Сборник упражнений по грамматике английского языка для студентов-юристов

Exercise 66. Comment on the use of tenses in the following

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Sbornik-uprazhneniy-po-grammatike-angliyskogo-yazyka-dlya-studentov yuristov

Exercise 66. Comment on the use of tenses in the following 
sentences and translate them into Russian:
1. A group of police officers is investigating this serious crime 
2. The procurator is preparing to speak on the case tried by the 
regional court.
3. At the beginning of the seminar one of our students will be 
making a report on the rights of the defendant according to the crimi-
nal law.
4. This murder case is being investigated by the policemen.
5. Thousands of young people from different foreign countries 
are being trained at various higher educational establishments of our 
6. The case was being prepared for trial when the investigator 
was given some new important evidence.
7. The student is being examined by the professor.
8. This minor offence is being considered by the magistrates’ 
9. The participants of the trial are sitting in the courtroom.
10. The judge was preparing to speak on the case when he was 
given a letter.

Сборник упражнений по грамматике английского языка для студентов-юристов
11. I will be working on the report on civil law in the library.
12. The police were being assisted by many citizens while the 
crime was being investigated.
13. The regional court will be considering the case for three 
14. The suspect was being cross-examined when the investiga-
tor received the results of the laboratory analysis.
15. The witnesses for the prosecution were being waited for 
when we came to the court.
16. The verdict is still being discussed by the jury.
17. The evidence on the case is still being collected by the in-
18. The mail is being looked through by the manager.
19. I’m afraid Mr. Green can’t see you right now. He is interview-
ing the witness.
20. Mr. Cooper is claiming that you have falsely accused him of 
stealing confidential information on very little evidence.
21. He is offering us $100,000 for the house which is $10,000 
less than we expected.
22. We discovered that his secretary had been blackmailing him 
with certain details about his life.

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