Table 3. Initial State of Levels of Formation of Professional and Personal Qualities of Students in the Organization of
Extracurricular Activities at University (in percentage)
Experimental group
Control group
Along with this, we have also identified the levels of formation of the studied traits in teachers working in
schools. The obtained data are presented in table 4.
Table 4. Initial State of Levels of Formation of Professional and Personal Qualities of Teachers (in percentage)
School teachers
The presented data also point to the lack of preparedness of teachers in secondary school, the practical
implementation of extra-curricular activities of students. According to our observations, students and teachers of
the school clearly express the view of the close relationship the nature of extra-curricular activities, and improve
the quality of professional and educational training. Ultimately, the professional and personal qualities of students
and teachers in schools are very important influence in improving performance of both students and pupils.
The experiment data and the above theoretical positions allowed determining the long-term direction of the
formative experiment. There is a comprehensive programme of the organization of extracurricular activities of
students designed. We presented it in a phased structure-content model, table 5.
Table 5. Structure-Content Model of Education of Professional and Personal Qualities of the Future Teachers in
Extracurricular Activities
Goals and objectives
Activity’s content
I. Preparatory
Training of
assistants to
organize and plan
activities of
students in the
Prepare the conditions and
means to modernize the educati
onal system in extracurricular
Prepare the concept and program of
education of students, the legal documen
tation, in accordance with the material base
and additional financial support.
Hold a special seminar with teachers:
‘Scientific basis for the organization of
extracurricular activities for future teachers.’
Arrange for supervisors methodical seminar
‘Technology of the educational process at
the university.’
Prepare a system of student self-
government through a combination of state
and public forms of governance
Абай атындағы ҚазҰПУ-нің Хабаршысы, «Педагогика ғылымдары» сериясы, №3(47), 2015 г.
II. Formative
The program of
development of the
educational system
in extracurricular
Implementation of the con
cept of the program of education
in the practical work and the
educational system in the
excretion level of stable system
Conduct with the 1
year students of
educational activities aimed at the
motivational orientation of future teachers.
Inclusion of students in self-government.
The inclusion of all parts of the Teaching
and Support Staff in the operation and
management of the educational system
III. Adjustment
Changes in the concept and
program of education of stu
dents in extracurricular active
Improvement of students in
the group, transforming it into a
full self-government
Conduct educational activities with
students in accordance with the compre
hensive plan.
Implementation relationships with com
munity organizations and cultural and
educational institutions. Conduct education
nal activities outside the university.
Exchange of experience in the develop
ment of the educational system within the
institution to open forms (debates, work
shops, seminars, conferences, and print).
Improving the system of student self-
government on the structure and content of
the activities of the government
IV. Final
Improving the system of
educational process in all gover
nance structures extra cur ricular
activities of the univer sity.
Monitoring of the educati
onal system and training of
Development of the system of public
governance through advanced functions of
public administration entities.
Preparation of diagnostic techniques,
their implementation,
processing and data integration
At the preparatory stage, there are preparation for the implementation of our modernization programme of
activities of students, including organizational issues (creation of the Council on educational work, familiarize
members with the concept and programme of extracurricular activities of the university), the coordination of
university teachers by organizing seminars on teaching departments ‘The scientific basis for the organization of
extracurricular activities for future teachers.’ Facilitators held methodical seminar ‘Technology of the educational
process at the university.’ At this stage the work was carried out with students: the prospects of improving the
extracurricular activities of students familiar members of the student government (in the faculty and student
Thus, in the preparatory phase the problem of organizational measures aimed at motivational value orientation
participants of the educational process is solved (students, teachers, supervisors, employees of administration,
At the second stage - the formative stage of experimental work the programme is carried out. This involves a
long period. There has occurred formation, the development of extracurricular activities for future teachers. A
variety of activities in all areas is outlined in the model (Figure 1). Special attention was paid to the organization
of the activities of professional orientation. In this case, the students' attention was paid to the moral and ethical
qualities of a future teacher. Significant place in the educational work of familiarizing students with sports and
recreational activities and leisure in the dormitories (morning gymnastics, sports groups and clubs, parties, etc).
