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Purpose of the research:
To reveal the effectiveness of the application of the method of watching films in 
the study of the subject of psychology. 
The main methods of research: 
Express online survey.
In the analyze the final information of research, are 
used a quantitative and qualitative analysis.
The state of the research work:
Research with using the Elements of the method of teaching psychology 
through film conducted in the autumn semester of the 2020-2021 academic year in the discipline of psychology 
with the International University of information technologies students. 
Research base:
International university of information technologies, Almaty The characteristics of the 
research group are given in the table below. 
Table 1 – «Characteristics of the research group” 

The number of student 
1st year students 2nd year students 3rd year students
All students who completed the course participated in the survey.
The main questions of express online survey:
• How would you rate your experience of the transition from in-person learning to online learning due to 
Very negative 1 2 3 4 5 Very positive
1 and 2 considered as negative, 3 as medium, 4 and 5 as positive.
• Has the quarantine increased the view of a video or film for academic purposes? 
• Yes 
• No 
• Another answer

International Journal of Information and Communication Technologies, Special issue, march 2022 
• How effective is the method of watching films for study of psychology? 
Absolutely non effective 1 2 3 4 5 Very effective
1 and 2 considered as non-effective, 3 as medium, 4 and 5 as effective.
Figure 1 – «The results of express online survey “How would you rate your experience of the transition 
from in-person learning to online learning due to covid-19?” »
Аs we cаn see in the table, opinions divided fairly evenly in evaluating online learning. One third of 
respondents negatively assessed online learning, but majority were more loyal.
Figure 2 – «The results of express online survey “Has the quarantine increased the view of a video or film for 
academic purposes?” »
70% (160 students) started watching films more, however a quarter of survey participants didn’t.
Figure 3 – The results of express online survey “How effective is the method of watching films for study
of psychology”

International Journal of Information and Communication Technologies, Special issue, march 2022 

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