Аюпова Ш.Ш.,
магистрант, ілеспе аудармашы,
Абылай хан атындағы ҚазХҚжӘТУ,
Алматы, Қазақстан, shamshinur.ayupova@mail.ru
Тірек сөздер:
испан тілді саяси дискурс, анықтама, метафора.
Бұл мақалада испан саяси дискурсындағы метафоралардың ерекшелігі
қарастырылып, сондайақ саяси метафора функцияларының испан тілінен орыс тіліне
аудару барысындағы қиындықтар көрсетілген. Метафора саяси коммуникацияда
адам санасына манипуляция жасайтын ең тиімді тәсіл болып табылады, сондықтан
да ол толық зерттеуді қажет етеді.
Статья поступила 15.03.2016 г.
ISSN 2411-8745
Number 1 (2016), 73 - 81
ИзвестИя КазУМОиМя
UDC 81’42
Tairova g.A.,
year Master studentKazakh Ablai Khan University of International Relations and
World Languages. Almaty, Kazakhstan, inyaz_master@mail.ru
discourse, Internetdiscourse, genres of Internetdiscourse, classification
of Internetdiscourse, functions of Internetdiscourse, examples of Interdiscourse, chat,
blog, email.
This article is devoted to the detailed analysis of such new cognitive and
linguistic paradigm as the Internetdiscourse which appeared quite recently, and is being
rather new, but already widely used and in detail studied by linguists and arisen in the
end of the 20
century, in connection with emergence of such widespread phenomenon as
the Internet. Today the Internet becomes the new environment of genre existence which
influences almost all spheres of the person, and also promotes intensive development,
and emergence of new genres. Domestic and foreign researchers decided to investigate
research between the language and the Internet. In this connection there was rather new and
recently created type of a discourse – the Internetdiscourse
Discourse – is one of the basic concepts in modern linguistics. This
term was firstly used in foreign linguistics in E. Benveniste’s, Z. Harris’s
and M. Foucault’s works. Initial definition of “discourse” as linguistic
phenomenon considerably differs from its contemporary understanding.
The French structuralist linguist E. Benvenist understood “discourse” as
the speech in aspect of its production [1, c. 98]. For the first time the term
“discourse analysis” was used by the American linguist and sociologist Z.
Harris in the middle of the last century. He understood “discourse” as the
textual implementation of the communicative act, a set of phrases and, in
this connection; he applied descriptive methods of the analysis of offers and
the coherent speech to it [2, c. 35].
The French linguistic school is presented by linguist and historian M.
Foucault who represents “discourse” as “a set of the statements belonging
to one formation” [3, c. 50].
The term “discourse” is used in different meanings in the modern
linguistics. Arutyunova defines discourse as “the speech dipped in life” [4,
c. 74]. In modern linguistics there are two main approaches to definition of
this term. The famous linguist T. van Dijk considers “discourse” in a broad
sense as the language act happening with the assistance of two communicants
in a certain social, cultural, temporary and spatial context. In narrow sense
“discourse” is equivalent to the concepts “text” and “conversation” that is
defined as a concrete verbal speech product [5, c. 97].
ISSN 2411-8745
Number 1 (2016), 82 - 92
E. Benveniste considered discourse as the speech, nonseparable from
speaking, and T. Van Dijk considered “text” as static object, and “discourse”
as a method of its updating in certain mental and pragmatical conditions [4,
c. 74].
Mankind’s natural needs in communication grow with the development
of society. Emergence of the Internet became a natural step in the conditions
of these growing requirements.
The history of the Internet originates in 1957 when the Ministry of
Defence of the USA started developing computer networks. Birthday of the
Internet is considered as October 29 in 1969. That day, the first information
was transferred between the computers which were on distance in 640
kilometers from each other.
Nowadays, the global Internet is an integral part of life of the modern
person. The Internet becomes for us not only the fullest and operational
source of information on the world, but also the important communication
medium giving to users wide opportunities in order to “speak” and “be
heard”. Popularity and availability of the Internet – technologies promotes
emergence of new opportunities and ways of communication, forms the
new sphere of information exchange, leads to the emergence of new types
of the public relations.
