«Память и внимание»

IV. Проверка задания How many words have you written?

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IV. Проверка задания How many words have you written? (You can estimate the level of your memory and attention and compare your results with the statistics)
Let’s look at the diagram
As it can be seen, the criterion is memorability of definite objects. According to the diagram, the most memorable objects are the pen and the pin, as these things can be faced by everyone in daily routine.
The least memorable object is the ring, because this thing is used by people selectively.

V. Работа с текстом
Memory is a process, proceeding in our psyche and allowing brain to store, save and exhibit information. In other words, memory is an ability to memorize, reproduce and forget information.
Look at the screen where you can see different kinds of memory and their definitions, you are to match the columns:

  1. Inner memory reflects biological process of memorizing;

  2. External memory is concentrated on exterior facilities;

  3. Shaped memory is a process of memorizing images of different objects;

  4. Motional memory let people repeat experienced movements;

  5. Emotional memory is capacity to remember different kinds of feelings and emotions;

  6. Short-term memory encourages memorizing images after one-shot reception;

  7. Long-term memory is able to store images for long time;

  8. Operating memory keeps images which are essential for every day routine.

1. Inner memory

a) is able to store images for long time

2. External memory

b) encourages memorizing images after one-shot reception

3. Shaped memory

c) is capacity to remember different kinds of feelings and emotions

4. Motional memory

d) reflects biological process of memorizing

5. Emotional memory

e) keeps images which are essential for every day routine

6. Short-term memory

f) is a process of memorizing images of different objects

7. Long-term memory

g) is concentrated on exterior facilities

8. Operating memory

h) let people repeat experienced movements

Answers:1d 2g 3f 4h 5c 6b 7a 8e.

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