Методические рекомендации
по английскому языку
по теме:
«Проблемы молодежи»
Георгиевск 2012
Составитель: M. В. Ахумян / Методические рекомендации по
английскому языку по теме «Проблемы молодежи»»/Георгиевск. гос.
регион, кол. «Интеграл»; Сост. M.В. Ахумян. - Георгиевск, 2012.-30 с.
Рассмотрено на заседании ПЦК филологии и педагогики
Протокол №4 от 9. 01 2012
Предназначены для обучения студентов всех специальностей
Преподаватель высшей категории
Е. А Дедкова
Преподаватель КМВИ (ф) ЮРГТУ
(НПИ) к.ф.н
Э.Х. Алиева
ГБОУ СПО ГРК «Интеграл», 2012
Пояснительная записка
Данное методическое указание предназначено для студентов всех
специальностей при изучении темы «Проблемы молодежи».
Целью данной разработки является совершенствование навыков
чтения, развитие разговорных навыков в различных видах речевой
деятельности, активизация творчества на уроках английского языка.
направленность и представлен в виде текстов. Тексты подобраны из
оригинальной литературы и адаптированы в той мере, в какой это
возможно без нарушения языковых норм и особенностей авторского
Содержание текстов служит основой для совершенствования
навыка говорения. Проблемные тексты не только обеспечивают
объяснение материала, но и сами по себе являются определенной
формой коммуникативной практики, которая способствует закреплению
учебного материала и развитию навыков чтения. Отправной точкой для
развития речевых навыков служит лексический материал проблемных
текстов, на основе которого организуется выход в ситуативно-
обусловленную речь. Для формирования навыков разговорной речи
студентам предлагается проблемные ситуации заставляющие решать
мыслительные задачи, что помогает активно овладевать речью. Согласно
принципу системной организации лексики все слова распределены по
темам. Как показывает практика, это обеспечивает их более быстрое и
прочное запоминание.
Данная разработка имеет актуальное значение, так как затрагивает
психологические и социальные аспекты проблем современной
Youth Problems
Young people's problems are a matter of serious concern, aren't
they? What is the most important problem for you?
Youth is a period of life which is of utmost importance in the life of
man. First, man's entire life is rooted in his early years. The morals and
beliefs range of interests, education, health and habits arc all lay in childhood
and youth, the personality is shaped. Second youth is a time when a person is
trying to find his place in the world. This period is usually associated with
problems: young people 'struggle' to fit themselves into society. Difficult
decisions and adjustments face young people in today's society. There are
several problems the young generation faces. They are r the eternal problems
of choosing a career and getting education, the problem of independence and
money, the problem of unemployment of young people, the generation gap.
Young people have many problems of emotional and personal character which
may look silly and unimportant in the eyes of grownups but appear
extremely important to the yоung. They are the problems of friendship and
loneliness, as well as the problem of the first love.
Probably the most vital problem is choosing a career, which is really
difficult. One thing that makes it so difficult is the responsibility you have to
take on - it is widely known that your future life depends on the choice made,
early in life when your personal experience is not so great. Sometimes you
may even be not quite certain about the field of knowledge you are interested
in. The second reason is that to make this choice you have to get some idea of
the labor market and job opportunities. Third, there are parents who usually have
their own idea of your future career and, in many cases, try to make their
child choose the career path they prefer.
Perhaps one of the most fundamental problems faced by young
people today is unemployment. Young people today have certain needs and
aspirations. Because of the universal downturn in the economy combined with
technology when particular jobs and skills are made obsolete, many youths
today are experiencing problems in obtaining jobs.
discouragement. To solve the problem of unemployment, young people
should strive for higher education. Then they would be qualified for skilled
labor required by industrialized society.
Another problem facing young people today is the tension which exists
between parents and children, or the 'generation gap’. In their eagerness to
achieve adult status and live their own life, young people may resent any
restrictions. They believe that their parents are overanxious and
overprotective, which usually creates tension. The 'generation gap' problem
is really inevitable. Firstly, every generation is unique in its experience, and
young people have always rejected or at least questioned the values of their
parents. They have always wanted to learn from their own experience; not
from their parents' standards. Secondly; younger generation tends to be
more educated and better informed than the previous one; they grow more
quickly and enjoy freedom more. Thirdly, parents tend to aggravate the
situation: they try to impose their ideas upon their children. It results in
young people's revolt against adult authority. Parents should exercise
control over young people, and try to overcome the differences but with
sympathy and understanding.