With the implementation of the Internet in our lives, linguists wanted
to establish connection between the Internet and communication inside
of it, which is presented in the form of the discourse. Naturally, at that
moment it was not possible to allocate Internetdiscourse from other types
of discourse. It is possible to consider that communication and discourse
on the Internet began to go on an own way of the development, finding
the unique features in 1971 when the first program for sending email, the
first new technological way of communications were developed which laid
the foundation to global reorganization of all system of interrelation of
people. In 1973 the international organizations were connected that gave a
huge impetus to the development of Internet communication and discourse,
related to the network.
Development of information technologies stimulates emergence of
new forms of communication which occupy new niche in modern society.
Nowadays the new cognitive paradigm developing within Internet
discourse is built in linguistics. The innovative direction of researches
draws attention of famous scientists and causes emergence not only new
terms, but also concept about new special type of the speech the speech
of Internetdiscourse [6, c. 140]. The Internet became the informational
ISSN 2411-8745
Number 1 (2016), 82 - 92
ИзвестИя КазУМОиМя
communicative environment taking more and more significant place, and in
many cases ̶ starting dominating.
Topicality of this article is caused by weak study of the Internet
discourse, the low level of development of this phenomenon, although the
Internet more strongly enters our life not only as means of work or study,
but, generally as means of communication.
Objects of the current article are blogs and other genres of Internet
discourse, while the subject is their lexical and grammatical features.
The aim of the article is complex studying of phenomenon of the
Internetdiscourse, consideration of genres of the Internet discourse from
the point of view of lexical and grammatical features.
Recently, the communicative space of the Internet became a peculiar
environment which promoted as more intensive development in general.
Development of information technologies stimulates emergence of new
forms of communication which has its own new niche in modern society.
Nowadays, in linguistics there is built the new cognitive and linguistic
paradigm developing within the Internet discourse. The innovative direction
of researches draws attention of famous domestic and foreign researchers
and causes emergence not only new terms, but also concept about new
special type of the speech ̶ the speech and the language of the Internet
The Internet became the information and communicative environment
taking more and more significant place. New original communicative
genres were created and are creating in a global network the main linguistic
peculiarity of which is synthesis of the written and oral speech which is
continuing to develop.
On the one hand, the Internetdiscourse is the text typed on the keyboard,
generated not only by the speech device, but it is the text which is told to the
interlocutor that can be also followed by a separation in time. On the other
hand, the Internetdiscourse is the intonation of oral speech. According to
the Soviet linguist N. B. Mechkovskaya, there was no such mass flow of the
natural speech in the history of writing notes, which is written and presented
on so wide review yet [7, c. 151].
Internet communication led to the neutralization of the deepest
opposition of speech types oral and written, and created, on our opinion,
new type of the speech which can be called as the speech of the Internet
The Internetdiscourse was studied by many linguists, both foreign,
and domestic ones. In foreign linguistics studying of features of virtual
ISSN 2411-8745
Number 1 (2016), 82 - 92
communication began in the 80th the last century and is connected with the
names of such linguists as S. Barnes, N. Baron, S. Herring.
Speaking about the domestic researchers dealing with problems of
studying Internetdiscourse, it is necessary to mention such soviet authors
like E.N. Galichkina, D.V. Galkin, L. Yu. Ivanova, V.Yu. Nesterov, etc.
As E.I. Goroshko notes, this direction quickly enough possesses a
lot of terms. In this regard, in order to define this phenomenon, there is a
number of concepts which are differentiated by object of research and the
sphere of its use. The most widespread of them are “computer – mediated
communication”, “computer discourse”, “electronic discourse”, “virtual
discourse”, “Internet discourse” and “network discourse” [8, c. 73].
Being artificially created, the Internetdiscourse serves as not only
technical communication channel, like phone, but also, in fact, it is a new
communicative environment where communicants do not meet face to face,
but, nevertheless, direct and versatile communicative influence happens.
For this reason the Internetdiscourse gains a set of distinctive features,
keeping thus properties, characteristic for “discourse” in general.
According to the Soviet linguist N. A. Akhrenova, The Internetdiscourse
represents process of text creation in total with pragmatical, sociocultural,
psychological factors, the purposeful social action including interaction of
people and mechanisms of their consciousness – cognitive processes [9, c. 135].
Distinctive sign of the Internetdiscourse is communication in actual
and virtual environments. All these features make discoursive space – a
set of the communicative units (finished and incomplete, big and small,
dialogical and monological, oral and written statements).
