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Adjustment to the new cultural environments

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Adjustment to the new cultural environments 
Individuals differ greatly in the degree in which culture shock affects them. 
Although no common, there are individuals who can not live in foreign countries. 
Those who have seen people go through a serious case of culture shock and on to a 
satisfactory adjustment and discern steps in the process 
The honeymoon stage 

During the first few weeks most individuals are fascinated by the new. They stay
in hotels and associate with nationals who speak their language and are polite and 
gracious to foreigners. This honeymoon stage may last from a few days or weeks to 
six months depending on circumstances. 
The “dollar rasping American” and the “indolent Latin American” are samples 
of mild forms of stereotypes. The use of stereotypes may salve the ego of someone 
with a severe case of culture shock but it certainly does not lead to any genuine 
understanding of the host country and its people. This second stage of culture shock 
is in a sense a crisis in the disease. If you overcome it you stay, if not, you leave 
before you reach the stage of a nervous breakdown. 
Culture shock is lessened as the visitor succeeds in getting some knowledge of 
the language and begins to get around by himself. This is the beginning of his 
adjustment to the new cultural environment. The visitor still has difficulties but he 
takes a “this is my cross and I have to bear it” attitude. 
Final adjustment 
In the final stage of adjustment the visitor accepts the customs of the country as 
just another way of living. He can operate within the new milieu without a feeling of 
anxiety although thereююююююю are moments of strain. 
For a long time the individual will understand what national is saying, but he is 
not always sure what the national means. With a complete adjustment you not only 
accept the foods, drinks, habits, and customs but actually begin to enjoy them. When 
you go back home on leave you may even take things back with you and if you leave 
for good you generally miss the country and the people to whom you have become 
It might be well point out that the difficulties which the newcomer experiences 
are very real. If individuals come to a topical area from a temperate one they quite 
often suffer from intestinal disturbances. Strange foods sometimes upset people. 
Your attitude 
-Another important point worth considering is the attitude of others to a
person suffering from culture shock. If you are frustrated and have an aggressive 
attitude to the people of the host country, they will sense this hostility and in many 
cases respond in either a hostile manner or try to avoid you. In other words, their 
response moves from a preliminary phase of ingratiation to aggressive ridicule and on 
to avoidance 
Underline some information that surprised you in the reading. 
Share them with a classmate. 
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