Английский язык. 11 класс (О. В. Афанасьева и др.)

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No. 18. Exercise 5. Listen to the descriptions of people’s behaviour which 
are taken from popular legends and say in which of them Man
a) becomes an outsider in his community;
b) demonstrates kindness;
c) gets punishment for his disobedience;
d) doesn’t know what sympathy is;
e) can’t resist his desire.
1. Many people know the story of Daedalus and his son Icarus. Before 
the story begins, the wife of King Minos has been made by the gods to 
fall in love with a bull and has given birth to a monster, half bull, and 
half human, called the Minotaur. King Minos employs Daedalus to build 
a maze, or a labyrinth, to imprison the dangerous creature. Daedalus does 
as he is asked but later he angers the king and finds himself locked with 
his son Icarus in his own labyrinth. But the man is incredibly skilful and 
soon the wings that can carry him and his son in the sky are ready. But 
Icarus doesn’t follow his father’s warning never to fly too close to the 
sun. Thinking he is invulnerable he approaches the sun and dies.
2. One day a skilled blacksmith made a beautiful silver box. It was 
a divine piece of art and the gods filled it with something and forbade 
the man to open it. The blacksmith’s bosom friend saw the box and was 
amazed by its beauty. It was a real masterpiece. The friend wanted to 
have the box in his possession and the blacksmith couldn’t help giving 
it to the person he loved so much. But he instructed his friend never 
to open the box. The latter agreed. Admiring the box every evening 
before going to bed its new owner grew more and more restless as he 
wanted to know what was hidden inside. So, one night the blacksmith’s 
friend understood he could no longer bear the torture. His whole body 
trembling, he knelt down beside the box and opened it and at once all 
the problems of the world that had been long kept locked up, exploded 
into the world.
3. There was once a large Indian village situated on the border of a 
lake. And in it there dwelt an old man, a widower with two sons. The 
youngest was very small, weak and often ill, which didn’t prevent his 
brother from treating him with great cruelty. He would burn the other’s 

hands and face with hot coals. When their father, coming home, asked 
why the child was so disfigured, his brother would promptly say that it 
was the fault of the boy himself. He had been forbidden to go near the 
fire but he had disobeyed and fallen in.
4. Once there was a young man who was very poor. His parents had 
died when he was only a boy and he was brought up by his grandparents. 
But now they were dead, too, and he was lonely and unhappy. He had 
no cattle, no fine clothes, no valuable belongings, and because of this 
the people of his village ignored him. One day, the poor man decided he 
had had enough of his unfriendly village. He would set off – it didn’t 
matter where – to see if he would have better luck in another part of 
the country.
5. Once a man set off towards a faraway village. He walked for miles 
across the dusty plain and by midday he was hot and tired. Luckily, 
there was a tree nearby. So he sat under it and rested in the shade. 
Feeling hungry he opened his bag and took out a hunk of meat he had. 
Just as he was pulling it out he heard something scratching the ground 
behind him. He looked around and there was a scrawny-looking hyena 
eyeing the meat. “Excuse me,” it said, “but do you think you could spare 
the bones when you have finished the meat? You see, I haven’t eaten for 
two days.” The man decided to share his meat with the animal.

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