Английский язык. 11 класс (О. В. Афанасьева и др.)

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1. on/upon/about/over; 2. about/over; 3. on/upon; 4. –; 5. –; 
6. on; 7. on/upon; 8. –; 9. on/upon; 10. –; 11. on/upon; 12. –
Exercise 28. 
1. muse/meditate; 2. consider/ponder/contemplate; 3. reflect/con-
sider/contemplate; 4. brood; 5. contemplate/ponder/consider; 6. ponder/
Exercise 29. 
1. The verb mount is formal in style, while go up and walk up are 
neutral. It also has an additional meaning to get on a horse. 2. A tutor is 

a teacher who gives private instruction to one pupil or a small group of 
pupils. In its other meaning a tutor in British universities and colleges 
is a teacher who directs the studies of a number of students and/or is 
responsible for giving them advice about personal matters.
Exercise 30. 
1. kind; 2. kindly (adv); 3. kind/kindly; 4. kind; 5. kind/kindly; 
6. kindly (adv); B. 1. bent; 2. bend; 3. leant/leaned; 4. leant/leaned; 
5. bend; 6. leant/leaned; C. 1. contempt; 2. despised; 3. despise; 
4. contempt; 5. contempt; 6. despise(d)
Exercise 31. 
1. Демонстранты снесли баррикады. 2. Мальчики сорвали с себя 
одежду и прыгнули в воду. 3. Она порвала все фотографии своего 
бывшего приятеля. 4. Твои ссоры с братом разрывают мамино сердце 
на части. 5. В ней боролись чувство ярости и желание рассмеяться. 
6. Ветер едва не срывал калитку с петель. 7. Не волнуйся. Ничто не 
разрушит нашу дружбу.
Exercise 32. 
1. down; 2. off; 3. apart; 4. apart; 5. up; 6. down; 7. off; 8. off; 
9. between
Exercise 33. 
1. Native people expect foreigners to conform to British customs 
when they come to Britain. 2. We won’t be able to begin the meeting 
on time unless he comes at five. 3. –; 4. –; 5. Despite the fact that the 
actors’ voices were too loud, I really enjoyed the play. 6. usually impos-
sible; 7. –; 8. –; 9. –; 10. –
Exercise 34. 
1. when/since; 2. if/although/since; 3. unless; 4. in order to; 5. so 
that; 6. since; 7. so; 8. although (though); 9. till (until); 10. as if
Exercise 35. 
1. I gave up sugar and butter so as (in order) not to put on weight. 
2. Linda gave me a call so as (in order) to discuss some urgent matter 
with me. 3. My granny decided to take up painting so as (in order) not 
to be bored. 4. They drove through town so as (in order) not to use the 
motorway (to avoid the motorway). 5. Greg left quietly so as (in order) 
not to disturb his parents. 6. Sue went to the kitchen so as (in order) 

to make a cup of tea. 7. Jack came back early so as (in order) to watch 
a/the football match on TV. 8. I listened to his speech attentively so as 
(in order) to understand what it was all about. 9. The workers went on 
strike so as (in order) to get higher wages. 10. We decided to spend our 
winter holidays in the Alps so as (in order) to have a bit of real skiing.
Exercise 36. 
1. so that; 2. so as; 3. so as; 4. so as; 5. so that; 6. so that; 
7. so that; 8. so as; 9. so that; 10. so that; 11. so as; 12. so that; 
13. so as; 14. so as; 15. so that
Exercise 37. 
1. in case/if; 2. if; 3. in case; 4. in case; 5. if; 6. in case; 7. if; 
8. if; 9. in case; 10. in case
Exercise 39. 
1. We can’t keep calling the doctor every time you get a headache. 
2. Every time she hears this melody, she remembers her graduation. 
3. She orders shrimp salad every time she gets to this café. 4. I meet 
this old gentleman and his dog every time I do my jogging in the morn-
ing. 5. Every time we invite her to visit us she finds some pretext and 
never comes. 6. Every time there is a test in maths he catches a cold. 
7. Every time I ask for this book in the library, there is somebody else 
who needs it. 8. Every time it rains I am in low spirits (I feel bad). 
9. Every time it snows at Christmas people in Britain feel happy (re-
joice). 10. Every time I look at this photo I remember those wonderful 
days in Rome.
Exercise 40. 
1. earthen; 2. northern; 3. Chinese; 4. successive; 5. approximately; 
6. archeological; 7. southwestern; 8. eastern; 9. running; 10. famous; 
11. western; 12. explorer; 13. cultural; 14. cultural
Exercise 41. 
1. Unless; 2. if; 3. Unless; 4. If; 5. If; 6. if; 7. unless; 8. Unless; 
9. If; 10. Unless
Exercise 42. 
1. comes; 2. will arrive; 3. will be going (will go); 4. comes; 
5. will change; 6. calls; 7. comes; 8. will be shown; 9. save (have saved); 
10. says; 11. will bloom; 12. pay

