Dulatov Berik, Master of Education in "History"
Kostanai State Pedagogical Institute, Republic of Kazakhstan
Education is the most important social institutions that function to meet the needs of
society, and therefore live react to internal and external changes and processes the content of
national higher education systems naturally tends to the so-called "international standards"
generated with the global science and technology. However, in this report will attempt to analyze
the formation of the system of education in Kazakhstan during the Soviet period, and also to
track what is the situation in this area has changed in the last two decades.
In this article we have tried to trace the formation of the system of education in
Kazakhstan from 1913 to 2013, that is, according to a given chronological framework of the
conference. What were these hundred years for the Kazakhstani education system? What was the
"big break" or a "waste of time"? What took place in the education system, positive and negative
changes in these hundred years? We offer research-based track Kazakh historians, PhD,
Professor and Professor Amanzhol Kuzembayuly Yerkin Abil. In his textbook on the history of
Kazakhstan, they have their own educational research examined in the context of the influence of
Soviet power in the education system, which changes the positive and negative nature occurred
in this period. Directly own study of the matter is concentrated in the period of independent
Kazakhstan, that is from the end of 1991.
Education is a major priority and the primary indicator of development in all the civilized
countries of the world. Because in fact, countries compete not only goods and services - are
competing systems of values and education system. The task of entering the Republic of
Kazakhstan in the 50 most competitive countries of the world can be solved if the country will be
highly skilled professionals who have knowledge of high technologies, management skills, able
to navigate in a market economy, if there is an effective system of education that will meet the
needs of global market economy.
Professors Amanzhol Kuzembayuly and Erkin Abil development of the education system
of the last century is divided into three periods. The starting point of his study, we took the rise
to power of the Bolsheviks and their activities in this field. One of the undoubted achievements
of the Soviet regime - the development of the public education system and the implementation of
universal literacy. In 1918, he took the "Declaration of the unified labor school" and
"Regulations on the Unified Labor School," which proclaims the basic principles of the Soviet
educational system - a free, joint training of boys and girls, the exclusion of teaching theological
disciplines, the abolition of all forms of punishment student government. All the schools were
divided into two stages - first, for children 8-13 years of age and the second, for children 13-17
years. Active work to transform the madrassas Mekteb and Russian-Kazakh schools in Soviet.
By the end of the civil war in 2410 in Kazakhstan there were schools with 144 thousand students,
of which 31 thousand - are Kazakhs. However, most schools operate in unsuitable premises, 99%
of Kazakh schools generally had their buildings. Unified curriculum was not, there was virtually
no textbooks. For Kazakh children and child laborers and orphans were organized commune
schools and boarding schools. In 1923, there were 2,025 schools with 128,000 students, and in
1925 - 2713 schools with 160,924 students. At the same time, the proliferation of schools in the
poor economic situation has led to a drop in the quality of the system of education. For example,
in 1927 only 1.5% of Kazakh aul schools and 28% of Russian schools had their own room. If in
1911 the per pupil Russian-Kazakh school spent an average of 17 rubles, in 1927, per pupil
Russian school stage 1 - 16 rubles, and the Kazakh school - 7 rubles. 70 kopecks. Per pupil
school in 1913, spent 180 rubles, in 1927, per pupil school level II - only 22 rubles. 70 kopecks.
However, the authorities have made great efforts to eliminate illiteracy. In 1930 he was declared
transition to universal compulsory primary education, and in 1931 introduced universal
compulsory seven-year education. The network of boarding schools which in 1934 had an
enrollment of more than 24 thousand students. In 1925, the Kazakh schools had established a
single sample of certificates, testimonials, a 5-point rating system, a single length of the school
year and holidays, streamlined structure of schools.
A critical component of the education system in the 20-30's was the elimination of
illiteracy among the adult population. In 1921, the government of Kazakhstan was established
Central Emergency Commission on Literacy, who led all the work on the organization of
settlements, where adults took possession of alphabetic literacy.
From 1921 to 1927 in these areas have been trained about 200 thousand, in 1929 - 150
thousand, and in 1930 - about 500 thousand people.