An area which poses a problem for young people and their parents is
love and dating. Some parents today are prepared give their children some
freedom; others are overprotective, restricting their children from going out with
the opposite sex. Thus, many young people today can't get the valuable,
experience of adjusting to other people.
Many youths may not be mature enough, to cope with such problem,
that is why they go in the direction of crime, drugs, vandalism, drinking etc.
Often young people are forced either consciously or unconsciously to become
involved in those antisocial activities by people of their own age group.
Moreover, they compensate for their feelings by revolting against society and
adult authority.
The second one is the problem of friendship. Youth is the time when a
person is vulnerable to opinions of different people, especially to the
opinions of his peer group. Another problem is problem of love and dating.
Some parents are democratic this respect, and allow their children
considerable freedom in their relations with the opposite sex. Others are
overprotective and forbid their teenage children to go out with people they like,
which, in my opinion, can result in many psychological problems as they
prevent their children from getting an experience of communicating with
representatives of the opposite sex, and this can lead to serious family problems
Grown-ups should work together with young people to help them solve
these problems. We must remember that the young people are the leaders of
Topical Vocabulary
to be of utmost importance -иметь первостепенное значение
to be rooted in one's early years – уходить корнями в ранние годы
morals and beliefs -мораль и убеждения
range of interests- круг интересов
to be land in childhood and youth – закладываться в детстве и юности
to shape the personality – формировать личность
to be associated with something – ассоциироваться с чем-либо
young generation- молодое поколение
eternal problem – вечная проблема
choosing a career-выбор карьеры
independence- независимость
unemployment- безработица
generation gap- проблема отцов и детей
to take on responsibility- взять на себя ответственность
vital problem – жизненно важная проблема
to look silly in the eyes of grown-ups- выглядеть глупо в глазах взрослых
personal experience – личный опыт
labor market- рынок труда
job opportunity-возможность найти
to face a fundamental- problem-столкнутся с важной, основной проблемой
to have certain needs and aspiration-иметь определённые потребности и
the universal downturn in the economy-всеобщий спад в экономике
to be made obsolete-быть вытесненным
to experienceсe problems in something-испытывать проблемы в чём-либо
to obtain a job -получить работу
financial worries, frustration and discouragement -финансовые неурядицы,
фрустрация и разочарования
to strive for higher education-стремиться к высшему образованию
to be qualified for something-получить какую-либо квалификацию
skilled labour-квалифицированный труд
industrialized society -индустриальное общество
tension -напряжённость
eagerness to achieve adult status-желание достичь статуса взрослого
to face a fundamental. problem-столкнутся с важной, основной проблемой
to have certain needs and aspiration-иметь определённые потребности и
to resent restrictions -отрицать ограничения
to be overanxious and overprotective-слишком волноваться и опекать
to be unique in one's experience-иметь уникальный опыт
to aggravate the situation-отвергать или подвергать сомнению ценности
to impose one's ideas upon somebody-навязывать кому-либо свои идеи
to result in something-привести к чему-либо
to overcome the differences-преодолеть разногласия
to restrict one's children from going out with somebody-не разрешать своим
детям встречаться с кем-либо
to adjust to other people -приспосабливаться к другим людям
to be mature -быть зрелым
to cope with something -справляться с чем-либо
to go in the direction of something –идти на что-либо в направлении чего-
crime, drugs, vandalism- нарушение закона, употребление наркотиков,
to force somebody consciously-сознательно заставлять кого-либо
to become involved in something-связаться с чем-либо,
antisocial activities-антиобщественные действия
to compensate for one's feelings by something -компенсировать свои
чувства чем-либо
to revolt against society and authority-восставать против общества и
авторитета взрослых
vulnerable to something -подверженный чему-либо
dating -свидания,встречи с представителями противоположного пола
to allow one's children considerable freedom in something -предоставлять
своим детям значительную свободу в чём либо
opposite sex-противоположный пол
forbid somebody to go out with somebody-запрещать встречаться кого-
либо с кем-либо
to result in somethingпривести к чему-либо
to revolt against adult authority-бунт против авторитета взрослых
phychological problems -психологическая проблема
to prevent somebody from something-мешать кому-либо сделать что-либо
experienceсe of communicating with somebody-опыт общения с кем-либо
to win trust and affection-завоевать доверие и любовь
to have common interests-иметь общие интересы
Translate the following sentences into English
.Юность имеет первостепенное значение в жизни человека,
поскольку вся его последующая жизнь основывается на раннем
периоде; мораль и убеждения, круг интересов, образование,
здоровье, привычки закладываются в детстве и юности.
