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Shildebayeva L.K.1, candidate of technical sciences, acting professor,
lyazzatK.sh.2007@mail.ru, https://orcid.org/0000-0002-8655-9707
Abdibekova L.A.2, master of pedagogical sciences, teacher of the school-lyceum number 7
lauraaa80@mail.ru, https://orcid.org/0000-0002-2932-7758

1Kyzylorda University named after Korkyt Ata, Republic of Kazakhstan
2Тhe school-lyceum number 7, Kyzylorda, Republic of Kazakhstan

Annotation. The desire of the Republic of Kazakhstan to enter the top 30 developed, advanced countries requires radical changes in all spheres of society in the promotion policy. Therefore, along with the previously established rules, the introduction of new trends and innovations in the field of education is a requirement of the time. In the new century, high demands will be placed on students of the new Kazakhstan. A new specialist of the new world, first of all, should become an innovator, armed with the results of research activities, knowing the inner world of students, contributing to the disclosure of their individual abilities and creative abilities, creating all opportunities for personal development, able to systematically analyze and analyze their innovative activities and know innovative ways to improve the quality of the unified pedagogical process. Ultimately, the research work of students of higher educational institutions, educational, scientific and practical processes are associated with various forms of activity that contribute to the development of creative abilities, as well as with participation in competitions, Olympiads, exhibitions, student seminars and scientific conferences, educational forums, festivals; organization of research practice; implementation of final qualifying works of the research plan; preparation of scientific publications; participation in research projects; it involves carrying out research and design work within the framework of educational, scientific and industrial centers.

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