Түйін сөздер: бұлтты технологиялар, виртуализация, қауіпсіздік, компьютерлікшабуылдар
Иманбаева А.К., Бисаринов Б.Ж., Бисаринова А.Т.
Безопасность в облаке уязвимости, угрозы и решения
Резюме. Облачные технологии становятся одним из наиболее быстро растущих секторов ИТ-индустрии в
связи с сокращением расходов на вычислительные процессы, наряду с преимуществами, такими как гибкость и
масштабируемость. Облачные технологии широко используется среди большого количества организаций,
таким образом, есть необходимость рассмотреть некоторыеиз важнейших вопросов, связанных с облаком.
Безопасность является одним из наиболее важных вопросов, с которыми облачные провайдеры пытаются
справиться. В этом статье рассматриваются проблемы, касающиеся надежности и безопасности в области
облачных вычислений, также предлагаются доступные решения этих проблем.
Ключевые слова: облачные технологии, виртуализация, безопасность, компьютерные атаки
UDCI 658.5
Kozhamberdieva M.I.
, Imanbekov B.T.
Almaty University of Power Engineering & Telecommunications
Kazakh National Technical University after K.I. Satpaev
Almaty, Republic of Kazakhstan
Abstract. The report focuses on the use of modern devices and digital automation system with the creation of an
effective computerized system of hydrothermal treatment plywood raw material. The application of automated systems
to improve productivity and quality heating plywood raw material and reduce the loss of heat and energy.
Key words: PSF (plywood, manufactured using a phenol-formaldehyde resin adhesive), FC (plywood obtained
when gluing veneer glue) SCADA - supervisory control and data acquisition.
The technological process of hydrothermal treatment of veneer stock highly influences the product
quality and raw materials consumption. The existing control systems are not effective and characterized by
deviations from predetermined process conditions thus resulting in overuse of thermal power, unsatisfactory
preheating of plywood stock material and appearance of chips and cracks in veneer sheets [1].The
enterprises, which produce laminated, FSF and FK plywood, have no effective automated control systems of
hydrothermal treatment of veneer stock which negatively characterizes these processes at all performance
factors. Applied automation means consist of analog temperature sensors for the heating water and primitive
devices changing the heat supply into the basin for hydrothermal treatment of veneer stock. Without the use
of modern devices and digital automation systems it is impossible to create an effective computerized system
of hydrothermal treatment of veneer stock. Such computerized systems must improve the productivity and
quality of preheating of the veneer stock, and reduce the loss of heat and energy [2], [3].
Therefore, it is required to develop and introduce mathematical, data, algorithmic, and machine supply
for the computerized systems for hydrothermal processing of the veneer stock of which the laminated, FSF,
and FK plywood is being produced, thus saving energy and increasing productivity.
For this purpose at first they conduct a system analysis, development of mathematical models and
survey of processes of hydrothermal treatment as controlled objects. Production of plywood also requires
development [3], [4]. of mathematical models and data supply of processes of hydrothermal processing. This
includes heat supply into the basin for the hydrothermal treatment, heat losses through the surface of the
basin, heat losses through the basin insulation, models of the preheated veneer stock, a heat balance of the
basin, and heat currents during hydrothermal treatment [4], [5].
Mathematical model characterizes description of veneer stock heating by ordinary differential
equations, which is acceptable for the construction of computerized control process of hydrothermal
treatment of the veneer stock.
During the preheating of veneer stock heat losses occur. Processes of heat leakage through the water
surface in the basin have variable physical nature. Losses can be subdivided into the following components:
convective losses, losses by radiation, and losses by evaporation of water from the basin [5], [6], [7].
Also a mathematical model has been developed to assess the amount of convective heat given by the
water surface. This mathematical model helps estimate the amount of convective heat given by the water
surface. In order to manage the process it is necessary to maintain the temperature of the basin water at the
pre-set level [8], [9].
The scheme includes (position) pool 1, the heat exchanger 2 feed line 3, the return line 4, 5 filters,
water filling line 6, the actuator control the supply of water in the pool 7, the sensors measure the water level
in the pool 8, actuators, control [10] and plum topping water from the basin 9 and 10, the water drain pipe
11, a sensor measuring the water temperature in the delivery pipe 12, a screw pump with a motor 13, a sensor
measuring the water pressure in the supply pipe 14, water temperature sensors installed at various points in
the pool 15, an input module signals from sensors (eg ADAM-5017H) 16, the output unit (for example,
ADAM-5024) 17 industrial Controller (for example, ADAM-5000 / TCP) 18, the control computer (for
example, SIMATIC RACK PC 840 V2) 19, [11], [12] an operator console 20.
Picture 1 - Hydrothermal processing of plywood raw material.
