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Muhammad Bobur Rasulov
Deputy Chief Accountant,
Head of Individual Services Division
of Andijan Regional Department of
National Bank for Foreign Economic Activity of
the Republic of Uzbekistan
M.M.Rasulova, teacher in Andijan State University
Abstract: this article is about today‘s changes of banking system in the republic of
Uzbekistan. Today banks have established a strong relationship with entrepreneurs not only
as a close partner. Besides a banking system of Uzbekistan could provide a wide range of
financial services, that would gain gain public confidence. the requirements for the capital
adequacy of commercial banks have been increased, additional liquidity requirements have
been introduced, the quality of bank assets and risk management systems have been further
Key words: banking, system changes, commercial banks, National bank, servives.
During the years of independence, radical changes aimed at the development of the banking
system in our country have made significant progress. Today, banks have established a strong
relationship with entrepreneurs not only as a client, but also as a close partner. Banks are
helping businessmen who want to drive their businesses. In short, a banking system that could
provide a wide range of financial services, that would gain public confidence was created.
At present, 854 branches of 26 commercial banks functioning in the country, and 4292
mini-banks and retail service providers strengthen their positive results. These results are
reflected in increasingly expanding banking services and products, improving the business
environment and increasing the amount of loans issued by banks.
Today customers have an opportunity to manage their account lists directly from real-
time using mobile and electronic communication. Although it has not been so long since these
services bacame available, they have become very popular. In recent years, the number of
clients using these services has grown almost 90 percent, or more than 1.3 million today. The
possibility of using plastic cards is expanding, and the volume of payments made through
terminals has increased 5 times. With the introduction of new advanced information
technologies in the banking system, the speed, quality and reliability of services rendered by
commercial banks are increasing.
The activities, conducted in the framework of organizing commercial bank activities on
the basis of international criteria and standards, coordinating book-keeping and financial reports
of banks to the generally accepted requirements, were the first among CIS countries to make
conditions in implementation of new recommendations (Basel 3) of the international Basel
Committee for bank control into the bank system. According to them, the requirements for the
capital adequacy of commercial banks have been increased, additional liquidity requirements
have been introduced, the quality of bank assets and risk management systems have been
further improved.
The commercial banks' ability to withstand the financial instability and the drastic
changes in the economy is largely dependent on the size of their capital and the level of
The steady increase in banks' capital has created conditions for mitigating the impact of
global economic crises on the national economy in recent years, and efforts in that direction
will continue uninterrupted.
In particular, with the decisions of the President of the country, negotiations with
international financial institutions for sale to foreign investors of not less than 15% of all
authorized capital of all commercial banks are conducted.
It should be noted that these measures started the next stage of privatization of banks.
This process will lead to a further boom in governance and quality of management in banks,
increased shareholding and responsibility of the bank, and improve service quality.
In particular, the National Bank for Foreign Economic Activity of the Republic of
Uzbekistan continues to fulfill its obligations to its customers and the culture of service is
gaining public confidence. This is evidenced by the fact that when the bank emphasizes deposit
operations in the formation and development of its resource base, currently the population's free
funds can be attracted to deposits and this figure can grow at a rate of 3.2 times over the years.