Exercise 1. Learn the following words and phrases.
get up ['get '
ʌp] подниматься, вставать (после сна)
make the bed ['me
ɪk ðə 'bed] застилать постель
do one’s morning exercises ['du
ː wʌnz 'mɔːnɪŋ 'eksəsaɪzɪz] делать зарядку
wash one’s face ['w
ɔʃ wʌnz 'feɪs] умываться
take a shower ['te
ɪk ə 'ʃəuə] принимать душ
have breakfast ['hæv 'brekfəst] завтракать
clean one’s teeth ['kli
ːn wʌnz 'tiːθ] чистить зубы
get dressed ['get 'drest] одеться
go to university ['gəu tə
ˌjuːnɪ'vɜːsətɪ] идти в университет
go by bus ['gəu ba
ɪ 'bʌs] ехать автобусом
walk [w
ɔːk] идти пешком
take notes ['te
ɪk 'nəuts] записывать лекцию, конспектировать
have lunch ['hæv 'l
ʌnʧ] обедать, перекусывать (в середине рабочего дня)
come home ['k
ʌm 'həum] приходить домой
have dinner ['hæv 'd
ɪnə] обедать (во второй половине дня, после работы,
учебы), ужинать
have a rest ['hæv ə 'rest] отдыхать
do one’s homework ['du
ː wʌnz 'həumwɜːk] делать домашнее задание
surf the Internet ['s
ɜːf ðɪ 'ɪntənet] сидеть в интернете
have supper ['hæv 's
ʌpə] ужинать (ближе к вечеру, перед сном)
go to bed ['gəu tə
'bed] ложиться спать
Exercise 2. What do you do:
a) in the morning?
I get up, make the bed, …
b) in the afternoon? I have lunch, …
c) in the evening?
Exercise 3. Ask each other about the things in Ex. 1, for example:
Do you do your homework
in the afternoon?
No, I don’t. I do my
homework in the evening.
Do you take a shower in the morning?
Yes, I do.
Exercise 4. Learn the times.
It’s 9 o’clock.
It’s nine thirty. / It’s ten fifteen. / It’s nine forty five /
It’s half past nine.
It’s quarter past ten.
It’s quarter to ten.
Exercise 5. Ask and answer questions about the time, for example:
Exercise 6. Ask each other about your daily routine, for example:
What time do you usually get up?
I get up at 7 o’clock.
What time is it, please?
It is three o’clock.
Thank you very much.
What time do you have breakfast?
I have breakfast at half past seven.
Exercise 7. Learn the days of the week.
Monday ['m
ʌndeɪ] понедельник
Tuesday ['tju
ːzdeɪ] вторник
Wednesday ['wenzde
ɪ] среда
Thursday ['θ
ɜːzdeɪ] четверг
Friday ['fra
ɪdeɪ] пятница
Saturday ['sætəde
ɪ] суббота
Sunday ['s
ʌndeɪ] воскресенье
Exercise 8. Answer the questions.
1. What day is it today?
2. What day is it tomorrow?
3. What day was it yesterday?
4. What days did you go to school?
5. What days do you go to university?
6. What days are the weekend?
7. What day / days do you go shopping?
8. What day / days do you like?
9. What day / days don’t you like?
Exercise 9. Revise the following phrases with prepositions.
the morning
the afternoon
the evening
Monday morning
7 o’clock
Tuesday afternoon
eight thirty / half past eight
Wednesday evening…
weekends / the weekend
Exercise 10. Fill in the gaps with prepositions.
1. I usually have lunch ___ one o’clock. 2. I always get up early ___
Monday. 3. I phone my parents ___ Saturday evening. 4. What do you do ___
weekends? 5. ‘What time do you go to university?’ – ‘___ 8 o’clock’. 6. I play
tennis ___ Saturday afternoon. 7. I surf the Internet ___ the evening. 8. He
usually stays at home ___ Saturday. 9. ‘What time do you come home?’ – ‘___
about 3 o’clock’. 10. I always sleep well ___ night. 11. My brother’s birthday is
___ March. 12. The film starts ___ 9.30. 13. Minsk is very good ___ winter.
14. He often plays football ___ weekends. 15. She usually stays at home ___
Friday evening. 16. ___ weekends I get up late ___ the morning.