The system operates as follows. From the operator panel 20 or from the host computer 19 is signaled
to turn on the system controller 18, with the output module 17 test pulses are fed to the actuators 7-10 and
motor screw pump 13, with [13], [14] the input module 16 test pulses go to the sensors 15, 14, 12 , 8, back
with devices receive signals about their serviceability or malfunction of an industrial controller 18, an
operator console 20, the control computer 19 After receiving the information about the serviceability of
sensors and actuators industrial controller 18 compares the values of the temperature obtained from the
sensors located in the basin, with the temperature set by the technological requirements, a signal to the
switch actuator 7, located on the flow line 3, [15] and the heated water is pumped into the pool. On the flow
line 3 are sensors measuring the temperature of the water 12 and 14 measure the water pressure, with
information which comes to the industrial controller 18 through the input module, where it is processed, and
the operator panel 20 and the control computer 19 [16].
The developed algorithm of computerized control system of water heating and treatment SCADA
control system for the hydrothermal treatment of veneer logs lets effectively manage all the SCADA
components such as purifying filter, hydrothermal treatment basin, the plate heat exchanger, water supply
pump from the basin, a blow fan for supplying waste drying agent in the plate heat exchanger [17], [18].
The developed control algorithm for the process of hydrothermal processing of raw materials for the
production of the laminated, FK and FSF plywood made it possible to develop software for the computer-
aided process control. An algorithm for automated determination of recuperation device parameters has
given the opportunity to develop software for the automated basin heating [19].The developed algorithm for
automated determination of the parameters of the circulating water purification during automated
hydrothermal processing of the veneer stock made it possible to develop software for automated cleaning of
heating water in the basin.
A scheme was presented in graphical form showing automation control system (ACS) of the process
of hydrothermal treatment of the veneer stock for the production of the laminated, FSF and FK plywood,
which is invariant to changes in ambient temperature. [20]ACS scheme was presented in graphical form
showing the process of hydrothermal treatment of the veneer stock, which is invariant to changes in ambient
temperature, as well as reducing the response rate of the hydrothermal treatment basin in the process of
To implement a simple flexible positive feedback and functioning of the compensating element this
automation system includes steam supply conduit with temperature and flow sensors, set into the heating
water supply pipeline into the basin for the veneer stock hydrothermal treatment, as well as the ambient
temperature gauge. It enables to record a change in temperature of the air, wind speed [21].
A data from the environmental factors gauge arrives at the industrial microcontroller, where the
measured value is compared with the set temperature. If an attempt to eliminate the deviation by increasing
the flow of heating water fails and an ambient temperature gauge detects a decrease in air temperature, which
in the future will further increase the deviation of actual temperature from the preset temperature, the
controller will regulate the temperature of heating water in the basin, taking into account the compensating
element, and the basin will be additionally supplied by steam from the boiler, thus compensating the
deviation [22], [23].
Software developed on the basis of the mathematical support of the veneer stock hydrothermal
treatment, can effectively manage the process of hydrothermal treatment of wood. The selected complex of
automation technical means can maintain the parameters of the hydrothermal treatment at a preset level. This
hardware-software complex will improve the efficiency of enterprises that produce the laminated, FSF and
FK plywood, and reduce consumption of raw materials [24], [25].
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Қожамбердиева М.И., Иманбек Б.Т.
Автоматизация гидротермической обработки фанерного сырья
Резюме. Доклад посвящен использованию современных устройств и цифровых систем автоматизации с
созданием эффективной компьютеризированной системы гидротермальной обработки фанерного сырья.
Рассматривается применение автоматизированных систем для улучшения производительности и качество
подогрева фанерного сырья, и уменьшение потери тепла и энергии.
Ключевые слова: ФСФ (фанера, изготавливаемая с применением смоляного фенолформальдегидного клея),
ФК (фанера, получаемая при приклеивании шпонов карбамидным клеем), SCADA - диспетчерское управление
и сбор данных.
Қожамбердиева М.И., Иманбек Б.Т.
Фанера шикізатының гидротермиялық өңдеуінің автоматтандырылуы
Түйіндеме. Бұл баяндама қазіргі заманға сай құрылғыларды игеруге және цифрлық жүйелердің
автоматтандырылуын компьютерлік жүйенің көмегімен, тиімді фанера шикізатын гидротермалды өңдеуге
арналған. Автоматталған жүйенің қолданысы өндірісті жақсарту үшін фанера шикізаттының жылыту сапасын,
жылының және қайраттың шығынының кемуі қарастырылады.
Түйін сөздер: ФСФ (шайырлы фенолформальдегидті желімнің қолдануымен даярланған фанер), ФК
(карбамид желіммен жабыстырылатын фанера), SCADA - диспетчер басқармасы және деректердің жиынының.
УДК 378.147
Makulov K., Otarbayev Zh., Yagaliyeva B.
Kazakh National Technical University after K.I. Satpaev,
Almaty, Republic of Kazakhstan
kaiyr@mail.ru, otarbayev_zh@kazntu.kz, bagdat.yag@gmail.com
Abstract: The article deals with expert systems and issues of its use in education with distance education
technologies and shows the main deficiencies and ways of its solving for the purpose of ES modulus creation for the
system of distance educational technologies.
Key words: Distance educational technology, learning technology.
The need for development of distance learning technologies is obvious for all countries of the world.
The history of development of open distance education over the whole world has more than 40 years.
