Н. И. Лобачевского Информационные системы Практикум

Read the text again and complete the chart below

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9. Read the text again and complete the chart below.

Place of work


1. Luc Bertrand

2. Mary Murray

3. Larry Hersch

4. Irene Theodorakis

5. George Fenn

6. Charles Butros

10. Has Tom chosen any job and place of work, in your opinion?
11. What job and place of work would you advise Tom to choose? Why?

12. Look for details in the text which tell you about the job you would prefer. Tell the class about this job.


Task I. Should these people stay or move to another department? Why?

a. Kate from HR: 'I love working with people and making sure they're happy at work.'
b. Jo from Customer Services: 'I hate talking to customers on the phone.'
c. Amy from Sales: 'My team always meets its targets.'
d. Mike from Production: 'I forgot to give the factory manager the revised schedule.' (пересмотренный план)
e. Leo from R&D: 'It's really hard to come up with (придумывать) new ideas - I just copy what other companies do.'
f. Diane from Distribution: 'It's great to see all our products in the right place at just the right time.'
g. Sarah from Legal: 'I didn't get the supplier to sign the contract, so we lost thousands of dollars.'
h. Harry from PR: 'We're the best-loved food company in this country and I want to keep it that way.'
i. Des from IT: 'I tested the network and the whole system shut down (отключилась) for three days.'

Task II

1. Discuss the following jobs and decide who does the things in the box below.

an accountant, the managing director of a small company, a banker, a lawyer

attend meetings

obey orders

mark essays

cancel appointments

fire people

delegate work

set a good example

appear to be in a good mood

encourage people

complain about work


negotiate contracts

to take risks

make unpopular decisions

tell lies


sign documents

2. Which of the things in the box would you personally find most difficult? Discuss your answers in groups of three.

Task III. Put titles of jobs in the categories below. You can put one job in more than one category. Discuss your answers with the partner.

1. These people usually work outside: ________________

2. These people usually wear uniforms: ______________
3. These people should be friendly: _________________
4. These people must often work at night: _____________
5. These people must have a university educations _______________
6. These people are usually good with their hands: ____________
7. These people work in offices: _________________

Task IV. Think of a job, but don't tell your partner what that job is. Your partner is going to ask you questions to try and find out what job you're thinking about.

For example:
- Do you work outdoors?
- What does your job involve?
- What exactly do you have to do?
- What kind of problems do you deal with?
- Who do you liaise with?

Task V. Talk to each other about the job you are thinking of.


Task I. Write a paragraph about each person. Describe his job, using the notes and the words in brackets.

1. Peter Long

preventing crime within the building


checking means of access to the building

(job - involve)

test burglar alarm system regularly

(have to)

people entering / leaving the building


doors and windows are locked after hours

(make sure)

distribution of keys

(deal with)

security patrol at night / weekends


2. Charles Fisher

health and safety of every employee


make a record of every accident

(have to)

accident rate in the firm


inspecting machines and equipment

(job - involve)

training in safety and first aid


talks on safety


Task II. Write a job description of your future job (company, department, duties).



1. Studying the language reference
2. Practice the language reference
3. Reading, translating and discussing the topic ‘Information Systems’


Task I. Study the Language reference.

1. Information System - информационная система; система, обеспечивающая сбор, хранение и доступ пользователей к информации
Information Technology (IT) – Информационная Технология
a computer – компьютер, вычислительная машина, ЭВМ
a personal computer (PC) = a desktop computer = a desktop - персональный компьютер, ПК компьютер, предназначенный для работы одного пользователя на работе или дома
a laptop – лэптоп, переносной ПК с плоским ЖК- или газоразрядным экраном, массой меньше 3,5 кг (8 фунтов). Промежуточный класс между портативными (portable) и блокнотными ПК (notebook). Активно вытесняется последними.
a notebook computer - блокнотный компьютер, блокнотный ПК, ноутбук класс портативных компьютеров блокнотного размера (8 на 11 дюймов), массой менее 4 кг (этот показатель со временем уменьшается: в 2005 г. для ноутбуков предельным весом считается 3 кг.)
a hand-held computer - карманный компьютер, карманная ЭВМ

2 a hardware support system - аппаратные средства системы (управления)
a software system - система программного обеспечения; программная система; комплекс программ
Netware – сетевое программное обеспечение; сетевое ПО; сетевые программные средства

3 a system unit - системный блок, корпус [персонального] компьютера, в котором находится блок питания, системная плата, отсеки для дисковых накопителей и другие устройства
a monitor – монитор: устройство для отображения на экране выводимой компьютером информации
a keyboard – клавиатура
a mouse – мышь: указующее устройство, служит для управления перемещением курсора на текстовом или графическом экране

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