5B074600 – Space Engineering and Technology
Code of the subject Name of the subject, number of credits,
prerequisites, distribution by types of
Purposes, objectives, brief content of module (subject)
Learning outcomes
(knowledge, abilities, skills )
History of Kazakhstan
Prerequisites: no
Module purpose: to history of state and law of the Republic of Kazakhstan it
is directed on studying of process of origin, formation and state and right
development. Conclusions and judgments of this science are based on the
analysis of the exact facts and really taken place events of state and legal life
of Kazakhstan. The place and role of science of the state and the right of
Kazakhstan among other sciences are defined by that it represents realization
of historical approach of research of the state and legal phenomena from the
moment of their emergence till today. It logically recreates and restores an
objective picture of evolution of state and legal systems, establishments and
the institutes existing and existing in the territory of the Republic. The
protokazakh medieval states and their legal systems were fixed and studied
both foreign travellers, and local observers and originators of dynasty
Knowledge: the different parties of activity of the Kazakh horde
are available in official documents, in various written sources of
foreign and local observers, in works of national creativity.
During edge colonization by the Russian Empire there were the
numerous works of different character describing with different
degree of reliability and objectivity a political system and legal
relations in the region. In the conditions of the Soviet power of a
problem of national statehood in Kazakhstan were studied in
special scientific institutions from class and party positions.
Ability in modern conditions to carry out studying of history of
state and law of the Republic, relying on the research experience
summed up in this direction and knowledge for a reconstruction
of an objective picture of history of state and law of the country.
Professional-focused Kazakh (Russian)
Prerequisites: no
Module purpose: expansion of a basic word stock of common words and
mastering by grammatical forms and designs at the level of their use in
speech. Mastering by a basic word and terminological stock in the specialty.
Creation of various types of speech activity: conversation, description,
informing. Grammatical forms and designs in communicative, functional
aspects. Reproduction adapted and a producing simple pragmatical texts,
dialogical and monological, in an oral and written form, on the subjects actual
for social and professional spheres, on different types of speech activity:
speaking, audition, reading, letter.
Knowledge: development of educational and professional
speech: a) development of skills of reading, hearing, literature
making an abstract in the specialty; b) different drawing up the
scientific and educational texts close to texts of textbooks and
lectures, dialogues and monologues on educational and
professional subjects; c) intensive training in the main functional
and semantic types of statements: to monologue description,
monologue narration, monologue - a reasoning, dialogue
conversation, dialogue - discussion. Professional Kazakh
(Russian) language
Ability to develop scientific and professional speech: the active,
generalized, volume formation of skills and abilities in the field
of scientific and professional speech.
Professional-focused foreign language
Prerequisites: no
Module purpose: phonetic, spelling, lexical, grammatical norms of a studied
foreign language. Phonetics: pronunciation and rhythmic-intonational
features of a foreign language, reception and reproduction of sound system of
speech. Spelling: sound alphabetic system of language, basic spelling rules.
Lexicon: word-formation models; basic word stock of 2500 units of basic
language, and also the terms corresponding to a profile of specialty; Lexicon
differentiation on scopes of application.
Knowledge: the main parts of speech – a noun, an adjective, an
adverb, a verb, an article, a pronoun, a pretext; structure of a
simple and compound sentence; main models of word formation.
Reading: formation of skills of fact-finding, search, studying and
viewing reading. Speaking: skills of dialogical and monological
speech within studied subjects. Letter: development of skills of a
consecutive statement of thoughts, reasonings, and also
information when writing compositions and letters of personal
and business character.
Ability to translate texts in the specialty from a foreign language
on native according to language norms. Audition: perception
aurally messages of household, information and professional
Information Technologies for Professional
3 credit (5 ECTS)
Prerequisites: none
Module purpose: the main concepts of the automated information
processing; appointments, structure, main characteristics of computer and
organizational equipment; main methods and means of processing, storage,
transfer and information accumulation; appointment and principles of use of
the system and applied software; bases of algorithmization of tasks; main
components of computer networks, principles of a packet transmission of
data, organizations of gateway interaction; technologies of information search
on the Internet; main threats and methods of ensuring information security;
the principles of information security from unauthorized access; legal aspects
of use of information technologies and software.