Молодое поколение сталкивается со многими проблемами,
такими, как вечные проблемы выбора карьеры и получения
образования, проблемой независимости и денег, безработицы,
проблемой отцов и детей, дружбы и одиночества, первой любви и'
многими другими.
Наиболее важной проблемой является выбор карьеры, которая
очень трудна, так как человеку приходится брать на себя
ответственность, для которой у него недостаточно личного
опыта, знания рынка труда и возможности найти работу.
Безработица — одна из наиболее фундаментальных проблем, с
которыми сталкиваются молодые- люди из-за общего кризиса в
экономике и развития техники.
Безработица означает финансовые проблемы, фрустрацию и
разочарование; чтобы ее избежать, молодое люди должны
стремиться получить высшее образование и подготовку,
необходимую для квалифицированного труда..
В своем желании достичь статуса взрослых молодые люди могут
отрицать любые ограничения и восставать против взрослых,
отвергая или ставя под сомнение их ценности.
Многие родители чересчур опекают своих детей и запрещают
им встречаться с представителями противоположною пола.
Многие молодые люди не настолько зрелы, чтобы справиться с
этими проблемами они идут на совершение антиобщественных
действий, таких, как нарушение закона. Употребление
наркотиков, вандализм, злоупотребление алкоголем.
The generation gap
Another problem facing young people today is the tension which exists
between parents and children, or the generation gap. In their eagerness to
achieve adult status and live their own life young people may resent any
They believe that parents are overprotective, which usually creates
All young people want to be independent, they want their parents to
listen to their opinion, not to interfere in their private life. Some parents
neglect their children, because they can’t find a common language with each
Every generation is unique in its experience. It has its own ideals and a
system of values concerning every aspect of human life. Grown-up always
teach the young how to live.
But the young people wanted to learn from their own experience.
And it generates the conflict of the generations.
Every younger generation tends to be more educated and better in
formed then the previous one; they grown more quickly and enjoy freedom
Parents should exercise control over young people, and try to overcome
the differences but with sympathy and understanding.
As for me, I get on with my parents all right. I can talk with my mother
about everything, because she is young too. And she knows my problems as
well as her own. Mother always gives me necessary, correct adviсe. I have
some friends; whose parents treat them as small children, but my parents treats
me as the adult.
Teens' Tips for Parents
Respect our feelings. Of course, sometimes we will disagree with each
other, so show us your point of view and let us show you ours. If our opinion
is absolutely wrong in your eyes, tell us why in a polite way. If you respect us,
we will respect you.
Give us freedom to make some mistakes. Of course, you don't want us
to make the same stupid mistakes that you made, but sometimes we need to.
We learn well from our mistakes, believe us.
We love to please you, and your opinion is important to us. When you
see us doing something good, please praise us.
Don't take out bad moods on us. We all have bad days, but try not to
take yours out on us. When you have a bad day, tell us, and we will leave you
alone but we can't read your mind!
Don't compare us to our brothers and sisters. You make us feel stupid
and - which is more important — you make us feel left out.
Have fun with us. Don't be afraid to take us places and have good times
with us. We will all remember our childhood days forever, so help us make
them unforgettable.
Never, but never give us the silent treatment! Most of all, remember that
we love you and want to be your friend
№ 3
Choosing a career and getting a job.
Choosing a career and getting a job are two things; any person passes
through in his life. While choosing a career one should take into consideration
all main possibilities that his future profession might provide: the profession
must be interesting and socially important. One has to be sure of his future
(that means that one will be able to find a job after his graduation from study),
a profession must be well paid, otherwise you won’t be able to support
yourself and you future family.
To make the right choice, we should consider our possibilities,
characters and abilities.
There are many professions in the world, so it is quite difficult to choose
and make a decision. Some follow their own choice; some follow parents’
advice, because they can help concerning future plans. Now, when the
education, is free paying the parents must pay money if they want their
children will get higher education.