Throughout the experimental work formation of a positive atmosphere in student groups is carried out.
Curators and teachers are held in groups of sociometric ‘measurements’ of interpersonal relationships, both formal
and informal leaders, and based on these data a collaboration of students (Tazhbayeva, Kerimov, Mashenbayev, &
Smanova, 2005).
Forms of extracurricular activities of students used in our experiment are not fundamentally new and original.
However, we wanted to give them a new meaning, in accordance with the requirements of modern teachers,
interactive methods of conducting. With all this activity the second stage of the experimental work has
strengthened motivation and value orientations of the future teachers, outlook, Kazakhstan patriotism and
citizenship, the expansion of the essence of the moral and ethical concepts, the formation of appropriate
Вестник КазНПУ им. Абая, серия«Педагогические науки», №3(47), 2015 г.
experience, reflection, self-assessment and on this basis, attached to self-education (Tazhbayeva, Zhampeisova,
Beyssenbayeva & Kalyuzhniy, 2003).
The third – Adjustment stage of the corrective work contents activities of students expanded borders. In close
connection with the passage of practice teaching students conducting educational activities with school students,
organized campaign - ‘landing’ in the little ones at home, orphanages, homes for the elderly. Future teachers
involved as mentors, assistant curator to work with first-year students, coaches at sports clubs etc. It is in the
analysis of the activities of students, we can assess their education and to some extent, a willingness to work as a
At the fourth - final effectiveness stage- implementation of the programme of education of students in
extracurricular activities is continued. However, the main focus was on the determination of the results of all
previous work (although the ‘slices’ of education of professional and personal qualities of students carried out
after each step).
The presented comprehensive, phased program of forming professional and personal qualities of the future
teachers in extracurricular activities was implemented in the period of 1997-2006 in Aktobe State University
named after K. Zhubanov, tested in 2001-2007, in Zhetyssu state university named after I.Zhansugurov in
KazStateFemPU, and is currently in use at the Department of Pedagogy KazNPU named after Abay in preparing
As a result of research, we have clarified the term ‘extracurricular activities of students in higher educational
institution’. This daily work of teachers and students focused on the formation and development of students' moral
belief systems, common cultural and professional and personal qualities that are realized in the future in self-
education (Tazhbayeva, 2002).
The obtained results of experimental work were compared with the initial state of formation of future teachers'
professional and personal qualities of the basis on which to draw conclusions about the effectiveness of our
proposed programme, presented in Table 6 (Tazhbayeva, & Kalyuzhniy, 2000).
Table 6. The Dynamics of Education of Professional and Personal Qualities of the Future Teachers of the Experimental
Groups at Different Stages (in percentage)
Results of ‘sections’
The results indicate that the implementation of a comprehensive programme for the organization of the
educational process in extracurricular activities helps to increase from stage to stage of formation of the students'
levels of professional and personal qualities. These data clearly reflected in figure 3.
Figure 3. The Dynamics of the Levels of Formation of Professional and Personal Qualities of the Future
Teachers in
Extracurricular Activities of the University
Абай атындағы ҚазҰПУ-нің Хабаршысы, «Педагогика ғылымдары» сериясы, №3(47), 2015 г.
Comparison of the results of formation of professional and personal qualities of the students of the
experimental group with the control shows that in the past there have been some changes, but very small. There
was not observed advances in good and high levels of the desired qualities of formation. In addition, summary
data of formation of professional and personal qualities of the students of the experimental group compared with
the materials of a similar survey of school teachers, which have been working. They held special courses
"organization of the educational process in the school", "The use of innovative technologies in the organization of
extracurricular activities in school." Analysis of the data of school teachers showed that high and good level of
formation of the required qualities has been reached, respectively, compared with the original data.
