Speaking notes are written with the purpose of reminding the counterpart about the matter
discussed and serve as "memory- helpers".
They bear no seal and are unsigned.
Meeting with Mr (name) Deputy Director, Second
European Department, MFA. 25 June, 1997
Construction of New British Embassy, Moscow
The Agreement between the Government of the UK and the Government of the Russian
Federation on the Design and Construction of Embassy Buildings in London and Moscow signed
in London on 15 October, 1996 (by Mr Kuznetsov for the Russian side) includes a Customs
Annex on the procedures to be followed for the import and export of diplomatic consignments
containing materials and equipment for the construction of the buildings.
The Agreement provides for the import and export of materials on provision of a Declaration
certifying that the consignment contains exclusively construction materials and equipment for
use in the fitting out of the new buildings of the embassy.
Since the Agreement was signed the British Embassy has been in close contact with the
Russian Customs authorities to ensure that the arrangements set out in the Agreement will be
But the Russian Customs authorities are insisting that the Declaration should specify the name
and quantity of the goods. This is not required by the Agreement.
The Embassy would be grateful for the assistance of the MFA in ensuring that the terms of the
Agreement will be complied with by the Russian Customs authorities.