Knowledge: to use information resources for search and
information storage; to use the automated systems of office-work;
to apply methods and information means of protection; to apply
anti-virus means of protection of information; to apply the
specialized software to collecting, snore and information
processing in the professional sphere according to studied
professional modules; to carry out control of a computer network.
Possession of skills of creation of algorithms and flowcharts;
main concepts of development network and Web of appendices,
applications of methods of information security, methods of
information and communication technologies and electronic
Molecular physics. Electricity. Quantum
3 credit (5 ECTS)
Prerequisites: none
Purpose and Objectives: to be able to apply new findings in the field of
fundamental physics to the creation of new practices, including technical and
technological, making facilities.
The Contents. Equilibrium macro parameters. The equation of state of an
ideal gas. Isoparametric processes. Statistical method for describing
molecular systems. Maxwell distribution. The first law of thermodynamics.
The second law of thermodynamics. Transfer processes. Real gases. Liquids.
Solids. Phase transitions.
Competencies (knowledge, skills, competencies), mastered as a
result of the discipline: the student must
to know: the basic laws of molecular physics, foundations of
equilibrium thermodynamics, the patterns of change in some
physical parameters of a change in a variety of other processes,
mathematical techniques used in molecular physics;
be able to: use the laws of molecular physics research and study
of the structure and properties of natural objects at different levels
of organization: from elementary particles to the universe, to
solve common tasks in molecular physics and thermodynamics;
apply computer methods of data collection, storage and
processing of information used in the field of professional
to have: Methodology for various occupations in molecular
physics in high school.
Physical chemistry
3 credit (5 ECTS)
Prerequisites: none
The purpose of teaching the course "Physical Chemistry" is to obtain
knowledge about the relationship of physical and chemical processes and the
formation of skills in the use of physical and chemical approaches to the
analysis of chemical and more complex - biochemical processes.
Tasks of the discipline are to learn the relationship of physical and chemical
processes and the study of the major branches of physical chemistry -
chemical thermodynamics , chemical kinetics , electrochemistry ,
photochemistry, the doctrine of gases , solutions , chemical and phase
equilibria , catalysis , colloid chemistry.
Basic knowledge of physical chemistry, namely , the laws of
chemical thermodynamics , phase , chemical and adsorption
equilibrium foundations of chemical kinetics , catalysis and
be able to: carry out calculations of the thermal effects of
chemical reactions , equilibrium constants
thermodynamic functions
the methods of statistical thermodynamics , to determine the
kinetic parameters
to treat the results of the analysis of statistical methods ;
- Critically evaluate different methods and approaches for solving
problems in the field of physical chemistry ;
- To apply and use the knowledge gained in the discussion of the
experimental data.
Know: conceptual apparatus and theoretical concepts in the field
of physical chemistry ;
- Methods of recording and processing результатов химических
Physical materials
2 credit (3 ECTS)
Prerequisites: none
The aim of the course is to provide students with a basic knowledge of the
structure and composition of various types of materials , as well as laws
change their properties under various external influences and solve
engineering problems encountered in the operation of space technology.
The objectives of the course is the development of the physical foundations of
the structure of solids , patterns of change in the structure and properties of
materials under various external influences . The course introduces the basic
concepts about the structure of solids , the formation of the structure of metals
and alloys in the crystallization , phase diagrams of alloys . We study the
patterns of change in the properties of materials under different environmental
impacts are studied diffusion processes in solids.