Exercise 11. Learn the following words.
tea [ti
ː] чай
coffee ['k
ɔfɪ] кофе
juice [
ʤuːs] сок
milk [m
ɪlk] молоко
yoghurt ['j
ɔgət] йогурт
porridge ['p
ɔrɪʤ] овсяная каша
sandwich ['sænw
ɪʤ] бутерброд
cheese [
ʧiːz] сыр
egg [eg] яйцо
potatoes [pə'te
ɪtəuz] картофель
pasta ['pæstə] паста, макароны
rice [ra
ɪs] рис
salad ['sæləd] салат
cucumber ['kju
ːkʌmbə] огурец
tomato [tə'm
ɑːtəu] помидор
soup [su
ːp] суп
meat [mi
ːt] мясо
fish [f
ɪʃ] рыба
chicken ['
ʧɪkɪn] цыпленок, курица
sausage ['s
ɔsɪʤ] колбаса, сосиска
pilaf (f) ['p
ɪlæf] / pilau ['pɪlau] плов
pizza ['pi
ːtsə] пицца
cake [ke
ɪk] пирожное, торт
bun [b
ʌn] булочка
biscuits ['b
ɪskɪts] печенье
chocolate ['
ʧɔklət] шоколад
sweets ['swi
ːts] сладости, конфеты
apple ['æpl] яблоко
orange ['
ɔrɪnʤ] апельсин
banana [bə'n
ɑːnə] банан
Exercise 12. Ask each other about your meals, for example:
Exercise 13. Remember the following speech patterns. Ask each other about
your daily routine.
Exercise 14. Translate into English.
1. Обычно я встаю рано утром. 2. Затем я делаю зарядку, принимаю душ
и завтракаю. 3. Я делаю зарядку пятнадцать минут. 4. В какое время ты
обычно завтракаешь? – В половине восьмого. 5. Что ты ешь на завтрак? –
Овсяную кашу, кофе и бутерброд с сыром. 6. Сколько времени тебе нужно,
What do you usually
have for breakfast?
I have a cup of green tea
and a sandwich.
Do you drink coffee
in the morning?
No, I don’t. I
usually drink tea.
How long does it take you
to get to university?
It takes me about
twenty minutes.
чтобы добраться до университета? 7. Как ты добираешься до
университета? – Обычно я иду пешком. Если погода плохая, я еду
автобусом. 8. Что ты ешь на обед в университете? – Я съедаю яблоко или
банан и печенье. 9. Если я обедаю дома, я ем картофель или макароны с
сосиской, помидоры, огурцы или салат. Я также пью чай или молоко с
булочкой. 10. После обеда я отдыхаю, затем делаю домашнее задание. 11. На
подготовку домашнего задания у меня уходит примерно час. 12. На ужин я
иногда съедаю йогурт или фрукты. 10. Я никогда не ужинаю. 13. Ты сидишь
в интернете вечером? 14. Ты поздно ложишься спать? 15. Я ложусь спать
примерно в одиннадцать часов.
Exercise 15. Read the text. Translate it into Russian.
I am a student at university. We have classes from Monday to Friday.
Sometimes we study on Saturday.
I get up at 7 o’clock in the morning. I make my bed, open the window and
do my morning exercises. Then I take a shower, clean my teeth, get dressed and
have breakfast. For breakfast I usually have a cup of tea or coffee and a
sandwich. Sometimes I eat an egg or sausages. After breakfast I go to university.
As I live not far away I usually walk. It takes me about fifteen minutes to get
there. But when it is rainy I go by bus.
Classes begin at 8.30. As a rule I have three or four classes a day. We listen
to our teachers and take notes. We also answer questions and do exercises. At
12.30 we have a long break for lunch. I have an apple or a banana and a bun or
biscuits for lunch. Sometimes I go to the university café and have meat or fish
with potatoes there.
After classes I go home and have dinner. I eat soup, pasta or rice and
vegetables. I also drink tea with chocolate or sweets. After dinner I have a little
rest and then I do my homework. It usually takes me about two hours to do it. In
the evening I often meet my friends and we talk, watch a film or go out. Twice a
week I go to the swimming pool. I am fond of swimming.