I am going to tell you about my future profession. I want to become a
computer programmer. I am interested in computers. It is a whole new world.
My hobby is computers games and computer programming. I have a
computer at home and can spend hours working at it.
I think that the profession of programmer can give many opportunities.
Computers are the most rapidly changing sphere of modern technology. We
are living in the age of information. And I think that the future is just filled
with computers. Today, people can work, go shopping or even go on dates
sitting at the computers.
To my mind, the profession of a programmer has a lot of advantages. It
is a highly paid job, and it can offer opportunities. I will be able to work on
the full range of development activities, such as analysis, design, coding,
testing and implementation. But to become a good specialist in computing,
you should know a lot of programming languages and application
programmers. So it is important for me to enter a university and to study
computer science. I hope , I’ve chosen the right profession. I must work hard
to realize my wishes, because future is purchased by the present
Answer the question
Is it difficult to choose your future career? Why?
What’s important wile choosing a profession?
Which of your personal qualities will help you in your future
What do you know about your future profession?
Why do you think you future profession is important today?
Will you need English in your future career?
What are the advantages and disadvantages of your future profession?
Will you continue you education after finishing college? Which are
the most prestigious professions today?
№ 4
The unemployment
Perhaps one of the most fundamental problems faced by young people
today is unemployment. Young people today have certain needs and
aspirations. Because of the universal downturn in the economy, many youths
today are experiencing problems in obtaining jobs. The number of young
people loll king for job is constantly increasing. Everywhere skilled specialists
are needed, so teenagers become unemployed. They want to earn their own
money. They are looking for job not only for the sale of earning money, but
because they want to be independent from their parents. Job gives the young
people a chance to adjust themselves to the real life of adults and stir their
discouragement. To solve the problem of unemployment in our country young
people should strive for higher education. Then they would be qualified for
skilled labor required by industrialized society. The present age of
unemployed youth in the total number of the jobless is high. In many
developing countries the situation is mare serious. Many young people to
commit subside. I think that our government should work out some social
employment programmers. One of the most urgent problems is the
accommodations problem. Not many young people in our country have their
own apartments. In the main, they share the apartments with their parents even
after getting married. As far as I know, many young Americans do not live
with their families. They prefer to live in apartment’s blockers or residential
areas where everyone is more or less of the same age.
Тема № 5
Drugs and youth
This is a relatively new problem but it is becoming more and more
dangerous. Million young people today are using drugs, and most of
them will die. Usually they want just to try it. But they don’t
understand, that it’s wrong. Some of them can’t stop that, and they
become dependent on drugs.
I think that police must work hard to protect young people from drugs.
Because drugs will kill our young generation and our future will be
very bad.
I think that the most difficult and serious problem of modern teen –
ages is drug – habit.
More people are abusing today that in any other time in history of
mankind, and many of those people are youth.
Drugs are a psychoactive substance. A psychoactive substance is
something that people take to change the way they feel, think or behave.
Some of these substances are called drugs and others, like alcohol and
tobacco, are considered dangerous, but are not called drugs.
In the past, most drugs were made from plants. That is, plants were from
plants. That is, plants were grown and then converted into drugs such as
coca paste, opium and marijuana.
In the 20th century, people found out how to make drugs from chemicals.
These are called man-made or synthetic drugs and include ecstasy, LSD.
For the first time in human history, a whole industrial complex creates and
produces drugs that are meant to be used for the sole purpose of “having
fun”. People use drugs just to escape the reality, to have fun. The majority
of them are young, even very young, who do not understand what might
happen to them because of drugs.
Such products as glue, butane gas, solvents are made on solvent base. That
is why they can be used for sniffing and then receiving post effects of
visual hallucinations. Solvents are depressant drugs.
It is estimated that one of five young people in Britain has used solvents.
Talking about our country, there is no exact statistics concerning this fact,
but it is not a secret that the number of “snuffers” is growing and yet has
reached a tremendous index. It happens, because such substances are the
most available and cheap.
Solvent use is extremely dangerous. Nobody knows exactly how many
children die in our country, because of solvent addiction. In Great Britain
it is prohibited to sell solvent – based products to children under 18s.
In our country, there is no such legislation concerning this problem, which
is becoming worse day after day.
There are also many other problems: alcoholism, smoking, prostitution,
hi-jacking, murders, kid-napping, robberies. Young people are more
violent then ever. Many people say that their lives have been made
miserable by young people out on the street late at night. People often
associate youth violence with drug usage.