As a result of the course, the student should know :
- Characteristics of the basic materials of vacuum ,
- Basic technological methods of obtaining pure materials
- Properties and applications of vacuum metal getters , glass and
- The basis of technology of connecting parts in the production of
electrical vacuum ;
be able to:
- To evaluate the need to use the material in electronic device
- Select the desired method of connection details
- Select the appropriate getter for PCI ,
- Pick electrode material for the glass -to-metal junctions ,
- Select suitable material hot cathode .
LAAG 1401
Linear algebra and analytical geometry 1
3 credit (5 ECTS)
Prerequisites: none
The purpose of teaching the course - to help students basic mathematical
skills of professionally significant and notions of analytic geometry and linear
algebra methods for solving systems of linear algebraic equations.
Objectives: The main objective of the course - the study of the foundations of
analytical geometry and linear algebra. It also discusses methods for solving
systems of linear algebraic equations. The development of the logical and
algorithmic thinking, the formation of independent cognitive activity of
students, the ability to learn throughout life, the mastery of basic algorithms
of numerical methods of analytic geometry and simple implementations
Knowledge of the theory of limits, integration, differentiation,
knowledge base of the course of higher mathematics. The ability
to calculate a system of linear algebraic equations, the ability to
find the determinants of the second, third, and large orders, ability
to find solutions of matrix equations, the ability to use
mathematical tools for the study of real processes and
phenomena. Possession of ways of calculating the definition;
knowledge of methods for solving systems of linear algebraic
equations, the basic theory of matrices, possession of basic
concepts, methods, and algorithms of analytical geometry.
LAAG 1402
Linear algebra and analytical geometry 2
3 credit (5 ECTS)
Prerequisites: Linear algebra and
analytical geometry 1
The purpose of teaching the course, study the set of solutions of equations
defined by polynomials.
Objectives: The main objective of the course - the study of the foundations of
analytical geometry and linear algebra. Also, the notion of affine variety,
about the theory of Abelian integrals, which were obtained remarkable results
on algebraic curves and having a purely geometric meaning.
Knowledge of the theory of limits, integration, differentiation,
knowledge base of the course of higher mathematics. The ability
to calculate a system of linear algebraic equations, the ability to
find the determinants of the second, third, and large orders, ability
to find solutions of matrix equations, the ability to use
mathematical tools for the study of real processes and
phenomena. Possession of ways of calculating the definition;
knowledge of methods for solving systems of linear algebraic
equations, the basic theory of matrices, possession of basic
concepts, methods, and algorithms of analytical geometry.
Mathematical analysis 1
4 credit (6 ECTS)
Prerequisites: none
Objective: To introduce the basic ideas and methods of mathematical
Objectives: The objectives of the course in mathematical analysis included
the development of students' logical thinking and mathematical culture
needed to explore other mathematical subjects.
Knowledge of theoretical material and thus be able to choose
their method of solving problems. Ability to work independently
with the literature, the ability to work as a group together to
discuss the challenges and be able to explain to their fellow
students understood the material, the ability of students to apply
their knowledge in practice, the development of creative thinking.
Possession of scientific and mathematical terminology, equally
know different areas of mathematics.
Mathematical analysis 2
4 credit (6 ECTS)
Prerequisites: Mathematical analysis 1
Objective: To study the functions and their generalizations methods
differential and integral calculus.
Objectives of the course Mathematical Analysis II is the development of
students' knowledge of differential and integral equations and methods of
solving them.
Knowledge of theoretical material and thus be able to choose
their method of solving problems. Ability to work independently
with the literature, the ability to work as a group together to
discuss the challenges and be able to explain to their fellow
students understood the material, the ability of students to apply
their knowledge in practice, the development of creative thinking.
Possession of scientific and mathematical terminology, equally
know different areas of mathematics.
