particularly at the prices they're charging. But we can't see how
living in squalor can improve your mind."
"That's because of your priorities. You would rather have me
make up my bed and pick up my clothes than become a free spirit
who thinks for myself."
"We are not trying to stifle your free spirit. It's just that our
Blue Cross
has run out, and we have no protection in case
anybody catches typhoid."
"All right I'll clean up my room if it means that much to you.
But I want you to know you've ruined my vacation."
"It was a calculated risk I had to take. Oh, by the way — I
know this is a terrible thing to ask of you, but would you mind
helping me wash the dinner dishes?" "Wash dishes? Nobody
washes dishes at school."
"Your father and I were afraid, of that."