AIDS is the sixth leading cause of death among 15- to 24- year-old
By the middle of last year, nine million children across the world had
lost their mother to AIDS.
The British government has promised to spend an extra 11 percent on
AIDS research next year. Doctors are hoping that a combination of 3
different drugs can help to control AIDS.
to abuse – злоупотреблять
drugs – наркотики
mankind – человечество
youth – молодежь
substance – вещество
to behave – вести себя, поступать
to consider – полагать
dangerous – опасный
ecstasy – экстази (наркотик)
purpose – цель
consumption – потребление
to escape – уходить от реальности
glue – клей
to sniff – вдыхать через нос, нюхать
solvents – сольвенты (растворитель)
to inhale – вдыхать
tremendous – огромный
index – показатель
solvent addiction – токсикомания
to prohibit – запрещать
legislation – законодательство
hi- jacking – угон самолета
Answer the questions
What are drugs?
What is a psychoactive substance?
Why do people use drugs?
Why can solvents be used for receiving post effects of visual
Why is the number of “snuffers” growing in our country?
Is Aids curable?
Are Aids very contagions in comparison with other viruses?
№ 6
What makes our children do this?
Today it is fashionable to speak about teenage problems. A few years ago
alcohol, fights, killings and other kinds of violence were more problems for
adults than for young people.
But now, as official reports admit, violence, AIDS, drugs and alcohol are
more and more associated with youngsters.
The Government surveys show that every fifth teenager who was arrested
for criminal actions, was younger than 14 and could not be sent to prison.
Almost half of teenagers have an experience with drugs, alcohol and sex under
age of 16. A lot of teenagers who have drug or alcohol addiction almost never
believe that they are dependent.
Street children
40 million children around the world spend their life on city streets.
Why are they there?
Poverty in the home
Treated badly at home
Nothing else to do
Just followed other
Sent by the family
What are teens' life ambitions?
They want to ...
enjoy life
be independent
express their individuality
do well at school
earn money
rebel against the society
reject everything
change the world to the best
cruel actions – жестокие действия
violence – насильственный
admit – допускать, принимать
poverty – бедность
addiction – привыкание
survey – обозрение, осмотр
prison – тюрьма
ambitions – честолюбие, цель
rebel – протестовать
reject – отвергать, отказывать
commit suicide – покончить жизнь самоубийством
to declare - объявить (войну)
will power - сила воли
environment - окружающая среда
suicide - самоубийство
asthmatic - астматик
fuss - суета, шум
To ban - запрещать
perfume - духи
effect - влияние, воздействие
air freshener - освежитель воздуха
disgusting - отвратительный,
habit - привычка
Should Smoking Be Banned In Public Places?
Do you know that every year three million people die of smoking? Do you
know that your life is 25 % shorter if you smoke? But in Russia more than
76% smoke. If you want to be healthy and strong you should give up your bad
I think it should be banned. A non-smoker shouldn’t have to suffer just
because people have not got enough will power to stop. Smoking is a form of
slow suicide.
№ 7
Test your knowledge of drinking
Alcohol can help you relax and feel more confident and sociable
True False
Drinking may make you feel relaxed, but it can also make you take
foolish risks. You are more likely to do something stupid when you
are drunk. Imagine ruining your whole life because you drunk one
night, slept with someone, and contracted AIDS!
You’re more attractive to the opposite sex after a few drinks.
True False
After a few drinks you might feel more attractive, but it’s nothing
but an illusion. The sight of a person with a silly smile, zigzag
walking and slurred speech will have the opposite effect.
A cup of coffee and a cold shower can help you sober up.
True False
Forget this myth. Alcohol is absorbed into your bloodstream within a
few minutes and is carried to all parts of body including the brain.
Only time can remove alcohol from your bloodstream. You should,
however drink as much water as possible to clear the body. Having
something to eat before going to a party is definitely a good idea.
Girls usually get drunk faster than young men.
True False
Women get drunk faster than men. It has been proved that it’s very
difficult for a woman to stop drinking. So it’s best not to start.
Mixing drinks increases the risk of getting drunk more quickly –and
having accidents or getting fights.
True False
It’s true mixing drinks increases the risk of getting drunk more
quickly – and having accidents or getting into fight.
