The solvent losses % constitute 0,8-1,0% and cause environmental damage. Extraction oil is
mainly used for technical purposes. The product that consumes extra gasoline as a solvent is
unsuitable for use. The quality of the press and extraction oils deteriorated as a result of these
changes.In the process of purification (refining) separated oil the productivity is reduced by the
use of many alkaline. The resulting chocolate content is technically batter but has low nutritional
value in livestock eg free protein (0up to 40% to 43%) free gossypol has a limited range of use
since 0.02%. There is an important point large-scale enterprises suffer from raw material
shortage and transportation problems under market conditions and small enterprise are not
allowed to extract oil thought extraction methods. This is primarily associated with the capital
investment need for the construction of spical equipment and secondly the problem of
envirocmentalsabety and high sabety of fire sabety. This is primarily associated with the capital
investment needed for the construction of special equipment and secondly the problem of
environmental sabety and high safety of fire safety.Typically smaller enterprises generally use
the following pressing method to achievie the maxsimum degreasing rate in the pressing
1-foto An oil separation scheme for two step pressing.
According to the method the seeds are smeared at 1 to about 55-60% with a mois-lure
content of 11,5 to 17.0% and hydrothermal treatment to 70-80 degress Celsius.Then roas-ling
boilers at 4-5 rations are fired at 4,51 5.6 % at a temperature of 105-110
C. In the press the
prepared hings the primary oil is separated.The acidity of the crushed oil 2.0 mg BLOOD 15
thhe girl is allowed to have free gossypol storage at a rate of 0.11-015%. After the first phase the
fat content will remain up to 16-18% crushed grate in the grate.The progress of roasting is
continued until the misture content of 3.0-4,0% at the temperature of 110-115 gradus and the
expellers are separated from second layer of oil. The color of the black oil is 20 kg while the
number of ocidadditienally is 2,5 mg and free gossypol must be less than 0.02% and the moisture
content of the leaf should not exceed 6-7.In our studies, we dimed to prepare the toiling dough
for oil separation ie, the preparation process and the method of pressing and extraction in small
enterprises according to extract the gossipol from cotton seeds into oil and oil for this purpose
the optimal variant of oil production process on the method of pressing and extraction in small
enterprises from cotton seeds.
-production of cotton seeds by cold pressing
-the use of other sol vents instead of gasoline in the extraction of cotton seeds before
-correct selection of extraction process