутентичных текстов в формировании иноязычной коммуникативной компетенции в обучении второму иностранному языку в неязыковом вузе // Вектор науки ТГУ. – 2010. - №4 (14). – с. 294 – 296.
3.Bryzgalina E.V.Компетентностный подход и будущее социогуманитарного образования // Вестн. Волгогр. гос. ун-та. Сер. 4, Ист. – 2013. – № 1 (23). – с. 162 – 169.
4.Юхненко Л.В. Роль аутентичных текстов в формировании иноязычной коммуникативной компетенции в обучении второму иностранному языку в неязыковом вузе // Вектор науки ТГУ. – 2010. - №4 (14). – с. 294 – 296.
5.Хуторской А.В. Ключевые компетенции как компонент личностно- ориентированной парадигмы образования // Ученик в обновляющейся школе. – М.: ИОСО РАО, 2012. – с.135 – 157.
6. Petrova A.A. Коммуникативная компетенция в структуре общекультурных компетенций бакалавров – будущих педагогов // NovaInfo. Педагогические науки– 2018. – №45. – URL: http://novainfo.ru/article/5899/pdf .
7.Зимняя И.А. Лингвопсихология речевой деятельности. - М.: Московский психолого-социальный институт, Воронеж: НПО «МОДЭК», 2019. - 432 с.


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