Despite the fact that the 1935 study in Kazakhstan has reached 91% of children of school
age, only a third of which went to seven-year and secondary schools, Kazakh schools did not
exist [1, p.294-295].
Special attention was paid to the methodological and the base and training facilities. In
particular, we present evidence for such here's information. In the 20's and 30's. were important
developments in methodological support schools. In 1921, at Semipalatinsk printed books
"Esepkuraly", "Oka kuraly" and "Tilkuraly" A.Baytursyn and M. Dulatuly. State Publishing
House was founded at the editorial board for the creation of new textbooks to writing were
brought Bokeyhan A. ("Geography"), M. Zhumabai ("History of Kazakhstan", "Education"), J.
Aymauyt-uli ("Curriculum") , B. Lobster ("Algebra") and other prominent representatives of
national intelligence. In the 1927-28 school year for Kazakh schools was published more than 30
titles of books with a circulation of 575 thousand copies [1, p.295-296].
Heavy blow to the education system, according Amanzhol Kuzembayuly and Erkin Abil,
paid transition Kazakh language in 1929 with the Arabic alphabet to the Latin. Along with the
struggle for a literate authorities tried to tear the Kazakhs of great spiritual heritage of centuries,
recorded in the books with the Arabic script.
In addition, even after improvements A. Baitursyn in 1924 arabitsa allowed to read any
Turkic Kazakhs publications including and exit abroad, which was politically harmful. Hundreds
of thousands of Kazakhs who can read the Kazakh based on Arabic script, had again become
illiterate and learn a new alphabet [1, p.296].
Same problem as some part of Kazakhstan, may cause a transition to the Latin alphabet.
This question was discussed in the late 2012 - early 2013. In February 2013, a group of public
figures, writers, politicians and scholars (of 66 signatures) published an open letter sent to the
introduction of the Latin alphabet [2].
In the years of Soviet power in Kazakhstan started to develop a system of higher
education. In 1926, the Tashkent Higher Pedagogical Institute was established Kazakh faculty. In
1928, the department was moved to Alma-Ata, and converted to the Kazakh State University.
Two years later it was renamed the Kazakh Pedagogical Institute, and in 1935 was named after
Abai Kunanbayev. In 1929 in Alma-Ata was opened Veterinary Institute, and in 1930 -
agricultural. In 1934. in the capital of the opening of two new schools - the Mining and
Metallurgical Institute and the Kazakh State University. S. Kirov (now the Kazakh State
University named. Al-Farabi). In 1931. in Alma-Ata in the country opened the first medical
school. Open teaching and teachers' institutes in Uralsk, Semipalatinsk, Aktobe, Petropavlovsk,
Shymkent and Kustanai. In the 30 years begins to develop a system of distance education [1,
This time period (lets say in October 1917 and the end of the 30s), and Erkin Abil and
Amanzhol Kuzembayuly is considered the first stage in the education system in Kazakhstan,
after the Bolsheviks came to power.
Next, the second stage in the development of education in Soviet Kazakhstan, the end of
the 30's - late 50's. Intensive efforts to eradicate illiteracy, which was conducted in the 20's and
30's., Began to bear fruit.
According to the 1939 census the population of Kazakhstan was 76.3% literate. In 1940
he worked in the country early 5289, seven-year 1770 and 698 secondary schools with 1,138,187
students. Teaching staff in preparing Kazakh State University, 13 teachers and teacher's institutes
and 23 normal schools. During the war, the republic took 149 child care centers and 19 thousand
children were evacuated from the western regions of the USSR, the number of children's homes.
Quickly developed a system of vocational and secondary education. In 1940. Kazakhstan has
organized 35 professional schools, in the war years were enrolled in each year of factory schools
for more than 26 thousand people. In the late 30's in the country there were 120 secondary
educational institution that produced more than 5 thousand specialists.
Continued development of higher education. In 1936, regulations were adopted, to
streamline the procedure for admission to universities, introduce a single educational guidance.
In 1938, with the Kazakh State University opened the first graduate school in Kazakhstan.
