Байланысты: Sovremennye metody i tekhnologii prepodavaniya inostrannykh yazykov
пост советский (post-Soviet), мобиль
ник (a mobile
phone), наркот
изм (narcotism)
2. Creating a new meaning for existing words, for example:
English: footprint – impact on our planet
Russian language: мыло (“an email” – the new meaning of computer slang;
“a soap” – the traditional meaning)
3. Loanwords (mainly professional and scientific terms borrowed from
other languages), for example:
English: glasnost (from Russian: publicity, openness), ponzu (from Japa-
nese: sauce made from soy sauce and citrus juice), chuddies (from Hindi: cow-
Russian language: бизнес-ланч (с английского: a business lunch),
секьюрити (с английского: a bodyguard), спичрайтер (с английского: a speech
4. Semi-abbreviations (words consisting of parts of other words), abbrevi-
ations, for example:
English: biosecurity, nomophobia (short for “phobia without a mobile
phone”, which means fear of being out of contact with a mobile phone), FSU (the
Former Soviet Union – the former Soviet Union)
Russian language: СПИД (AIDS), страхагент (an insurance agent),
туроператор (a tour operator)
Ways to translate neologisms:
- Selection of a suitable analogue in the target language. Attempt to search
for an equivalent in available bilingual dictionaries, including constantly updated
online versions of dictionaries (http://www.oxforddictionaries.com/, Yandex Dic-
https://glosbe.com/, etc.).
- transcription and transliteration:
transliteration – a translation method where the word is translated by the
exact transmission of the signs of one writing to the signs of another writing, in
which each character of one writing system is transmitted by the same character
of another writing system (for example, blog – blog) [14],
transcription is a translation technique, which consists in transferring in let-
ters of the language into which the translation is performed, the sound of the word
in the source language (for example, facebooker – фейсбукер) [15],
- tracing is the transfer of a foreign word or expression by literal translation
of individual parts of a foreign word or individual words (for example, the White
House – Белый Дом);
- Explanatory translation and descriptive translation
descriptive translation – disclosing the meaning of the lexical of a source
language using detailed phrases (for example, Landslide – victory in the elections
with a large margin of votes; Ivy League – the oldest universities in New England,
the intellectual elite in the USA).
English, like other languages of the world, is changing constantly. Neolo-
gisms are words that are completely new lexical units for each historical period,
and which become part of the culture and language. Such words have not managed
yet to enter the active vocabulary, therefore, they may not be clear. The reason for
the appearance of neologisms is social and scientific and technological progress,
globalization, intercultural communication. The emergence of a new word is the
result of a struggle between two trends – the development trend of the language
and the tendency to preserve it. This is due to the fact that “there is a rather strong
tendency in the language to remain in a state of communicative fitness” [8].
Thus, there are many ways of translating neologisms that the translator
plays a vital role in their translation and interpretation.
The emphasis on teaching to understand and to translate neologisms in the
training of translators in the field of professional communication helps to shape
future translators' willingness to effectively resolve issues related to the adequate
and equivalent translation of modern specialized texts in the context of scientific
and technological progress and a rapidly evolving world view.