Абдигалиева т. Б

The influence of vermiculite as a feed additive on the hematological and

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The influence of vermiculite as a feed additive on the hematological and 
biochemical blood parameters of laying hens. 
At the end of the experiment, blood samples were collected from 5 hens groups 
and taken randomly from the brachial vein and then transferred to heparinized tubes 
and placed on ice. Hemoglobin concentration (Hb), red blood cells (RBC`s) count 
and white blood cells (WBC`s) count were determined. Hematological testing is one 
of the methods that can help detect certain changes in health that may not be apparent 
from physical examination, but which affect, for example, the condition of the birds 
et. al
2010). Hematologic studies include hematocrit value (HCT) which 
indicates the ratio between the volume of plasma and blood cells. The value of 
hematocrit in all studying groups matches to physiological standards.
Table 5.
As shown in Table 5 the hematocrit variations in the mean value were not 
statistically significant, being for hens: 32.6% and 32.1% for the dose with 3% and 
5% V, for the group D and E: 31.7% and 34.7%. The hematocrit (HCT) of laying 
hens fed with various dose of minerals significantly was higher in all experimental 
groups than in the control 29.7% except group B (28.6%). The highest increase of 
HCT of 5% and 3% was observed in the group E. The amount of hemoglobin (HGB) 
is an indirect indicator of the body's iron saturation. Low hemoglobin content was for 
the control group where hens received only standard feed. Hemoglobin showed mean 
value oscillations ranging from a minimum of 92.1 g l
for the laying hens group B 
to a maximum of 110.5 g l
for the group E, with statistically significant differences. 
The highest concentration increase showed hens group E (110.5 g l
). The number of 
red blood cells (WBC) in the groups B, D and E was lower than in control. The mean 
values ranged from 4.12·10
(B) for hens to 5.02·10
(C). Data referring to the 
leukocyte (WBC) parameters development, as presented in Table 4, showed very 
significant statistical oscillations of the total leukocyte number, for laying hens 
situated in the range of 6.4·10
(D) to 12.5·10
(3% V) and control group 

.When using natural feed additives or its combination with fishmeal in all 
experimental groups the amount of protein increased comparing to the control. It was 
associated with faster metabolism which was confirmed by higher productivity of 
hens. The values of the total protein content in the most of birds were within the 
range of 35-42 g l
et. al
2005). The hens group E had higher protein 
concentration of 42 g l
than the control (35 g l
). The increase of calcium was 
observed in the all experimental groups of hens than control 40%. This was 
associated with the highest ion-exchange activity of vermiculite. The highest 
concentration increase of calcium to control group (1.75 mmol l
) showed hens 
group C (2.78 mmol l
). The amount of phosphorus in the serum egg-laying hens for 
B (2.37 mg l
) with to the control group (1.52 mg l
) has small increase, with except 
group of hens feeding 5% V (1.48 mg l
). The amount of protein, WBC, HGT, 
calcium was higher in the hens group fed with combination of V+FM. 
Сурет 6.4 – «Нәтижелер» бөліміне мысал 
Қорытынды бөлімі
. Бұл бөлімде алынған нәтижелерді жұмысты 
жүргізудің бастапқы мақсатымен салыстыру қажет. «Олар қаншалықты сәйкес 
келеді? Бұл мақала неге ықпал етеді? Алынған нәтижелер ғылымды қалай 
байытады?» деген сұрақтарға жауап беретін бөлім. Бұл бөлімде одан әрі зерттеу 
үшін мақала нәтижелерінің мәнін анықтау маңызды. «Болашақта жасалатын 
жұмыс үшін алынған нәтижелер қандай бағытты талап етеді?» деген сұрақтарға 
сілтеме берілуі тиіс.

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