Multimedia presentations can be held anywhere that has a computer and a projector or other local device. A widespread presentation presentation can be" live " and recorded in advance. It should be noted that online media can be downloaded to the user's computer or played in any way, or played directly from the Internet using data streaming technology. The type and place of the multimedia presentation (or its separate slide) in the lesson, of course, depends on the content of this lesson and
ВЕСТНИК КазНПУ им. Абая, серия «Специальная педагогика», №1(64), 2021 г. 77
the goal that the teacher sets. However, some of the ways of using such tools in practice allow us to identify common, more effective ways: 1. When studying new material. Allows you to organize with various visual aids. The most effective use will be when reflecting the dynamics of the development of a particular process. 2. When approving a new topic. 3. To test your knowledge. Computer testing is self-testing and self-improvement, it is a good incentive for learning, it is a way of action and self-expression. For a teacher, it is a means of quality control of knowledge, a programmatic way of summarizing grades. 4. It is used as an additional material to the lesson, to deepen knowledge. 5. With a continuous check of independent work. Provides visual verbal control of the results. 6. When solving problems of a training nature. Helps you perform and monitor the intermediate and final results of independent work.The teacher can use ready-made multimedia presentations created by colleagues and posted on professional websites and forums, which significantly reduces energy consumption in preparing for the lesson. The value of the presentations created by the teacher