«Абай Құнанбаевтың әлемі мен шығармашылығына жастардың көзқарасы» атты республикалық ғылыми онлайн-конференция
amplified through the use of language, but poet ends on a vaguely positive note, thus telling the
audience that the hardships will eventually pass.
The were also highlighted national-cultural components. Poets connect autumn with people’s
life; they show the impact that people may have. Abai accurately described the realities of the
life of the Kazakh people, who lived and moved to graze livestock, and described how each
season affected the country that had livestock.
«Біреу малма сапсиды,
алып иін,
Салбыраңқы тартыпты жыртық киім.
Енесіне иіртіп шуда жібін,
Жас қатындар жыртылған жамайды үйін» are the lines Abai shows us how the life of
people changed, that they prepared themselves, their livestock and their home for the winter
cold. In addition, Abai gives us a little hint that people's life was not so easy, that they were
sewing up clothes and even materials that were the parts of the house-construction, in order to
reuse them. We can also be shown of our cultural peculiarity that the change of season is
connected with the change of a living place:
«Күзей тозған, оты жоқ елдің маңы,
Тұман болар, жел соқса, шаң-тозаңы.» Twelve months a year - spring, summer, autumn,
winter, Kazakhs move at
different times of the year, depending on the state of their farms and
livestock. The nomads named their settlements according to the seasons: kokteu, jailau, kuzeu
and kystau.
Of course, Abai is a poet of his time. His works are a chronicle of that time. They vividly and
fully reflect the life of the Kazakh community of that time with all its features, with its own
characteristic reliefs, original colors and patterns. He worries about what hardships may await
his people in the fall; he loves and condescends, but at the same time criticizes them:
«От жақпаған үйінің сұры қашып,
Ыстан қорыққан қазақтың құрысын заңы.»
And in Shelley’s poem autumn is a fitting background for vision of political and social
revolution because it can have such a drastic change on the Earth’s physical appearance.
Shelley’s individual push to show the power of nature is different from other poets by the way
he conveys the natural world to the reader. He asks autumn, the nature questions, and suggests
him the things to do.
Overall, it may be said that language and a way
of thinking are interconnected, since the
language reflects those features of extra-linguistic reality that seem relevant to the carriers of the
culture using this language; mastering the language, the native speaker begins to see the world
from the angle suggested by his native language, and gets along with the conceptualization of
the world, characteristic of the respective culture. In this sense, words that verbalize lingua-
specific concepts simultaneously “reflect” and “form” the way of thinking and the cultural space
of native speakers.
And the concept of Abai’s autumn is descried as the following, the nucleus is poorness and
coldness. It has several layers as etymological layer, associative-symbolic layer, the evaluative
layer, national-cultural components layer. Etymological layer is the season proceeded by
summer, and the season when leaves turn yellow. Associative-symbolic layer has the following
concepts: grey clouds, wet fog, the stealer of summer’s warmth, uncertainty. The evaluative
layer is rather neutral, it is associated with grey color, and this grey color gives us a hope, but it
is also negative, since it is
associated with elderly people, as old and exhausted. National-
cultural components layer is highly connected with our nation and the way they lived at that
time. It is the time when nomads move to kuzeu to graze livestock, the time when people start
heating houses, the time of sewing up clothes and getting ready for the winter. There were found
different (metaphor, imagery, symbolism, epithet,personificication) literary devices, that shows
us the wealth of Abai’s language.
«Абай Құнанбаевтың әлемі мен шығармашылығына жастардың көзқарасы» атты республикалық ғылыми онлайн-конференция
In the national cultural space of each nation, there are many concepts that reflect a vivid
national specificity. Often such concepts are difficult or even impossible to convey in another
language - this is a sure proof of their national specificity, mental uniqueness. Many of these
concepts affect the perception of reality, understanding of the phenomena and events that occur
and determine the national characteristics of the communicative behavior of the people.
However, we tried to connect Abai’s world to other romanticism poet Percy Shelley, tried to
illustrate some common ground in two poems, and made one more attempt to keep Abai and his
beautiful and rich world in our hearts and mind forever.
[Қ.Күдеринова, О.Жұбаева, М.Жолшаева және т.б. Қазақ әдеби тілінің сөздігі. 8-том.
– К – Қ. – Алматы: «Арыс» баспасы, 2007. - 744 б.]
[Петровский М. Метафора // Словарь литературных терминов: B 2 т. Т.1.– Л.: Изд-
во Л. Д. Френкель, 1925. – 748 с.]
[М.Базарбаев. Өлең–сөздің патшасы, сөз сарасы. – Алматы : Жазушы, 1973. – 256 б.]
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