Сборник упражнений по грамматике английского языка для студентов-юристов

Exercise 68. Translate the sentences paying attention to

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Sbornik-uprazhneniy-po-grammatike-angliyskogo-yazyka-dlya-studentov yuristov

Exercise 68. Translate the sentences paying attention to 
the use of the Perfect Tenses:
1. The investigator has collected evidence on the case of bur-
2. The state and public organizations had discussed the Draft of 
the new Constitution before it became the law.
3. The trade union delegation will have completed its work by 
the end of the week by signing a new agreement.
4. The UN has been called upon to play an important role in 
the affairs of mankind. It has become the forum of the world for the 
discussion of issues of great concern for all nations.
5. He became a good investigator after many serious crimes 
had been examined by him.
6. The head of the delegation will have been appointed by the 
time when all the preparatory work is done.
7. The convicted was taken to prison to serve his sentence after 
his appeal had been rejected by the higher court.
8. His nomination will have been approved by the end of the 
9. If you come to the court late in the afternoon the judge will 
have declared his decision.
10. The judge will have been appointed by the beginning of the 

Сборник упражнений по грамматике английского языка для студентов-юристов
11. — Have you ever been to the Crown Court? — No, I have 
never been there.
12. Today his appeal against the conviction has been rejected 
by the higher court.
13. The hearing of the case had been completed by the end of 
the previous week.
14. The key to his office was lost last week. We hope it will have 
been found by his arrival.
15. The new building of our University will have been built by 
the end of the year.
1. This Monday the application has been prepared by the solici-
2. The offender has just been arrested by the police officer.
3. Parliament had been dissolved before the general election.
4. This week the convict has appealed against the decision of 
the judge.
5. The High Court has dismissed the prisoner’s appeal this 
6. They say that capital punishment will have been abolished by 
the end of December.
7. They listened carefully as witnesses to the murder told what 
they had seen.
8. Everybody agreed that the jury had given the right verdict.
9. The judge said that Sydney was a hardened criminal who had 
committed many serious offences.
10. An increasing number of crimes have been recorded in the 
past six months.
11. So many cars have recently been stolen in the city that the 
police are launching a special campaign to tackle the problem.
12. A recent government study has concluded that drug use 
among adolescents is declining.
13. In Northern Ireland voluntary drug testing in prisons has 
been implemented.
14. Killing these animals has been made a criminal offence.
15. As our society has become more sophisticated a greater 
number of laws have been required.

A Grammar of English Practice Book for Law Students
16. As more laws have been created to reflect changing atti-
tudes in society, individuals have become more aware of their rights.
17. Professor N. considers that with the growth of technology 
the opportunities for white-collar crime have increased considerably.
18. In recent years, governments under common law system 
have increasingly adopted statute laws and requirements.
19. Nowadays the difference between common law and statute 
law has become much less distinct than it once was.
20. Margaret Thatcher has undoubtly had a great impact on 
British and global policies.

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