I have supper at about nine. I have yoghurt, fruit and tea with cakes or
biscuits. Then I surf the Internet or read a book. At eleven o’clock I go to bed.
Exercise 15. Answer the questions about your working day.
1. What days do you go to university?
2. What time do you get up?
3. What do you do when you get up?
4. Do you do your morning exercises every day?
5. What do you have for breakfast?
6. How long does it take you to get to university?
7. When do your classes begin?
8. How many classes do you have a day?
9. When and where do you have lunch?
10. What do you usually have for lunch?
11. What do you do after classes?
12. How often do you go to the library? What do you do there?
13. When and where do you have lunch?
14. What do you have for dinner?
15. How long does it take you to do your homework?
16. Do you have much free time on weekdays?
17. What do you usually do in the evenings?
18. What time do you go to bed?
Exercise 16. Read the following dialogues and act them out.
* * *
- What time do you usually get up?
- At half past six.
- Why so early?
- I live far from my office. So I have to take the first morning train if I
don’t want to be late for work.
- When do you get to the office?
- As a rule at half past eight.
* * *
- What time do your classes begin?
- Normally at half past eight.
- How many classes do you have a day?
- Three or four. When we are lucky we have two.
- What do you do in class?
- We take notes, make reports and we do a lot of reading and listening.
* * *
- What do you do after classes, Jack?
- I usually go home and have dinner. After that I do my homework.
- How long does it take you to do it?
- Normally about two hours.
- What do you do in the evenings?
- I stay at home and watch TV.
- Do you go out?
- Well, not very often. I go to the cinema once or twice a week. And I
sometimes go to a football match.
Exercise 1. Learn the following words and phrases.
day off ['de
ɪ 'ɔf] выходной день
clean the room ['kli
ːn ðə 'ruːm] убирать в комнате
cook lunch / dinner ['kuk 'l
ʌnʧ] / ['dɪnə] готовить обед / ужин
go shopping ['gəu '
ʃɔpɪŋ] ходить за покупками, ходить по магазинам
go to the gym ['gəu
tə ðə 'ʤɪm] ходить в спортзал
go to the swimming pool ['gəu tə ðə 'sw
ɪmɪŋpuːl] ходить в бассейн
go for a walk ['gəu fər ə w
ɔːk] гулять, ходить на прогулку
go to the cinema ['gəu tə ðə 's
ɪnəmə] ходить в кино
go to a café ['gəu
tə ə 'kæfeɪ] ходить в кафе
go on a picnic ['gəu
ɔn ə pɪknɪk] устраивать пикник
play football / tennis ['ple
ɪ 'futbɔːl] / ['tenɪs] играть в футбол / теннис
play computer games ['ple
ɪ 'kəm'pjuːtə 'geɪmz] играть в компьютерные игры
meet friends ['mi
ːt 'frendz] встречаться с друзьями
listen to music ['l
ɪsn tə 'mjuːzɪk] слушать музыку
watch TV ['w
ɔʧ ˌtiː'viː] смотреть телевизор
read a book / magazine ['ri
ːd ə 'buk] [ˌmægə'ziːn] читать книгу / журнал
stay at home ['ste
ɪ ət 'həum] оставаться дома
Exercise 2. Match A, B, C and D. Ask each other about your days off.
get up
on your days off?
have breakfast
on Saturday?
clean your room
on Sunday?
read books
on Saturday morning?
do you
do your homework
on Saturday afternoon?
go to the cinema
on Sunday evening?
go for a walk
in the morning?
surf the Internet
in the afternoon?
meet your friends
in the evening?
play computer games
go to bed
Exercise 3. Complete Steve’s letter to his new friend.
Dear Tony,
My name is Steve Brown. I am a student. I go to university from Monday
to Friday. Saturday and Sunday are my days off and I can sleep late. On
Saturday I _____
at about _____
and _____
. I don’t
, but I _____
. Then I _____
. After breakfast I
my room and have lunch. In the afternoon I _____
and _____
dinner. I often go to the _____
or to
the _____
in the evening. After supper I play _____
games or _____
a book or a magazine.
On Sunday morning I do my _____
. If the weather is fine I
or _____
with my friends. In the evening I _____
or _____
Well, that’s all about my days off. Please tell me about your weekends.