Mathematical analysis 3
3 credit (5 ECTS)
Prerequisites: Mathematical analysis 1,
Mathematical analysis 2
Objective: To study the differential
and integral calculus, theory
series (functional, power and Fourier transform) and multi-dimensional
Objectives of the course Mathematical Analysis III is to develop the students
to apply their knowledge in practice, the development of creative thinking
Knowledge of theoretical material and thus be able to choose
their method of solving problems. Ability to work independently
with the literature, the ability to work as a group together to
discuss the challenges and be able to explain to their fellow
students understood the material, the ability of students to apply
their knowledge in practice, the development of creative thinking.
Possession of scientific and mathematical terminology, equally
know different areas of mathematics.
Differential equations
3 credit (5 ECTS)
Prerequisite: Mathematical analysis 2
Any mathematical model that adequately describes the reality in terms of
differential equations, certainly includes (explicitly or implicitly) the various
options, and in a typical situation, their values are known only approximately
with some accuracy. Therefore, the question about the behavior of solutions
of differential equations with a small change in the value of the input
parameter equation is of fundamental interest. This course focuses on more
complex singular occasion - when not fulfilled the assumption of regularity of
the occurrence of a parameter in the equation.
Ability to apply the theoretical knowledge to solve practical
problems. Ability to develop the right strategy the task.
possession of theoretical and experimental research methods
characteristic problems of a specific area of mathematics.
Computational methods
3 credit (5 ECTS)
Prerequisites: Mathematical analysis 2
The main purpose of the discipline "Numerical solution of nonlinear
boundary value problems" is to develop in students a holistic understanding
of the basic concepts and fundamental aspects of computational methods used
for the analysis of the equations of continuum mechanics.
have representation on the methods of setting and study the
boundary and initial problems for partial differential equations.
know: the basic concepts and definitions of the theory of
difference schemes, questions of approximation, convergence and
stability of difference schemes.
be able to: build a finite difference schemes for certain nonlinear
differential problems, explore approximation, convergence and
stability of difference schemes for specific tasks numerically
solve tasks.
have skills: basic numerical solution of mathematical problems;
programming basic algorithms of computational mathematics
Theoretical mechanics
3 credit (5 ECTS)
Prerequisites: Mathematical analysis з 2
The purpose of this module is formation at future specialists of base for the
subsequent profound studying of special areas of mechanics. The module
acquaints students with the main concepts, theorems and methods of
theoretical mechanics, studies motion of a material point and mechanical
Ability to apply knowledge from various sections of theoretical
mechanics and its methods which find the appendix at the
solution of technical tasks, an illustration of their application to
the solution of specific objectives.
Dynamics of space flight
3 credit (5 ECTS)
Prerequisites: Theoretical mechanics
The purpose of this module is studying of bases of applied celestial
mechanics – dynamics of space flight. Dynamics of space flight is science
about motion of artificial celestial bodies. The problem of two bodies is
considered, motion of aircraft in the area of free flight, between two points of
a points of the Earth's surface. The main the attention is paid to trajectory
problems of astronautics.
Knowledge of the main methods of the solution of problems of
dynamics of space flight, regularities and tendencies in
development of methods of research of motion of artificial
celestial bodies and skills of the solution of tasks.
Basics of control theory
3 credit (5 ECTS)
Prerequisites: Dynamics of space flight
The purpose and problem of this course is studying of fundamental concepts
of the theory of automatic control, the main methods of mathematical
modeling, the analysis and synthesis of systems of automatic control.
Knowledge of bases of the theory of linear systems of automatic
control, mathematical description, description of standard links,
transfer functions of systems, qualities of regulation and synthesis
of systems.
Ability and skills of research of transients, assessment of
influence of physical parameters of the closed system, synthesis
of correcting links.
Mechanics of materials
2 credit (3 ECTS)
Prerequisites: Theoretical mechanics
The purpose of teaching of discipline "The mechanics of materials" is
formation at future experts of modern theoretical knowledge in the field of
strength calculations.
The problem of studying of discipline "The mechanics of materials" is to
develop at students:
– skills of calculation of rod elements of designs on durability, rigidity and
– ability of the handling of modern test cars and measuring equipment.