In the discoursive relation, Internetdiscourse includes a narration and
the message, the statement and reasoning, the argument and the proof, i.e.
all terminological attributes of scientific, business and other styles of the
From positions of sociolinguistic approach I can speak about the Internet
discourse as about the linguistic category combining signs of personal
focused and the statusfocused discourse. In this case, the term “Internet”
assumes existence of the special space which is artificially created by means
of technical means where is a possibility of interactive communication of
interlocutors [6, c. 78]. Thus, making a start from the general definition of
a discourse which was given by me above, I can define Internetdiscourse
as a set of the texts united by the subject “Internet” and artificially created
communicative space assuming interactive communication of virtual
ISSN 2411-8745
Number 1 (2016), 82 - 92
ИзвестИя КазУМОиМя
There are a lot of classifications of Internetdiscourse, which are given
by different authors. It is possible to allocate the following genres based on
different signs of classification selection:
According to the first classification: email, electronic talk (chats),
electronic bulletin boards (EBB) and computer conferences;
According to the second classification: email, synchronous and
asynchronous chats, including EBB, the virtual worlds (MOOs, MUDs,
MUCKs, MUSEs etc.) and WEB TEXTS;
According to the third classification: a web discourse, email discourse,
and also discourseasynchronous (forums, guest rooms) and synchronous
(chats, ICQ, games) communication in the Internet environment;
According to the fourth classification: allinformation genres or genres
of news, scientific and educational and special information genres, art and
literary genres (which the part of the entertaining genres which are making
out nonspecial, nonprofessional communication adjoins), business and
commercial genres;
According to the fifth classification: actually the website, a homepage (has
the smaller scale, than the site), electronic library, the electronic magazine,
email, chat, the guest book, a bulletin board, a collection of programs, the
catalog (for example, virtual shop), commercial announcements, advertizing
According to the sixth classification: the business communication
(included in system of any other activity), factual (communication for the
sake of the communication), game communication and advertizing;
According to the seventh classification: email, chat, forums or virtual
conferences, electronic boards, homepage, various games and entertaining
Speaking about the Internetdiscourse, it is important to note several
genres of this kind of discourse. There are various classifications of genres of
the Internetdiscourse. Emergence and functioning of each Internetgenre is
caused by that the Internetdiscourse gives opportunity to any communicant
to prove from the most various positions and to try on itself any role, to
model the “I” within a certain genre of the Internetdiscourse. The speech
is produced and made in such Internetgenres as chats, blogs, microblogs,
emails, Internet sites which unite properties of both types of the speech. I
will try to consider these the most often used Internetgenres in detail.
An email – is a reception/transmission of messages to one or a group of
persons on a network. The message transferred by email may contain texts,
tables, schedules, and different files of any format. It is the first Internet
ISSN 2411-8745
Number 1 (2016), 82 - 92
discourse genre in the chronological plan. Email correspondence, as well
as letters exchange on simple mail is the most often communication of two
people, however the number of addressees can be increased more and more.
Thus, there is created opportunity for peculiar email of a polylogue. But,
speaking about dialogue or polylogue by email, we must keet in our mind
that offline communication is usual where initiative and response letter are
divided on time.
A chat – is the polylogue with average degree of fluidity of
communicants occurring in a real time (online). Chats can have thematic
or entertaining orientation that, in turn, is reflected on the sociolinguistic
characteristics of communicants and the structure of a discourse. This
term describes as a set of the systems intended for interactive conferences.
As soon as one communicant types the phrase on computer, this phrase
immediately becomes available to other conferees. Examples of such
systems are: IRC, ICQ, WebChat, Prodigy. Distinctive feature of CHATS
is onlinecommunication, instant transmission of messages. Some authors
consider that chats are some kind of “nursery” of network communication
out of which more disciplined and substantial forms are developed Forums.
The Internet blog – is the concrete monological discourse of the
virtual communicant consisting of chronologically located texts, most often
oriented on the statement of own opinion on any events of both personal,
and public character. Internetblogs can be open both for public viewing,
and for a certain narrow circle of the friends having opportunity to comment
on records of each other. Here we can also observe similarities of Internet
diaries with thematic forums, but in respect of features of their structure. Set
of blogs is a blog sphere. Blog gained wide popularity as one of the latest and
newest Internetdiscourse genres. There are some differences between Blog
and Internetblog, which are caused by the environment: blogs are usually
public, and also assume a lot of readers who can enter conversation with the
blog’s author. Communication is based on the opportunity to comment in
the blog.
The personal site represents set of electronic documents (files) of the
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