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Creation of an emblem. the video and other materials on a specialty profile means of multimedia technologies

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Creation of an emblem. the video and other materials on a specialty profile means of multimedia technologies.

Multimedia is the sum of technologies that allow a computer to enter, process, store, transmit and display (output) such types of data as text, graphics, animation, digitized still images, video, sound, speech.
The emergence of multimedia systems has revolutionized many areas of human activity: computer training, business and other areas of professional activity. Multimedia technology has received one of the widest areas of application in the field of education.According to the most common definition of multimedia (multimedia means) is a computer means of creating, storing, processing and reproducing digitized information of various types: text, drawings, diagrams, tables, diagrams, photographs, video and audio fragments, etc.
Thus, simplistically, multimedia can be understood as a combined representation of information in different forms (text, sound, video, etc.).
Multimedia provides an opportunity to intensify learning and increase learning motivation through the use of modern methods of processing audiovisual information, such as:
- "manipulation" (overlay, movement) of visual information both within the field of this screen and within the field of the previous (subsequent) screen;
- contamination (mixing) of various audiovisual information; implementation of animation effects;
- deformations of visual information (increase or decrease of a certain linear parameter, stretching or compression of the image);
- discrete presentation of audiovisual information;
- image tinting;
- fixing the selected part of the visual information for its subsequent movement or consideration "under a magnifying glass";
- multi-window representation of audiovisual information on one screen with the ability to activate any part of the screen (for example, in one "window" - a video, in another - text);
- demonstration of real processes, events in real time (video).
In particular, multimedia systems provide a whole arsenal of means more expressive than text. Multimedia programs provide information not only in the form of texts, but also in the form of three-dimensional graphics, sound, video, animation. When using multimedia tools in open education, the role of illustrations increases significantly.
The provision of interactivity is one of the most significant advantages of digital multimedia in comparison with other means of presenting information. Interactivity implies the process of providing information in response to user requests. Interactivity allows, within certain limits, to control the presentation of information: students can individually change settings, study results, and also respond to program requests about specific user preferences. They can also set the rate of submission of the material and the number of repetitions that meet their individual academic needs.
2. The main components of a multimedia computer, thanks to the use of multimedia in computerization tools due to the simultaneous impact of graphic, sound, photo and video information, such tools have a great emotional charge and are actively involved in the entertainment industry, the practice of various institutions, home leisure, education.
The emergence of multimedia systems has revolutionized many areas of human activity. Multimedia technology has received one of the widest areas of application in the field of education, since multimedia-based informatization tools can, in some cases, significantly increase the effectiveness of teaching. It has been experimentally established that during the oral presentation of the material, the trainee perceives and is able to process up to one thousand conventional units of information in a minute, and when the visual organs are "connected" up to 100 thousand such units.
The formal approach to the definition of multimedia means suggests that they can be almost any means capable of bringing information of various types into training and other activities. In this case, outdated analog media that have become traditional can also fall under the concept of multimedia.
However, most often multimedia means include computers and their corresponding peripheral equipment. A computer is a universal means of information processing. The versatility of a computer is that, on the one hand, it alone is able to process information of different types (multimedia information), on the other hand, the same computer is able to perform a whole range of operations with information of the same type. Due to this, the computer, together with the corresponding set of peripheral devices, is able to provide all the functions of technical multimedia tools.
A "multimedia computer" is "a computer on which multimedia applications can fully realize all their capabilities". A multimedia computer should be able to do a lot: display graphic and video information, animation on the monitor screen, play various sound effects, music, including from music CDs, and much more with high quality.
Usually, a set of components united by the concept of "multimedia computer" is understood as their following composition:
* Housing with power supply;
* System (motherboard);
* Central Processing Unit;
* RAM;
· Video Adapter;
* Monitor;
· Hard disk drive;
* Keyboard;
* Mouse;
* CD-ROM drive;
* Floppy disk drive;
* Sound card;
* DVD drive;
* Modem;
* TV and VHF tuner.
But even the most modern computer will not work without obespecheniem software software can be divided into application part (multimedia encyclopedia, computer games, audio and video players, etc.) and specialized, which can be attributed to programs designed to create application programs (professional graphical editors, editors, 3D graphics, audio editors, etc.)
Consider the main part of software of multimedia computer:
* Operating system;
* Applied multimedia applications.
Multimedia applications have now become one of the fastest growing segments of the software market. Most modern computers are sold with installed drives, sound cards and powerful graphics adapters. To be able to use all these multimedia support hardware, an operating system that supports all these devices must be installed on the computer. The most striking examples are Microsoft Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Linux.
Multimedia applications can be attributed to the applied ones, with which an ordinary user of a multimedia computer works directly. First of all, these are computer games. This can also include multimedia encyclopedias, video and audio players, programs for creating and viewing presentations, and many others.
3. Multimedia technology capabilities
The undoubted advantage and feature of the technology are the following multimedia capabilities, which are actively used in the presentation of information:
- the ability to increase (detail) on the screen of the image or its most interesting fragments, sometimes in twenty-fold magnification (magnifying glass mode) while maintaining image quality. This is especially important for the presentation of works of art and unique historical documents;
- the ability to compare the image and process it with various software tools for research or educational purposes;
- the ability to highlight "hot words" in the accompanying text or other visual material, for which reference or any other explanatory (including visual) information is immediately obtained (hypertext and hypermedia technologies);
- the possibility of performing continuous music or any other audio accompaniment corresponding to a static or dynamic visual series;
- the ability to use video clips from movies, videos, etc., the function of "freeze frame", frame-by-frame "scrolling" of the video;
- ability to connect to the global Internet;
- ability to work with various applications (text, graphic and sound editors, cartographic information)- the ability to create your own "galleries" (samples) from the information presented in the product;
- the ability to automatically view the entire content of the product ("slide show") or create an animated and voiced "guide guide" for the product ("speaking and showing user instructions"); the inclusion of game components with information components in the product;
- the possibility of "free" navigation through information and access to the main menu (enlarged content), to the full table of contents or even from the program at any point of the product.
There are several concepts related to multimedia and the use of appropriate means of informatization. In particular, when using multimedia, the role of illustrations increases significantly.
Illustration is also a multi-valued term. There are two main interpretations of this term.Illustration (illustration) " this is:
- introduction of explanatory or complementary information of another type (image and sound) into the text,
- giving examples (possibly without using other types of information) for a clear and convincing explanation.
In multimedia media, illustrations can be presented in the form of examples (including text), two-dimensional and three-dimensional graphic images (drawings, photographs, diagrams, graphs, diagrams), sound fragments, animations, video fragments.

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