Ability of calculation of rod elements of designs on the strength
rigidity and stability and the handling of modern test cars and the
measuring equipment.
Metrology, standardization and
3 credit (5 ECTS)
Prerequisites : none
The aim of the course is to build students' level of knowledge in the field of
metrology, standardization and measurement, which will in the future, young
healthcare professional to improve, inde-pendently take technical of the
solution at the international, regional and national levels, to apply methods of
systems development automation and control, competent choice of
measurement, calculation of the total error of measurement channels.
Knowledge of the basic definitions and the notions of
measurement of various types and methods of measurement, the
basic articles of the Law "On uniformity of measurements", a
national system of standardization and certification, information-
measuring system.
Skills on the standard of the processing of the results of repeated
measurements and the determination of the distribution laws of
the errors of measurement, evaluation pogreshnos children and
present the results of measurements.
Mechanics of machines and robots
3 credit (5 ECTS)
Prerequisites: Theoretical mechanics
The purpose of the course - to teach students to modern methods of
investigation of the kinematics and dynamics of mechanisms and machines,
- Have an understanding of the mechanics of machines and robots as a unified
science and its place among the other natural sciences and engineering;
- To acquire knowledge and skills that will enable them to solve the problems
associated with the movement mechanisms, machines and robots.
The ability to make a design scheme, and know the methodology
and ways of making the differential equations of small vibrations
of mechanical systems with a finite number of degrees of freedom
Theory of vibrations
2 credit (3 ECTS)
Prerequisites: Theoretical mechanics
Vibration theory - a field of science that investigates oscillatory and wave
phenomena in systems of different nature. Theory of vibrations primarily
interested in the general properties of vibration processes, and not the details
of the system behavior associated with the expression of its specific nature
(physical, biological, etc.).
Basic knowledge of vibration theory, techniques and ways of
making the differential equations of small vibrations of
mechanical systems with a finite number of degrees of freedom.
Ability to make a design scheme and differential equations of
small vibrations of mechanical systems with one and two degrees
of freedom.
Theory of electrical circuits
3 credit (5 ECTS)
Prerequisites: none
The aim of the course - to teach students modern tional methods of the theory
of electrical circuits.
Objective of the course is that students should:
- To explore the elements of electronic circuits, their amplitude-frequency
characteristics, the resonant capacitor filters, oscillatory circuits;
- To acquire knowledge and skills that will enable them to solve the problems
of the theory of electrical circuits.
Knowledge of the basics of the theory of electrical circuits,
operating principles of radio-electronic equipment, the ability to
use the electronic machine-swarm elektroradio measuring devices
in the physical experiment, by means of a computer, etc.
Basic electronics
3 credit (5 ECTS)
Prerequisites: Theory of electrical circuits
The aim of the course is to give students a general theoretical and practical
knowledge.Objective of the course is that students should:- To study the
temporal and spectral characteristics of the communication channel, the main
control signals (telephone, television, code-digital);- Know the electronic
devices (semi-conductor diodes) of their current-voltage characteristics and
parameters, different transistors, the elements of micro-electronics.
Knowledge of hardware components of modern electronic
devices, their classification, labeling and designations.
Ability and skills of the electronic equipment, measuring
instruments, which are needed in future professional activity ing-
Basics of digital electronics
3 credit (5 ECTS)
Prerequisites: Basic electronics 1+0+2
The purpose of discipline is the study of the theoretical foundations of digital
electronics, principles of organization and operation of the digital device
combination and sequential types, practical skills of their construction.
Knowledge of the terms digital signal, digital device, digital
information is, combinational The digital device serial digital
component-tions of arithmetic and logical principles of design of
digital devices.
Skills representation of numbers in digital devices, encode digital
information, the application of shift registers, registers, memory,
counting devices.
3 credit (5 ECTS)
Prerequisites: none
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