Best wishes,
Exercise 4. Read about Jane’s day off.
Yesterday was Sunday, so I got up late, at half past eleven. I had a big
breakfast: orange juice, porridge, eggs and coffee with a sandwich. Then I went
shopping, to the supermarket, and I bought some chocolate, bananas and a
Sunday newspaper, the Sunday Times. In the afternoon I listened to music and
then I watched a film on TV. In the evening I cooked dinner, just soup and a
salad. I went to bed early. It was a nice, lazy day.
Exercise 5. Are these statements true or false according to Ex. 4? Correct the
false statements.
1. Yesterday was Saturday.
2. Jane got up early.
3. She had a big breakfast.
4. Then she went to work.
5. She bought some bananas.
6. She bought a magazine.
7. She listened to music.
8. Jane saw some friends.
9. In the evening she watched TV.
10. She cooked a meal.
11. She went to bed early.
12. It was a busy day.
Exercise 6. What did you do last Sunday? Did you…
…get up early?
…clean your room?
…go shopping?
…cook dinner?
…go to a café with your friends?
…play computer games?
…go on a picnic?
…go to the swimming pool?
…play football?
…go to the cinema?
…do a lot of homework?
Exercise 7. Translate into English.
1. В выходные дни я обычно встаю поздно. 2. Я не делаю зарядку в
воскресенье. 3. В субботу я убираю в комнате и хожу по магазинам. 4. Днем я
готовлю большой ужин. 5. Я люблю ходить в кино или в кафе с друзьями по
выходным. 6. Вечером мы часто гуляем в парке. 7. В плохую погоду я
остаюсь дома и смотрю телевизор или читаю книгу. 8. Если погода хорошая,
мы едем на пикник. 9. Вечером я иногда хожу в спортзал. 10. В воскресенье я
ложусь спать рано.
Exercise 8. Read the dialogue and act it out.
- Hi, Nick. Did you have a good weekend?
- Yes, I did, thanks.
- What did you do yesterday?
- Well, yesterday morning I got up early and played tennis with some friends.
- You got up early on Sunday!
- I know, I know. I don’t usually get up early on Sunday.
- What did you do in the afternoon?
- Nothing. I just stayed at home. I watched a football match on TV.
- Oh, what did you do yesterday evening?
- I worked at my computer a little. I didn’t go to bed late. At about 11.00.
Exercise 9. Learn the following words.
taste [te
ɪst] вкус, склонность, пристрастие
stamp [stæmp] почтовая марка
coin [k
ɔɪn] монета
discover [d
ɪ'skʌvə] обнаруживать, раскрывать, находить
hidden ['h
ɪdn] скрытый
skill [sk
ɪl] умение, навык
besides [b
ɪ'saɪdz] кроме того
lucky ['l
ʌkɪ] счастливый, удачный; you are lucky тебе повезло
Exercise 10. Read the text and translate it into Russian.
Hobbies and Interests
Hobbies differ like tastes. Some of the most popular hobbies are listening to
music, reading, playing sports, painting, fishing, gardening, travelling, cooking,
learning foreign languages, collecting different things such as stamps and coins.
Hobbies and interests help people relax and sometimes discover their hidden
talents. Hobbies also give people the great chance to learn new skills. Besides,
hobbies can help to meet people with the same interests and make good friends.
If you have a hobby you are lucky because your life becomes more
What is your hobby? Tell the class all about it.
Exercise 11. Translate the proverbs into Russian. Explain their meanings.
Learn them by heart.
1. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.
2. He who knows how to work, knows how to rest.
3. Twice happy is the man who has a hobby.
Exercise 1. Learn the following words and phrases.
room [ru
ːm] комната
kitchen ['k
ɪʧɪn] кухня
bathroom ['b
ɑːθruːm] ванная комната
bedroom ['bedru
ːm] спальня
living room ['l
ɪvɪŋ rum] гостиная
Exercise 2. Match a word or phrase from 1–4 with a line from a–d.
1. bedroom
2. bathroom
3. living room
4. kitchen
a. people cook in this room
b. people sleep in this room
c. people take a bath in this room
d. people watch TV and relax in this room
Exercise 3 . Learn the following words and phrases.
bed [bed] кровать
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