«Память и внимание»

VI.Ознакомление с видами внимания

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VI.Ознакомление с видами внимания
Attention is a process of concentration of personality on some abstract or concrete object at exact period of time
There are two kinds of attention, shown in a table:




Voluntary attention is characterized by conscious aim of memorizing something

Involuntary attention has another name «Passive». This name says everything by itself. It’s a process of memorizing something without specific aim because of different circumstances.

VII.Ознакомление с факторами влияющими на память и внимание
Factors, affecting human memory and attention

  1. Physical exercises.

Physical exercises are necessary for the whole organism. And brain is not exception. Because blood circulation improves mental operations, That’s why, people, ignoring sport practice, deprive themselves of increasing memory level.

  1. Sufficient relaxing of brain.

It’s needless to say, that every person requires qualitative relaxing. That’s why, having a rest gives our brain an opportunity to have a break. It means, after this, human brain can work actively.

  1. Products, stimulating brain work.

It is not a secret, that special products can influence on every system of our organism, including brain work. You will be given sheets of paper with texts.
VIII. Работа с текстом
А) Read and match the subheadings to the paragraphs. There is one extra subheading:

  1. Breakfast for a hard day.

  2. How to increase your intellect.

  3. The same shape.

  4. The influence of colours on memory.

  5. Vitamin B12.

  6. Two apples a day.

There are different kinds of nuts such as almond, hazelnuts, peanuts, Brazil nuts and pine nuts. But the most useful ones are supposed to be walnuts. Even the shape of this nut reminds brain construction. But it is not important peculiarity. Containing vitamins of B group and E distinguishes walnuts from other kinds.

Element B12 is contained in milk. Therefore, it helps the process of memorizing. Some scientists recommend to drink two glasses of milk daily.

Honey has been always featured by its usefulness for human organism. Any way exactly glucose in formation of honey gives a capability to remember necessary information. Some people assume, that the best breakfast before hard brain activity is cereal with a spoon of honey.

Seaweed is useful for big quantity of iodine, that has positive influence on brain work. It is capable to increase IQ level.
The well-known product for improving memory is believed to be fish. And the logical question is asked: “Is it myth or truth, that fish possesses magical features to restore memory and improve it wholly?” In reality Omega 3, phosphorus and vitamin of group B in total elevate brain’s abilities for operating. According to this, fish and seafood should be consumed regularly by everyone, especially by those, who relate to hard brain activity.

One piece of lemon, put to a cup of tea, is enough for making your memory start working.
It is considered, blue and purple berries (blueberry, blackberry, plum) improve memory better than other ones. In spite of this fact a strawberry is necessary for mental activity as well, because of big quantity of vitamin C.
Speaking of these products, it can be concluded, that consumption of them will lead to efficient mental work. Memory is a significant psychological element of brain activity as well as attention. Above enumerated products contribute improving memory and attention, which will be analyzed by us below.

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