Международный научно-образовательный электронный журнал «образование и наука в XXI веке»

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Abstract: The article presents the social characteristics of juvenile offenders held in 
the Central Detention Center during 2012-2017. The analysis of their living 
environment is presented, the types of illegal actions, in particular committed by 
teenagers from single-parent families, are considered. In the final part, modern 
methods and technologies for the prevention of juvenile delinquency are presented. 
Keywords: juvenile delinquents, social characteristics, technologies of social work. 
Introduction: The crimes of minors serve as evidence of trouble in society. Only with 
a clear understanding of the situation, based on the study of the dynamics, the 

structure of offenses, the study of the psychological and social characteristics of 
adolescents, it is possible to organize targeted prevention. 
Among the minors who have committed offenses, persons of the older age group — 
16-17 years old - predominate. The proportion of female persons on average is about 
7-9%. Therefore, juvenile offenses are quite often considered as crimes among young 
men. However, in recent years, there has been an increase in offenses in certain 
regions among teenage girls. 
In 2018, from January to July, 3.7% of crimes were committed by minors or with their 
participation. 22,787 minors who have committed offenses have been identified. 
Despite the decrease in the proportion of crimes among minors over the past decade, 
attention is drawn to the severity of the committed actions. A group of teenagers with 
delinquent behavior requires special attention not only from the services that carry 
out prevention of neglect and delinquency among minors, but also social services, 
which may come to the attention of juvenile offenders. 
The main burden in the field of preventive and educational work is assumed by the 
Temporary Detention Centers for Juvenile Offenders (TSVSNP). The minimum age is 
determined by Article 20 of the Criminal Code, which provides for criminal liability of 
a person who has reached the age of 16 at the time of the commission of the crime.
For some crimes — their list is given in Part 2 of Article 20 of the Criminal Code of the 
Russian Federation — a reduced age of criminal responsibility is established: 14 years. 
In 1942, a children's receiver was created in the city of Monchegorsk, whose main 
task was to prevent neglect and offenses among minors and conduct educational 
work among them. Since 2003, it has been a temporary detention Center for Juvenile 
Offenders of the System for the Prevention of Neglect and Juvenile Delinquency 

The Center conducts round-the-clock reception and provides temporary detention of 
minors placed by court order. There may be teenagers under the age of 18 who have 
committed hijackings, thefts, robberies, as well as unauthorized departures from 
home, crimes against the person and other offenses. Simultaneous daily stay is 
possible for up to 25 people.
In the center, they are fully supported by the state, in accordance with the 
requirements of sanitary norms and rules, they are provided with food, clothing and 
necessary equipment to continue their studies under the secondary education 
program school. 
In the Temporary Detention Center for Juvenile Offenders, employees are regularly 
trained on issues of interaction, organization of the educational process, which 
contributes to establishing contact with adolescents, reducing their psychological 
tension. Classes on legal, aesthetic and ideological-patriotic topics, for example, 
concerning the history of Russia, about national museums, healthy lifestyle, the 
dangers of drugs, alcohol, nicotine and the consequences of their use. Various 
competitions and sports tournaments are organized, students produce wall 
newspapers for holidays, memorable dates and events. The psychologist of the 
Center carries out work on the psychological support of minors. The main the goals 
are to eliminate the consequences of social maladaptation of children and 
adolescents, to help overcome developmental disorders and behavioral 
abnormalities. Specialists of the Monchegorsk City Center for Social and Psychological 
Assistance to families and children are also involved in the work. 
The staff of the TSVSNP carry out preventive work among juvenile offenders, taking 
into account the degree of social and psychological and pedagogical neglect and 
public danger. Attention is paid to the establishment of the causes of neglect, the 
identification of persons of a criminal orientation, involving teenagers in committing 
crimes and antisocial actions.

Psychological assistance to adolescents in the TSVSNP is provided systematically. 
A study was conducted at the Temporary Detention Center for Juvenile Offenders in 
Monchegorsk, the purpose of which was to study the social characteristics of juvenile 
offenders held in the Center during 2012-2017. The social characteristics of juvenile 
offenders are related to the conditions of personality formation and life activity. This 
is a significant addition to the characteristics of underage adolescents who have 
committed offenses, and is important for the development and implementation of 
crime prevention measures in this age category.
The hypotheses of the study were that
1) the main part of juvenile offenders during the study period are teenagers from 
single-parent families; 
2) in the structure of juvenile offenses for the period from 2012 to 2017, property 
crimes occupy the first place. 

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