№ 1(134)/2021
Л.Н. Гумилев атындағы Еуразия ұлттық университетінің ХАБАРШЫСЫ.
Педагогика. Психология. Әлеуметтану сериясы
ISSN: 2616-6895, eISSN: 2663-2497
role is to explain an aspect of the curriculum.
Modern requirements of the communicative
orientation of foreign language teaching imply
the use of video materials at each given stage of
training (lecture, lecture cycle, practical classes,
etc.). Different types of educational activities use
different audio-visual equipment. Audio-visual
learning tools can also be successfully used for
independent learning. Audio-visual learning
tools occupy a special place among other
technical means of organizing the educational
process, having the greatest educational impact
on listeners, by providing an imaginative
perception of the material being studied and
its visual concretization in the most accessible
form for perception and memorization; they are
a conglomerate of scientific statements of facts
available to the educational audience of listeners
and art phenomena, since the staged image of
phenomena are artistic means of transmitting
knowledge (film and photography, painting,
music, etc.).
The above contributes to the realization of
the following important teaching principles:
the principle of focus; the principle of life;
the principle of clarity; principle of creating
a positive emotional background in learning
foreign languages.
Effective use of audiovisual learning tools,
improving the quality of learning is achieved
through the expressiveness and information
integrity of visual and auditory images that allow
you to simulate situations of communication and
environmental inclusion.
The place of technical means in the classroom,
the duration of their use is largely determined by
the individual characteristics of students, styles
of their educational activities. It is important
to bear in mind that audiovisual teaching tools
should be used when it is methodically justified,
since their use requires additional time and
effort from the teacher, often special knowledge.
Excessive saturation of lessons with them is to
the detriment of working out the main ideas of
the studied topic, their comprehension, exercises,
independent works, etc. leads to undesirable
results [2].
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