If you are a teenager and drink too much, you may get stupid.
True False
Students who drink heavily sometimes joke that they are killing a few
brain cells.
New research suggests that this is not funny. Teenagers who drink too
much may lose as much as 10% of their brainpower.
The best hangover cure is hair of dog –a bit more alcohol the next
True False
the only real hangover cure is time.
Drinking too much alcohol («overdosing») may be fatal. You can
even die.
True False
Overdosing may make you lose consciousness. Drinking too much
alcohol over many years can lead to serious liver, heart and stomach
Alcohol slows down your brain and makes you a potentially
dangerous driver.
True False
About half of all drivers aged 16-60 who are killed in road accidents
have alcohol in their bloodstream.
If you’re out drinking with your mates, you’ve got to keep up with
everyone else.
True False
If you’re out drinking with your mates, it’s silly to think you’ve got to
keep up with everyone else. If you’re in control of your own life, you
decide how you drink, not anyone else.
The more you drink, the fatter you’ll become.
True False
Alcohol is high on calories, so you may put on weight
What I do with my time is my business. If I get a bit drink, it will hurt
no one but myself.
True False
If you drink, everyone around you is affected. Family, friends,
neighbors, everyone.
Alcohol- алкоголь
to relax- расслабляться
confident- уверенный в себе
sociable- общительный
attractive- привлекательный
opposite sex- противоположный пол
to sober up- протрезветь
to inkrease- увеличивать
accident- несчастный случай
to get into a fight- ввязаться в драку
to get stupid- глупеть, тупеть
hangover cure- средство от похмелья
to take a hair of the dog- опохмелиться
fatal- роковой, смертельный
to slow down the braid- зд. Замедлять реакцию
potentially- потенциально
mate- приятель
to keep up with- не отставать от
to take foolish risks- совершать не обдуманные поступки
to ruin one's life- погубить свою жизнь
to contract- подхватить, заразиться
slurred speech- невнятная, бессвязная речь
myth- миф
to be absorbed- всасываться
bloodstream- кровеносная система
including- включая
to remove- выводить
brain- мозг
cell- клетка
research- исследование
brainpower- умственные способности, интеллект
poisoning- отравление
liver- печень
stomach- желудок
to be high on calories- быть очень калорийным
to put on weight- набрать вес, поправиться
everyone around you is affected- это отражается на всех
alcohol-related- связанный с употреблением спиртного
to care for- заботиться о ком- то
to be insulted- подвергаться оскорблениям
to be humiliated- быть униженным
to experience- испытать, пережить
sexual advance- сексуальное домогательство
argument- выяснение отношений
to be assaulted- подвергаться нападению
№ 8
Is it easy to be young?
Everybody says youth is probably the best time of your life that being
young means romance, love and new discoveries. But it is also the most
difficult time because you have to make some very important decisions which
will influence all your future life.
Youth today has a lot of really difficult problems to sole. On the one hand
it is the problem of education – how to get a good one and that which will be
necessary in the future. The other problem is the problem of a god job with a
good salary. It is not easy thing to find one now. You must be a very good
specialist for that. The young man want to earn their own money and to be
independent. Another problem facing young people today is the tension
which exists between parents and children, or the ‘generation gap’. Some
parents neglect their childre , because they can’t find a common language with
each other.
Emotional problems for young people can be far more difficult than
financial ones.
The typical teenager problem is that, ‘nobody understand me’.
Many youth may not mature enough to copy with such problems, that is
why they go in the direction of crime, drugs, drinking.
So as you see, it is very difficult to be young nowadays, as indeed, it
always war. But you only can be young once, and some wonderful things can
happen only when you’re young. So it is better to enjoy youth while it last.
Приложение к теме «
Youth Problems
Тема № 1
Рекомендуемая литература
Кубарьков Г.Л. Английский язык без проблем»- Донецк: ЗАО
«БАО-Пресс», ООО «ИД «РИПОЛ классик, 2006г.-480с.
Кузовлев В.П. Английский язык: учебник для 10-11кл.
общеобразовательных учреждений. М.: Просвещение,2004-336с.
Синельникова М. Разговорные темы. Рабочая тетрадь.- СПб:
«Корона принт»,2005, -250с.
«Speak out» №1,2001, №2 , 2007
«Иностранные языки» №2, 2008, №8 ,2008
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