Н. И. Лобачевского Информационные системы Практикум

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Inform systems

Task II

1. Read and translate the text.


Mr. Elford is in charge of the Marketing Department. What exactly does marketing involve? It involves finding out what the market wants and making sure that the department supplies it. And very importantly, the department makes sure that the market knows the department can supply it. So they deal with two main areas — market research and promotion. As for market research, they have to analyse the market. Sometimes this involves sending out questionnaires to customers. And of course they monitor closely the research done by other organisations. They are concerned with publicity for their own products. So they organise promotion campaigns and advertise the products. In the department one person is responsible for TV advertising, another for magazine advertising, and another for mail shots (разовые рассылки рекламных материалов в прямой почтовой рекламе). A mail shot involves sending details of a new product to all potential customers. Mr. Elford's department liaises with other departments. For example, Mr. Elford as Head of Marketing liaises with the Sales Manager. They set targets for the sales representatives. They have to try to meet the targets.

2. Read the text once again and answer the questions

--- What is Mr. Elford?

--- What does marketing involve?
--- What other departments does the Marketing Department liaise with?

3. Make a list of the Marketing Department’s duties.

4. Read and translate the text.

a) a legal adviser - юрисконсульт; советник по правовым вопросам

b) to be available – быть в наличие
c) to serve – служить; работать
d) to develop – совершенствовать
e) to implement – выполнять, обеспечивать выполнение
f) Commercial Law – торговое право
g) civil code – гражданский кодекс
h) dispute resolution – разрешение судебного спора
i) ameliorate [ә΄mi:ljә͵reit] – улучшать
j) constraint [kәn΄streint] - ограничение
k) private investment - капиталовложения частного сектора, частные инвестиции
l) Civil Law – гражданское право
m) litigation – судебное дело, процесс
n) transaction – хозяйственная операция, сделка
o) lending - предоставление займов [кредитов, ссуд], кредитование
p) advocacy [΄ædvәkәsi] - адвокатская деятельность

A legal adviser

The following position is available.

A Legal Adviser will serve for one year on a team developing and implementing Commercial Law reforms. The Adviser will assist the civil code process with respect to (относительно) commercial law issues, work on reforms in commercial dispute resolution, and identify and work to ameliorate constraints on private investment.
The Adviser must be an expert, have high knowledge of Commercial Law, Civil Law, litigation, Business / Corporate law, especially international commercial transactions, international lending and legal aspects of trade financing, experience and ability in human rights advocacy, full command of the English Language, written and spoken, and good management ability.

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