Exercise 43. 
1. guarding; 2. entrance; 3. construction; 4. first; 5. built; 6. was 
completed; 7. various/varying; 8. burning; 9. be seen; 10. greatest; 
11. was destroyed
Exercise 44. 
1. c; 2. b; 3. a; 4. d; 5. b; 6. c; 7. d; 8. a; 9. c;10. c; 11. b
Exercise 45. 
1. c; 2. c; 3. a; 4. b; 5. c; 6. b; 7. d; 8. b; 9. a; 10. c; 11. a; 12. b; 
13. a; 14. b; 15. a; 16. b; 17. a; 18. b; 19. b; 20. b; 21. a; 22. c; 23. c; 
24. d; 25. a; 26. a; 27. a; 28. a
Exercise 46. 
1. built; 2. is gathered; 3. bear; 4. towering; 5. was constructed; 
6. was; 7. pictured; 8. was carved; 9. were covered; 10. do not know; 
11. modelled; 12. lived; 13. have completely disappeared; 14. bring
Exercise 47. 
1. We decided to stay in the city longer (in order) to do all the sights. 
Though the city was not very big, there were a lot of things to see there. 
2. – How long have you known the Stuarts? – I don’t remember exactly. 
I think I have known them since the day I was born. At least they have 
always been nearby. 3. We won’t be late if the train arrives on time, but 
if it doesn’t, I think we’ll have to hire a taxi to the airport (so as) not 
to miss our flight. 4. In case there is a fire, telephone the fire brigade. 
But never do it if there is no danger. Every time somebody gives them a 
groundless call there may be a disaster somewhere. 5. Wherever you go 
you see happy faces everywhere. Everybody is engaged in some creative 
activity. It is evident that people are doing what they like to do and as 
(in the way) they like. 6. He goes to the skating rink three times a week 
so as to become a skilful skater. Though the training begins at a quarter 
to seven a.m. he never misses it. 7. Mr Black changed his appearance so 
that his friends couldn’t recognize him. He didn’t want them to know he 
had returned. 8. Though I want to travel abroad, I can’t afford it (such 
a trip) this year as the plane tickets have become much more expensive. 
9. Despite the fact that he lives in the same block of flats (high-rise 
building) I don’t see him very often. I start work early in the morning 
and come back when it gets dark. 10. Though the children are only six, 

many of them can work on computers very well. The new generation is 
much faster in learning such things.
Exercise 52. 
1. to shock; 2. to stun/to amaze/to astonish/to astound/to dumb-
found/to stagger; 3. to puzzle/to bewilder/to amaze; 4. to amaze/to stun/
to astonish/to astound/to stagger; 5. to shock/to astound/to stagger; 
6. to stun/to dumbfound/to astound/to stagger; 7. to shock/to nonplus/
to puzzle/to bewilder; 8. to stun/to amaze/to astonish/to astound etc.
Exercise 55. 
sample versions: 1. odd; 2. bizarre/uncanny; 3. odd; 4. uncanny/
odd; 5. odd/curious; 6. curious/odd; 7. curious
Exercise 64. 
The message of the poem Upon Westminster Bridge could be explained 
as follows: The poet admires the beauty of the reposing city in the early 
hours of the morning. Usually London is a busy place so it must have 
looked very different and enchanting to the poet at that time. The mes-
sage of the second poem could be found in the unusual character of the 
city standing on the water, its beauty and its rich history.

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