Higher education is considered as one of the leading factors of the social and economic progress. As
for the present day the important value and main capital of the modern society is a human capable of
searching for and mastering, the new knowledge and making out-of-the-box solutions.
Alongside with such changes the Republic of Kazakhstan (further referred to as – RoK) started to
introduce the distance learning form to the educational process in experimental mode as from the year 2005.
Later the distance learning form was changed for distance education technology (further referred to as -
DET) [1].
Education has become one of the widest areas of human activity in the modern society. For the last
ten-year period, the world has changed its attitude to all kinds of education, on the efficiency of which the
prospects of human development depend in many ways [2].
Information resources management suggests availability of the aggregate of appropriate technologies
based on using some or other means of collection, transfer, processing, storage, submission of information in
the process of managerial activity. Depending on predominance of any of the above-listed informational
processes, intensity or significance thereof one chooses the proper means of realization thereof that in the
context of variety of the latter brings forth the problem of selection and use of means providing for
information resources management.
Solving of the problem of selection and use of ES for the educational process for the purpose of
conduct of laboratory works by the method of distance learning suggests the availability of the managerial
personnel, specialists for introduction to the existing distance learning system, general knowledge of the
recommended approaches etc.
Expert systems of project management are designed for planning and management of resources of
different kinds (material, technical, information) when realizing complex scientific-and-research and project-
and-construction works.
Expert systems and decision-making support systems are designed for the purpose of realizing the
technologies of information provision of the managerial decision making processes by virtue of using
economical-and-mathematical modeling and artificial brain principles.
ES are designed for the purpose of solving certain practical tasks in some narrow directions, for the
basis of which the knowledge of expert specialists are taken. Expert systems became the first program
developments to have attracted enormous attention to the results of investigation in the artificial brain area.
Systems of intellectual design and management system improvement are designed for use of so-called
CASE-technologies (Computer Aid System Engineering) focused on computer-aided development of project
decisions on creation and improvement of organization management systems [3].
ES development stages are considered in the figure 1.
Figure 1 – Stages of development of ES.
Correctly selected expert and successful formalization of his knowledge allows providing ES with
unique and valuable knowledge.
The first stage. To specify tasks and identify problems, to reveal the development pruposes, to specify
experts and user types. By the example of introduction to DET the highly-qualified teaching staff of a higher
educational institution will be in the role of experts.
The second stage. To analyze the task of a certain subject area, to reveal the definitions to be used and
relationship thereof, to specify the task solving methods. By the example of introduction to DET the
particular discipline shall be taken providing for laboratory works on this direction.
The third stage. To specify the logic structure (ways of representing of all types of knowledge), to
select the appropriate software, project and system work model.
The fourth stage. The process of knowledge base introduction by the expert.
The fifth stage. Implementation of ES.
The sixth stage. Inspection and analysis of ES work.
The seventh stage. Operation of ES.
The eighth stage. Support and constant filling of the knowledge base with the current data.
Figure 2 – The life cycle of ES depends on its support in the up-to-date state.
If ES is not supported in the up-to-date state (regular filling of the knowledge base with the expert
new knowledge), it will lose its being in demand with time.
The main deficiency of ES is inability of self-learning. Support of expert systems in the up-to-date
state requires constant intervention in the knowledge base of knowledge engineers.
The most famous ES is Wolfram|Alpha. W|A does not return the list of references based on the inquiry
results but calculates an answer basing on its own knowledge base which contains the data on mathematics,
physics, astronomy, chemistry, biology, medicine, history, geography, politics, music, cinematography and
also information on well-known people and internet-sites [4].
For the present day, ES is widely used in medicine but exclusively in highly specialized subject areas.
The first expert system called Dendral was developed in Stanford. This was the expert system determining
the structure of organic molecules by chemical formulae and spectrographic data on the chemical bonds in
molecules. The Dendral value consisted in the following. Organic molecules are generally very large and that
is why the number of possible structures of these molecules is great as well. Owing to heuristic knowledge of
chemical experts laid in the expert system, the right decision from amongst a million of possible ones was
found by several attempts. Principles and ideas laid in Dendral appeared to be so effective that they have
been used by now in chemical and pharmaceutical laboratories all over the world [5].
ES use in the learning process will certainly give its positive results. Using of standard computer
programs or programs on particular directions of activity is already not quite the variant when the
experienced user`s demands are very high. While higher educational institutions have started using
supercomputers for research purposes and in the learning process, one ought to activate work on the direction
of ES and artificial brain. Development of ES for managerial processes is possible if there is the enormous
reserve of information resources. The figure 3 shows the general scheme of ES use in the learning process
with DET. When developing ES on conduct of laboratory works on certain sections or disciplines the
trainees would have the possibility of on-line carrying out these projects with the help of the electronic
For the trainees on the direction of computer sciences it is possible to develop ES on conduct of
laboratory-and-research works (For example: 5В060200 - Informatics, 5В070200 - Automation and
management, 5В070300 - Information systems, 5В070400 - Computer science and software, 5В100200 -
Information Security Systems).
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