Thus, the effectiveness of experimental work shows convincingly that from stage to stage we can see a steady
growth of formation of professional and personal qualities of future teachers, therefore, the proposed methodology
of organization of extracurricular activities is effective and can be recommended for implementation in the
educational process of the university.
Analysis of the theory and practice of pedagogical education, government documents on the reform of the
education system lead to an understanding that the teacher should have a new formation to own professionally-
relevant personal qualities. In the preparation of such a teacher, along with the educational process, extracurricular
activities of students at the university are very important.
The results of many years of theoretical and experimental studies suggest the following conclusions:
1. We have defined the theoretical and methodological basis of the research of extracurricular activities of
students in higher education; as strategic guidelines have been adopted: the theory of activity, systematic and
structural, student-oriented, cultural, competence, integrative approaches that combine and interact intelligently
enabled to solve tasks.
2. The study outlines the theoretical basis of extra-curricular activities of students, which represent one of the
subsystems of the educational process of pedagogical university, professional and personal development and self-
development of future teachers on the basis of individual creativity. Extracurricular activities are a training
process, which is structurally similar to the theory of educational systems (holistic pedagogical process) function
teachers and students, goals and objectives, means, forms, methods, techniques.
3. The above theoretical and methodological principles, the nature of extracurricular activities allowed us to
develop a theoretical model of this subsystem professional teacher education at the university, which includes the
target set, the subjects of the educational process (students ↔ teachers, ↔ curators ↔ administration staff),
educational technology. Coordinating center for the organization of extracurricular activities of students is the
Council on educational work.
4. The method for diagnosis of educating future teachers in the organization of extracurricular activities, which
is adequate structural component of forming qualities of the teacher, has been developed. We used a range of
diagnostic methods: interview, questionnaire, essays, teacher observation, testing, ranking, solutions pedagogical
tasks and situations, interviews, observation, map of self-education plan, experimental and empirical, theoretical,
the study of university records and advanced experience of pedagogical universities, observations, etc., which can
be shaped effectively by means of extracurricular activities.
5. There have been justified terms and forms of extracurricular activities of students, ensuring that they are
brought up in an integrated training, including special purposeful training of university teachers to meet the
challenges of educating students outside the classroom, including supervisors, managers, relationship of class and
extracurricular activities, especially on psychological pedagogical and methodological aspects of the training, the
integration of all areas of the organization of extracurricular activities, the establishment of the university
management of the structural unit to the organization and coordination of educational work (advice on educational
work), the development of the student government and student activities, the relationship with civil society and
the cultural and educational institutions and schools, the continuity in the formation of professional and
meaningful qualities of a future teacher (the continuity of research methods from stage to stage, from course to
course), monitoring the education of students. During the experimental work there were used both traditional
forms of organization of extracurricular activities of students (curator hours, evenings, holidays, contests, SSS,
etc.), and interactive (debates, workshops, business games, educational centers, clubs, etc.). The greatest emphasis
of educational work outside the classroom was on intercompany relationships and students living in a dormitory.
The use of group and collective forms of creating favorable conditions for the cooperation of students helped
to shape the personal qualities of future teachers.
Вестник КазНПУ им. Абая, серия«Педагогические науки», №3(47), 2015 г.
6. Based on the theoretical and methodological principles models of extracurricular activities of students, the
results of experimental work there are developed concepts and scientific and practical advice on the organization
of extracurricular activities of students.
Thus, there have been solved tasks during the study, proved the hypothesis of research, which is an indication
that the situation to be defended, justified and the objective of the work has been achieved.
During high educational institution preparation of future teachers it is necessary to use appropriately the
comprehensive diagnostic techniques and models for students’ education in extracurricular activities which we
have developed.
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Абай атындағы ҚазҰПУ-нің Хабаршысы, «Педагогика ғылымдары» сериясы, №3(47), 2015 г.
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