During the war, the number of institutions of higher education has increased. In 1943 was
inaugurated Institute of Foreign Languages in 1943 - Shymkent Institute of Technology building
materials, 1944 - Conservatory and the Women's Pedagogical Institute in Alma-Ata. After the
war, there were Karaganda Medical (1950), the Semipalatinsk Veterinary (1951). Karaganda
Mining Institute (1953). Scientific-pedagogical personnel of these institutions were completed
both by the evacuees and repressed scientists and educators.
The rapid growth of science and scientific institutions in Kazakhstan begins in the
postwar period. May 1, 1946 the opening ceremony of the Academy of Sciences of Kazakhstan.
Its first president was an outstanding scientist K. Satpayev [1, p.309-310].
At this stage, we have made great achievements, and the opening of higher education,
graduate studies and, of course, this is the climax of the opening of the Academy of Sciences of
The third stage in the development of the education system of the Soviet Kazakhstan is
the end of the 50's - late 80's. The twentieth century. This period is characterized by negative
moments. In particular, according to Kuzembayuly and Abil, Khrushchev's idea of
approximation of mental and physical labor and strengthen the link between the school and
ultimately lead to the production in the late 50's and early 60's radical education reform. In 1958.
adopted federal law, dubbed in Republic Act 1959 on "Strengthening communication with
school life." According to him, instead of the seven-year and ten-year compulsory education was
introduced eight years of education, the completion of which graduates were required three years
to work in factories or in agriculture, combining work with study or study in secondary
polytechnic schools with production training. Admission to universities is now conditioned by
industrial experience, and not theoretical training students. In Kazakhstan, the transition to the
new system was completed in 1962-1963gg.
This reform has mixed effects. Increased turnover in the workplace, where the number of
workers - "tranzitnikov" on the way to college. Falling prestige of higher education, academics
and intellectuals have been used for physical, unproductive work at the expense of their
professional activities.
In 1964, some of the provisions of this reform have been revised, and requires an average
of ten years of training starting to develop new training programs and plans, in 1970, approved
by the Charter of the secondary school, which was introduced by three levels of education -
primary (up to grade 3) and the eight-year average (10 years). Graduates of the eight-year
schools to continue their education in the ten-year school or vocational schools and vocational
schools, and then had the right to go to college.
In the 70's there is a reduction in the number of schools increased enrollment. Thus, in
1966, 10,728 schools had 2852 thousand students in 1976 schools in 9604 - 3 346.4 thousand
pupils, and in 1979, 8,910 schools - 3 257.2 thousand students. Since the mid 70's the tendency
to reduce the number of students, which was due to demographic factors.
Continued to develop the system of higher education. In 1959. in order to centralize the
management of higher education institutions of the republic was established State Committee
later transformed into the Ministry of Higher and Secondary Special Education of Kazakhstan.
Increase in the number of universities. If in 50 years the country had 26 higher education
institutions, by 1980 their number had increased to 55, with an enrollment of more than 250
thousand people [1, p.323-324].
It should be added that in this period, a policy of reducing to a minimum the Kazakh-
language schools, complete Russification of the learning process in Kazakhstan. This resulted in
the fact that the population of Kazakhstan, especially its northern regions, have been isolated
from the roots and the national language. Quite often there are people, a generation of 60-80's.
birth who do not know the Kazakh language, or do not speak it perfectly. This problem is
reflected in the following of their children. This problem is very acute in Kazakhstan, and so in a
subsequent period, after the government of the state independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan
has been paid great attention to this problem.
Since gaining independence, the country began to form new approaches to the
development of science and management STP in accordance with the objectives of Kazakhstan
as a sovereign state. Questions forming an independent science and technology policy and
management science were the basis of the Law "On Science and State Science and Technology
Policy of the Republic of Kazakhstan", adopted in January 1992, in February, it was established
the Ministry of science and technology. After several reorganizations Republican body
implementing the state scientific and technical policy, was the Ministry of Education and
Science [3, p.156-157].
In 1999, the Law "On Education", which later often complementary. After he often
supplemented with new amendments, which were adopted as a result of emerging demands of
everyday life. Referring to this law, we can see the general structure of Kazakhstan's model of
education. The main objectives of the education system in the Republic of Kazakhstan are:
• Formation of a general scientific and general cultural training of students;
• School social adaptation to life in the community;
• citizenship education and love of country;
• addressing the needs of society for qualified workers and specialists, retraining and
professional development.
The Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan, stated: "Citizens are guaranteed free
secondary education in public schools. Secondary education is compulsory. A citizen has the
right to receive, on a competitive basis a higher education in the state of higher education.
Receive free education in private educational establishments on the grounds and in the manner
prescribed by law. State sets educational standards in education. Activities of any institution
must comply with these standards, "[4].
Secondary education is guaranteed and is mandatory for all citizens. In addition, the
priorities of secondary education are computerization and updating of educational content.
Before the system of secondary education are to:
• enrollment of all school-age children
• implementation of the state compulsory standards of secondary education;
• Improving the quality of education in schools by improving the content and teaching methods,
the introduction of objective criteria and guidelines for assessing students' knowledge and work
of teachers;
• providing measures to protect the health of students and teachers.
General secondary education is acquired in stages by learning educational programs three
stages: primary (grades 1-4), primary (grades 5-9) and senior (10-11 or 12 classes). These levels
may function together in the same general education institution, or separately, in primary or
secondary school principal.
Along with the day schools are public schools evening. A network of educational
institutions of a new type (gymnasiums and lyceums). Given the needs of the population of
ethnic studies in schools is in different languages. Of the total number of schools - are learning
Kazakh, Russian, Uzbek, Uighur, Tajik, Ukrainian and German. In areas where minority
nationalities organized study of 14 native languages.
Primary and secondary vocational education is acquired in vocational schools, high
schools and colleges and is combined with general secondary education.
The main tasks of vocational education:
• development and implementation of state educational standards of professional education,
updating them with the situation in the labor market and structural changes in the economy;
• creating conditions for increasing the availability of vocational education;
• Support private sector vocational education;
• the organization and development of social partnership in vocational education;
• Increased international cooperation on training and retraining of vocational education.
Initial vocational education includes training, retraining and advanced training of workers,
professionals and the unemployed, and the unemployed.
Professional training colleges are colleges who have switched to training in the new state
standards of vocational education and curriculum. Colleges introduced a new mechanism for the
formation of the student body and training with full cost recovery on a contract basis, taking into
account the needs of the region in the workforce. Opening of new specialties made only in the
presence of the customer and a regional employment office.
Higher vocational education is acquired by citizens with secondary education. In
Kazakhstan, the following types of institutions of higher education: university, academy,
institute and similar (conservatory, high school, university college).
In the structure of higher education, there are three levels:
I. Higher basic education that includes a broad humanitarian and fundamental natural science
training in specialty profile with an academic degree "Bachelor";
II. Higher scientific-pedagogical higher education is aimed at graduates in the subsequent use of
research and teaching (in high school) work. Person who has successfully passed final
certification, the qualification of "specialist with higher education" and the academic degree
"Master of Science";
III. Doctorate PhD, with an academic degree of Doctor of Phd.
Universities have the right to determine the appropriate structure of multistage training.
The university can function as all levels of higher education, as well as separately.
Postgraduate vocational education are specialists with higher education. The main forms of
postgraduate education is a master's and doctoral universities, research organizations. Until this
year, the training of scientific and scientific-pedagogical personnel can be carried out post-
graduate training in the form of soiskatelstvo, transfer to senior researchers and providing
sabbaticals. However, with the current year were just such forms as master's and doctoral.
Training and retraining of personnel conducted educational organizations, organizations,
research and training centers, the public employment service. They can be carried out by the
state budget, and on a contract basis. Refresher training is conducted at the National Institute of
Advanced Training, retraining of scientific, methodological and managerial personnel of the
education system - in the regional and municipal institutions, improvement of teachers.
According to the legislation a national model of education based on the principles of
continuity and continuity of educational programs, including 4 levels of education:
1) pre-school education and training;
2) secondary (general secondary, primary and secondary vocational) education;
3) higher professional education;
4) Post-graduate professional education.
Educational programs are implemented in preschools, schools, vocational schools,
vocational schools, colleges and universities.
Education system of Kazakhstan more than can be clearly seen in the following figure.